YouTube Playlists for Learning Programming YouTube has been very good platform for learning any thing. Earlier you have seen 400+ courses on YouTube and 130+ NPTEL courses. There are few more courses especially about computer programming. thenewboston: thenewboston is a great youtube channel, has more than 2o playlists covering topics Python, C, Java, iPhone development and web programming like HTML, CSS, PHP. Xoax.net Xoax has more than 200 videos but mainly focuses on C++. PHPacademy As the name suggests, it focuses mainly on PHP and some on MySql. There are more videos on small projects like writing your own search engine for your database, pagination, creating a rating system etc… Related posts: Get more stuff like this
34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro Design This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics. It's meant to be a good collection for those who aren't quite pro yet, but want to be. From making amazing business cards to bringing a stone statue to life, these take us through hours and hours of practicing those skills. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there. Great and Interesting Photoshop Tutorials Photo Strip The warp tool is used to create a twisting effect (you need Photoshop CS2 or above). Create a Hellacious Flaming Skull This tutorial goes through all the steps of creating a flaming skull in Photoshop. Customized Product And Label Pay close attention when you do this tutorial. Print-Ready Business Card Design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed. Awesome Digital Bokeh Effect Learn how to create a digital bokeh effect. Abstract Watercolor Wallpaper There are plenty of ways to create a watercolor effect in Photoshop.
Free Programming Resources vWorker.com: How work gets done. Guaranteed! Freelancer.com is the world's largest freelancing, outsourcing, and crowdsourcing marketplace for small business. With over 10 million users, you can hire a freelancer to do your contract work at a fraction of the cost. Whether you need PHP developers, web designers, or content writers, you can outsource jobs within minutes. Browse through hundreds of skills including copywriting, data entry, and graphic design or more technical areas like coding HTML, programming MySQL, and designing CSS. Are you an entrepreneur just starting a company?
MySQL Stored Procedure Tutorial Each tutorial is packed with the easy-to-understand examples with detailed explanations. If you go through all the tutorials, you can develop the simple to complex stored procedures in MySQL. Introduction to MySQL Stored Procedures This tutorial introduces to you MySQL stored procedures, their advantages and disadvantages. Getting Started with MySQL Stored Procedures In this tutorial, we will show you step by step how to develop the first MySQL stored procedure by using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. MySQL Stored Procedure Variables You will learn about variables in MySQL stored procedure, how to declare and use variables. MySQL Stored Procedure Parameters This tutorial shows you how to define parameters in stored procedure and introduces you to different parameter modes including IN, OUT and INOUT. MySQL Stored Procedures That Return Multiple Values This tutorial shows you how to develop stored procedures that return multiple values. MySQL IF Statement MySQL CASE Statement MySQL Cursor
s | Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing A Blank White Page Is Still An Error Page | Phil Taylor - Joomla Expert & PHP Developer Sometimes, due to a PHP error, a Joomla Extension can stop working and, without displaying an error, lead you to a blank page. In that case, to find out why, do following: Check server error logs (not access logs) if you have access to them. (cPanel or other control panels often allow this)Go to Joomla Administration → Global configuration and enable Error Reporting to Maximum, you can also turn on debugging. – try the action again – if you still get a blank page then goto 3put the following code at the END of the configuration.php file BEFORE the closing ? One of these should give you a nice detailed error message – which you can either email me directly or Google to find a solution Remember this: A White Page is just an Error Page where the error message has been suppressed by your configuration. Or worse, just a blank page! Dont panic! . Get Help Now! This is a pay per incident service, our normal set fee is GBP£50 to cover an hour of work on your problem.
Top 20 Tech Blogs | Computer Science Schools Top 20 Tech Blogs There’s too much information online, plain and simple. It’s impossible to wade through all of it without having a great set of filters that bring you the best content available, especially when it comes to information about the web itself, technology, and online culture. The tech blog community is also full of cross-promotions and burgeoning working relationships, so it’s not uncommon for the sites listed below to reference or link to each other. Together, these are the 20 best tech blogs around, the ones that will keep you informed and let you know what’s coming so you can stay ahead of the curve: 1. Gizmodo is part of the sprawling Gawker Media empire, and its focus on tech and innovation has made it a great resource for the latest news and reviews about everything from smart phones to HDTVs. 2. A member of the Crunch network (which appears again on this list), TechCrunch has been around since 2005, which is eons in the tech world. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13.