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Deschooling Society

Deschooling Society
Contents Introduction xix 1 Why We Must Disestablish School 1 2 Phenomenology of School 25 3 Ritualization of Progress 34 4 Institutional Spectrum 52 5 Irrational Consistencies 65 6 Learning Webs 72 7 Rebirth of Epimethean Man 105 Introduction I owe my interest in public education to Everett Reimer. Since 1967 Reimer and I have met regularly at the Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC) in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Universal education through schooling is not feasible. xx DESCHOOLING SOCIETY and caring. On Wednesday mornings, during the spring and summer of 1970, I submitted the various parts of this book to the participants in our CIDOC programs in Cuernavaca. Reimer and I have decided to publish separate views of our joint research. Cuernavaca, Mexico November, 1970 Related:  `test 1016`test 1016

Achievement First Endeavor Middle School With a little paint and some bold typography, a school designed to change the life of its students has undergone a transformation of its own. For the Achievement First Endeavor Middle School, a charter school for grades 5 through 8 in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Paula Scher has created a program of environmental graphics that help the school interiors become a vibrant space for learning. The project was completed in collaboration with Rogers Marvel Architects, who designed the school as a refurbishment and expansion of an existing building. Achievement First is a network of public charter schools in Brooklyn and Connecticut. With the support of the Robin Hood Foundation, Achievement First seeks to provide students in urban areas with an education that will put them on the path to college. Endeavor Middle School has a student body of about 300 and is ranked number four in the best K to eight schools in New York City. The graphics can be seen through windows in the school facade.

VIDEO-kutak | OPPT Hrvatska INSIDE JOB – odličan dokumentarac o posljednjoj financijskoj krizi autora Charlesa Fergusona – Inside Job Wiki – dobitnik Oscara za najbolji dokumentarac 2011. godine. Opisuje sukob interesa u finacijskom sektoru, među političarima, regulatorima tržišta i akademskoj zajednici, koji je doveo do više-bilijunskog kolapsa tržišta 2008. godine. Narator je Matt Damon. INSIDE JOB sa podnaslovima u dva dijela: DEBTOCRACY - dokumentarac Katerine Kitidi i Arisa Hatzistefanoua – što se zaista dogodilo u Grčkoj i kako je do toga došlo. Ruši mnoge mitove iz mainstream medija. THE MONEY MASTERS – epski dokumentarac američkog novinara Bill Still-a koji je karijeru posvetio ekonomskim temama. KATASTROIKA – još jedan uradak autora DEBTOKRACIJE.

Des scientifiques étrillent la loi sur le renseignement Une note interne du prestigieux Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (Inria) critique la dangerosité et l’inefficacité de certains aspects de la loi. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Martin Untersinger Les scientifiques du prestigieux Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (Inria) sont plus que sceptiques concernant la loi sur le renseignement, adoptée en première lecture le 5 mai à l’Assemblée. Lire aussi Le projet de loi sur le renseignement massivement approuvé à l'Assemblée Dans une note datée du 30 avril qui devait initialement être envoyée dans les cabinets ministériels et aux députés et que Le Monde s’est procurée, l’Inria étrille certains points techniques et controversés du projet de loi. Pas de donnée anonyme La Commission nationale informatique et liberté avait déjà pointé le caractère peu anonyme de données qui peuvent, en cas de besoin, identifier un suspect. Les dangers de l’algorithme Une deuxième note en préparation

Why schools used to be better It’s one of the ironies of education reform that despite wave after wave, schools are seen by many as in worse shape as before all the changes. Here’s a look at why from Marion Brady, who was a classroom teacher for years, has written history and world culture textbooks (Prentice-Hall), professional books, numerous nationally distributed columns (many are available here), and courses of study. His 2011 book “What’s Worth Learning” asks and answer this question: What knowledge is absolutely essential for every learner? His course of study for secondary-level students, called Connections: Investigating Reality, is free for downloading here. Brady’s website is By Marion Brady You enter a checkout lane at Walmart, Target, or other big-box store and put your purchases on the counter. Those in Washington now shaping education policy are certain that what data tracking does for business it can do for education. But there’s a problem. United States: 61,361 Germany: 31,122

The Prussian (German) Educational System | Fox Enterprises Limited Weblog Posted on 11/05/1999 05:37:17 PST by majordomo original post can be found here After the defeat of the Prussians (Germans) by Napoleon at the battle of Jena in 1806, it was decided that the reason why the battle was lost was that the Prussian soldiers were thinking for themselves on the battlefield instead of following orders. The Prussian philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), described by many as a philosopher and a transcendental idealist, wrote “Addresses to the German Nation” between 1807 and 1808, which promoted the state as a necessary instrument of social and moral progress. He taught at the University of Berlin from 1810 to his death in 1814. His concept of the state and of the ultimate moral nature of society directly influenced both Von Schelling and Hegel, who took an similarly idealistic view. The educational system was divided into three groups. This was the plan. In 1814, the first American, Edward Everett, goes to Prussian to get a PhD. Like this: Like Loading...

A Child is Forced to Test: Where is Mainstream “Liberal” Media? A Child is Forced to Test: Where is Mainstream “Liberal” Media? Posted on April 18, 2012 by admin At United Opt Out National, we encourage opting out of high stakes testing because we support public schools. We support real learning and real teaching and a whole and equitable education for all children. We wonder – where is mainstream “liberal” media? And answer this question regarding educational neglect. From: Christine Dougherty [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:38 AM To: Thomas M. Please be advised that my son Joseph Dougherty will not be taking the New York State assessments on April 17-19 and April 25-27. I am requesting that Joseph be given an alternative real learning opportunity option. Christine Dougherty Dear Ms. This letter is in response to your April 15, 2012 email and follows up today’s telephone conversation. Dear Mr. Christine Dougherty

47 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself I’ve decided to start a series called 100 Things You Should Know about People. As in: 100 things you should know if you are going to design an effective and persuasive website, web application or software application. Or maybe just 100 things that everyone should know about humans! The order that I’ll present these 100 things is going to be pretty random. Dr. <div class="slide-intro-bottom"><a href=" Deux projets bretons retenus dans l'appel à projets e-FRAN du programme des investissements d'avenir 2016 Les projets ACTIF (Apprentissage et Collaboration sur Tablettes, Interactions et Feedback) et IDÉE (Interactions Digitales pour l’Éducation et l’Enseignement) proposés par l’académie de Rennes, les universités de Rennes 1 et Rennes 2, l’UBO, l’INSA, l’ESPE de Bretagne, l’Espace des sciences et le réseau Canopé, avec le soutien de la Région Bretagne, sont les deux projets lauréats en Bretagne. Objectif : évaluer les effets du numérique sur l’acquisition des savoirs fondamentaux des élèves Les projets retenus, au terme d’une sélection rigoureuse devant un jury international, contribuent à évaluer les effets du numérique sur l’acquisition des savoirs fondamentaux des élèves et des jeunes. ACTIF vise à expérimenter des outils et méthodes pédagogiques qui facilitent l’apprentissage « actif » et « collaboratif » au collège. Pour soutenir ces deux projets, le programme des investissements d’avenir apportera 2 M€ et la Région Bretagne 0,9 M €. Début des travaux de recherche : janvier 2017
