Related: Productos multimedia
Empire State Information Fluency Continuum A new resource, called the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum, is now available thanks to the NYC School Library System. This resource emphasizes the importance of inquiry in learning and establishes information fluency standards for grades K-12, which are aligned with Common Core Learning Standards. The fusion of the two sets of standards aims to create students who are capable of absorbing and applying appropriate information to any situation. The document identifies three information literacy standards which encourage students to be thinkers, explorers, and citizens and outlines the essential steps of inquiry: connect, wonder, investigate, construct, express, and reflect. The continuum also includes grade-specific benchmarks for information skill development and sample diagrams and worksheets which may be used to assess students’ progress.
Haciendo Sinergia: ¿Qué son los REA y qué competencias se necesitan para aprovecharlos? "En cuestiones de cultura y de saber, solo se pierde lo que se guarda; solo se gana lo que se da". Antonio Machado. Es indudable que la tecnología nos está cambiado la vida a todos en todos los sentidos, uno de los aspectos en los que está influyendo más, es en la manera de aprender y enseñar. En esta entrada al blog hablaré de los fabulosos REA. ¿Por qué es importante compartir contenido? ¿Qué son los REA? Los recursos educativos abiertos son "materiales digitalizados ofrecidos libremente y de manera gratuita para los educadores, estudiantes y autodidactas para ser usados, re-usados para le enseñanza, aprendizaje y para la investigación”. Competencias para aprovechar los REA. Muchos expertos hablan sobre las competencias para poder aprovechar los recursos educativos abiertos, según Cristobal Cobo Romaní, se necesitan 4 competencias; 1. 2. 3. 4. Según Meritxell Viñas, las 10 competencias digitales esenciales para los docentes son: 1. 7. Los REA son invaluables para el aprendizaje.
Top Open Source Learning Management Systems Open source Learning Management Systems have become extremely popular in recent years, but what does open source mean? Open Source technology is technology where the source code is “open”, that is, the code is available to the public and free to be modified. Improvements can be made by developers and it can be spread or sold to the wider community. So, why should an organization choose an open source Learning Management System as opposed to a homegrown or proprietary LMS? With the huge number of Learning Management systems available today, making the decision on which platform to choose can be quite overwhelming. MoodleMoodle is an abbreviation for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment” although when it was first developed the M stood for Martin’s after its developer, Martin Dougiamas. Features: .LRN.LRN (dot learn) was originally developed at MIT and is used by almost 500,000 people in educational institutions, corporations and government in over 18 countries. Conclusion
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses Update 1/25/2017: After nearly three years, we’ve amassed quite the collection of comments on this post, including a slew of suggestions for other cheap, small-biz friendly LMs options. We decided to give you a closer look at a few of them. We’ve also updated the already listed software, to reflect price and feature changes since our initial publication. Whenever my uncle is offered something for free, he always asks, “Is it ‘free’ like a beer, or ‘free’ like a puppy?” The implication, of course, is that not all things billed as ‘free’ really are. This is the dilemma you face as a small business owner looking for an LMS to train your employees or to sell courses with. Unless you yourself are a programmer with a lot of time on your hands, you may be interested in this list of some low-cost alternatives for Moodle that, while not free, are not ‘free’ either. CSB Learning CSB is Cornerstone OnDemand’s small business suite of web-based products. Cost DigitalChalk Docebo Feathercap Inquisiq R3 Cost
Badges for Higher Education This group is focused on finding ways badges work well in higher education. Higher learning institutions have the potential to accept badges in the admissions evaluation process as well as as issuers credentialing course content and informal learning experiences. This group explores these and a range of related issues, such as supporting disciplinary research into badges (more details). Higher Education Resources Survey Data: (2014 cycle preliminary report)Examples of digital badges in higher education: The Higher Ed working group completed its first cycle at the end of 2014, and is being reconvened under the leadership of Dan Hickey, James Willis and Carla Casilli for a second cycle as of July 2015. In addition, join the Google Group to stay up-to-date on the Higher Education Working Group.
15 canales de vídeo para hacer experimentos Una recopilación de canales de vídeo donde es posible encontrar experimentos paso a paso para realizar en clase o en casa con niños de diferentes edades. Incluimos también canales en inglés para que además de aprender ciencia, mejoren esta lengua. 1. Este canal estadounidense está dirigido por Steve Spangler, profesor, diseñador de juguetes científicos, speaker, escritor y ganador de un premio Emmy. 2. El autor de este canal de YouTube en habla inglesa es Jordan, un niño autista de 14 años, quien se encarga por sí sólo de dirigir, editar y subir todos los vídeos que realiza. Para sus experimentos, utiliza productos domésticos porque… ¡la ciencia está por todos lados! Realiza vídeos de explosiones, congelaciones, hielo seco, cambios de color y volcanes, entre otros, compartiendo así su pasión por la ciencia. 3. Se trata de un canal en inglés para niños que ofrece experimentos fáciles que se pueden realizar en casa. 4. 5. 6. 7. fq-experimentos 8. Aquí podrás conocer la respuesta. 9. 10. 11.
List of Cloud-Based LMSs I see an increasing interest for cloud-based eLearning. Are you looking for a Cloud-Based Learning Management System? Of course you are! The past few days I received a lot of requests from eLearning developers, small businesses owners, and global enterprises concerning cloud-based learning management systems. Are you a Top eLearning Software Vendor? TalentLMSA super-easy, cloud-based learning platform to train your people and customers. You may also find useful: Ultimate List of Learning Management Systems Ultimate List of Content Authoring Tools Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox. eFront LMS the Best Open Source Solution For me it was not a surprise that Epignosis eFront LMS won the Best of Elearning! 2012 Award at the Best Open Source Solution category. It wasn't a surprise that left to Moodle and Totara LMS the Award of Excellence. eFront is by far the best Open Source Learning Management System and it seems that several professionals involved in the eLearning industry have the same opinion. Few days ago we created The Ultimate list of Open Source Learning Management Systems. In this list you could find 18 open source learning management systems like Moodle, Totara LMS, Sakai, etc. For me it was not a surprise that Epignosis eFront LMS won the Best of Elearning! It wasn't a surprise that left to Moodle and Totara LMS the Award of Excellence. eFront is by far the best Open Source Learning Management System and it seems that several professionals involved in the eLearning industry have the same opinion. The Best of Elearning! Also, each honoree will be featured in the 2012 Best of Elearning! Elearning!
Aprender Ruso Gratis - Cursos de lengua rusa, textos, vídeos… 10 alternatives to Moodle for e-Learning software 10 alternatives to Moodle for e-Learning, LMS, VLE on open source worth reviewing A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content. An LMS, based on the focus can also be called as e-Learning software, Virtual learning environment (VLE), Course management system (CMS), learning delivery platform, course delivery systems etc. A virtual learning environment (VLE) is also a prominent term which stands out. Xoeis helps you with LMS/e-learning/VLE software/platform installation/deployment for business and educational institutions LMS is a software for planning, delivering, and managing learning events within an organization, including online, virtual classroom, and instructor-led courses. In this article we shall be reviewing the following open source LMS/e-Learning software. A robust LMS should be able to do the following:
Spritzlet: Spritz Bookmarklet Moodle Integration