Platform for Art, Culture and the Public Domain
‘…the unfathomable distance between the individual and the geopolitical.’ – Firat Oruc This essay is an exploration of thoughts following an artistic event that happened a year ago, specifically in terms of how it deploys its own forms, intensities and energies that are essentially ungraspable by language. The type of reflection writing enables is therefore specific to its medium. As theorist Rebecca Schneider reminds us in discussing a politics of documentary practices, ‘…media has its specific ways of remembering and will leave their trace on the memory it creates.’ Writing inevitably translates the piece and my relation to it, and writing allows for reflective confrontation with the ambiguities of my position contained in the artistic process. Looking back expands certain insights and diminishes others.
Darwin's Wedge & Dumb Competition
“Competition creates efficiency,” is preached as if it were a law of nature. But nature itself teaches a different lesson. Biological competition can create foolish costs, and collective doom. “Darwin’s Wedge” shows why and reminds us of the point of being human. Our competitions, and the myopic logic of free markets, needn’t be dumb as trees.
Analysing the Collapse of the Global Debt Bubble
I’ve attended two conferences in two days where both the power and the impotence of the European Central Bank (EBC) have been on vivid display. Its political power is considerable, both in form and in substance. At both seminars, the ECB speaker—ECB Board member Peter Praet at the first, and ECB President Mario Draghi at the second—spoke first, and then left. In form, the ECB has no need to defend its policies because it is unimpeachable in its execution of them. In substance, it does not even considering engaging with its subjects—I use the word deliberately—in open and robust discussion. The position of the economy in the environment is a shared blindspot in economics: no existing school handles the topic well, and yet this is the key issue we need to understand.
Data Farming: Demonstrating the Benefits of Urban Agriculture [INFOGRAPHIC]
Transforming underutilized land into productive urban farms was one of the many topics which were presented at the recent Kansas City Design Week. Jerome Chou, past Director of Programs at the Design Trust for Public Space, presented his unique experience with the implementation of the Five Boroughs Farm in New York City and the impact that urban agriculture can have on low-income areas of a city. Chou pointed out in his presentation that having the land available for an urban farm is only half of the battle. The other half involves changing local zoning laws, influencing political opinion, garnering economic support, and proving the project will have a net benefit to a community.
United Kingdom An open source homescale vertical axis wind turbine, that can be made from recyled materials. Based on the Lenz2 VAWT design, the current version outputs 1 kW in a 60 km/h wind, and has been tested to absorb at least 105 km/h. And it costs $30 to make. Tutorial AKER creates open source, snap-fit urban farming kits to help everyone start growing their own food locally. website
Ideas Island » How to stay at Ideas Island
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Panarchy What is Panarchy? Panarchy is a conceptual framework to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systems – stability and change. It is the study of how economic growth and human development depend on ecosystems and institutions, and how they interact. It is an integrative framework, bringing together ecological, economic and social models of change and stability, to account for the complex interactions among both these different areas, and different scale levels (see Scale Levels).
Democracy and Power. The Delhi Lectures - Open Book Publishers
Chomsky makes the world a more intelligent place. He is a marksman whose eye never wanders and whose aim never lets him down. — Arundhati Roy
Open E Land
Open E Land is part of a worldwide movement working to transition to a sustainable, just, resilient social-economic model. Our name reflects our beliefs: Knowledge should be shared openly and not encumbered by patents or trade secrets.