TechCrunch Roll Call Matt Taibbi Early years[edit] Taibbi grew up in the Boston, Massachusetts suburbs. He attended Concord Academy in Concord, Massachusetts, and graduated in 1992 from Bard College located in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, then spent a year abroad at Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University in Russia. His father is Mike Taibbi, an NBC television reporter. Career[edit] Taibbi joined Mark Ames in 1997 to co-edit the controversial English-language Moscow-based, bi-weekly free newspaper, The eXile. Taibbi left the New York Press in August 2005, shortly after his editor Jeff Koyen was forced to quit over issues raised by Taibbi's column "The 52 Funniest Things About The Upcoming Death of The Pope".[2][3][4] "I have since learned that there would not have been an opportunity for me to stay anyway," Taibbi later wrote.[5] Financial journalism[edit] Sports journalism[edit] Taibbi also wrote a column called "The Sports Blotter" for the free weekly newspaper The Boston Phoenix until September 2010. Awards[edit]
Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal - NYTimes.com SEO Blog Wrastlin With The News The current presidential cabinet includes a WWE co-founder & this passes for modern political discourse: #FraudNewsCNN #FNN pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017 CNN promised vengeance. Something To Believe In The pretense of objectivity has been dropped: These reporters aren't ideologues. The WSJ, typically a right-leaning publication, is differentiating their coverage of the president from most other outlets by attempting to be somewhat neutral. The news is fake. "I think the president is probably right to say, like, look you are witch-hunting me. And, since people need something to believe in, there are new American Gods: "A half hour of cable news delivers enough psychic trauma for a whole year. Current Headwinds for Online Publishing I struggle to keep up with the accelerating rate of change. Some of this stuff is cyclical. Speaking of robot journalists, check out the top 3 results for this query. Is this a test, @Google?
In 2000, Too Many Liberals Told Themselves Election Didn't Matter. Will The Same Thing Happen In 2012? The presidential election of 2000 still makes me angry. Mostly that’s because of the grotesque way it ended, with five Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices shutting down the Florida recount. But partly that’s because of the liberal apathy that first put the outcome into doubt. Throughout the campaign, plenty of liberals told themselves the election didn’t really matter, because the differences between the two candidates weren’t that stark. History proved that these liberals were wrong. That is why I hope every progressive and, really, every concerned citizen will read the latest issue of the Washington Monthly. The authors – including Dahlia Lithwick, Dave Weigel, and frequent TNR writer Harold Pollack – generally assume that Republican presidential candidates are serious about the promises they make on the campaign trail. Update: Readers are having a terrific debate about these issue in the comments section.
The Rude Pundit