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Read 18 Short Stories From Nobel Prize-Winning Writer Alice Munro Free Online Calling her a “master of the contemporary short story,” the Swedish Academy awarded 82-year-old Alice Munro the Nobel Prize in Literature today. It is well-deserved, and hard-earned (and comes not long after she announced her retirement from fiction). After 14 story collections, Munro has reached at least a couple generations of writers with her psychologically subtle stories about ordinary men and women in Huron County, Ontario, her birthplace and home. Only the 13th woman writer to win the Nobel, Munro has previously won the Man Booker Prize in 2009, the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction in Canada three times (1968, 1978, and 1986), and two O. Of that region she loves, Munro has said: “It means something to me that no other country can—no matter how important historically that other country may be, how ‘beautiful,’ how lively and interesting. Munro was no young literary phenom—she did not achieve fame in her twenties with stories in The New Yorker. “Boys and Girls” (1968)
Short Story - The Chapel by Josef Essberger She was walking lazily, for the fierce April sun was directly overhead. Her umbrella blocked its rays but nothing blocked the heat - the sort of raw, wild heat that crushes you with its energy. A few buffalo were tethered under coconuts, browsing the parched verges. In her long white Sunday dress you might have taken Ginnie Narine for fourteen or fifteen. On the dusty verge twenty yards ahead of Ginnie a car pulled up. "Hello, Ginnie," she heard behind her. She paused and turned. "How do you know my name, Ravi?" "How do you know mine?" "Everyone knows your name. "Right. She hesitated and looked down at the ground again. "To chapel," she said with a faint smile. "But Ginnie, good Hindus go to the temple." She blushed more deeply at the reference to Father Olivier. Ravi looked suddenly grave. "Can I offer you a lift to chapel - in my twenty-first birthday present?" "It's a Mercedes, from Papa. "It's air-conditioned, Ginnie. But she told no-one, not even Father Olivier.
The Freedom Writers Diary Lesson Plans for Teachers Teaching The Freedom Writers Diary The Freedom Writers Diary lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School) Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 153 pages. Browse The Freedom Writers Diary Lesson Plan: Full Lesson Plan Overview Completely Customizable! The Freedom Writers Diary lesson plan is downloadable in PDF and Word. Lesson Plan Calendars The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. Chapter Abstracts Chapter abstracts are short descriptions of events that occur in each chapter of The Freedom Writers Diary. Character and Object Descriptions Character and Object Descriptions provide descriptions of the significant characters as well as objects and places in The Freedom Writers Diary. Tests
10 Wonderful Short Stories to Read For Free Online Had she not passed away at the too-young age of 39 from lupus, today would have been legendary Southern Gothic author Flannery O’Connor’s 87th birthday. To celebrate her legacy of pitch-perfect short stories and razor-sharp wit, we’ve collected a few of our favorite works from some of the best short story writers of all time, all available online — though we can’t promise reading them that way will be as satisfying as hefting a huge tome of collected stories. This is not meant to be a definitive list of the best short stories in the world, but merely a celebration of the form and a collection of ten of our many favorites, limited to those that we could track down online, to make your Sunday afternoon a little better. Click through to read ten stories from some of literature’s greats, and link us to your own favorites in the comments! “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” Flannery O’Connor
7 Lessons for Teachers from Dumbledore One of my favorite times of the day is when I settle in with my two young daughters for read-aloud time. For several years, we have been working our way through the Harry Potter series. I had read them all before, but it has been a delight to read them again with my girls, using as many voices as possible, and seeing the incredible story through their eyes. It has also shared many secrets about teaching and living with me on this second reading, especially when it comes to Dumbledore. "You do care," said Dumbledore. Calm Acceptance: No matter what Dumbledore is faced with, he calmly accepts this reality. "I don't mean to be rude -" he [Vernon] began, in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable. "- yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often," Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely. Kindness in the Face of Rudeness: The Dursleys (Harry’s relatives) are mean, spiteful and rude to Harry and Dumbledore. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Being Brave: It may be hard.
Short Story Radio: listen to short stories online short stories at east of the web A game of Scrabble has serious consequences. - Length: 4 pages - Age Rating: PG - Genre: Crime, Humor A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger. - Length: 7 pages - Genre: Fiction, Humor ‘Bloody hell!’ - Genre: Humor Looking round he saw an old woman dragging a bucket across the floor and holding a mop. - Length: 3 pages Henry pours more coal onto the hearth as a gust of wind rattles through the cracked window frame. - Length: 14 pages - Genre: Horror ulissa Ye relished all the comfortable little routines and quietude defining her part-time job at The Bookery, downtown’s last small, locally-owned bookstore. - Length: 8 pages - Age Rating: U The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. - Length: 15 pages - Age Rating: 18 Corporal Earnest Goodheart is crouched in a ditch on the edge of an orchard between Dunkirk and De Panne. - Genre: Fiction - Length: 20 pages
The Landlady About this BritLit kit Billy Weaver, a young man visiting the City of Bath for the first time, is looking for accommodation. He is inexplicably drawn to a house where the landlady seems to be expecting him. The themes drawn from this story include poisoning, embalming and taxidermy as well as a look at witches. The kit, originally written in 2003, was updated in 2007 and 2013. You can also listen to the audio included in the attachments below. How to use this BritLit kit The material is divided into three sections: Pre-reading, After reading, and Word Work. Landlady Pre-reading (pdf) examines who Billy and the landlady are and asks the students to speculate on what they might look like.
"The Lottery" lesson plans 11 Facts About Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"When the story was published in 1948, some people were so outraged that they canceled their subscriptions to The New Yorker; other background information. "The Lottery"7 critical-thinking discussion questions for small groups. Adobe Reader required. "The Lottery"Text of the story and 10 postreading questions. 2 pages; Adobe Reader required. "The Lottery"Text of the story. "The Lottery"Audio file of the story read by actor Kate Mulgrew, 18:53. "The Lottery"This page opens with teacher comments on how to approach the story in an ELL environment. "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson Students will connect literature to real-life situations and will recognize how the use of irony helps develop theme. "The Lottery"Students respond to the themes of the story through small group discussion and personal questions. "The Lottery" Lesson Plan
Promote Deep Thinking! How to Choose a Complex Text Our lesson plans are written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices and are aligned to state and national standards. Choose from hundreds of topics and strategies. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals. More Teacher Resources by Grade Home › Professional Development › Strategy Guides Strategy Guide Research Basis Strategy in Practice Related Resources Close reading engages students in deep thinking concerning a complex text. Students improve their thinking when they are supported in reading a complex text. Several components of a text can lead to complexity. Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2012). Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Lapp, D. (2012). To complete a close reading, you must select a text that is complex, warranting rereading and critical analysis by your students.
The Walking Dead – Lärarhandledning - Apart shop The Walking Dead är en utmärkt utvecklingsroman som gör den mest skoltrötta tonåring lässugen. Ladda hem handledningen som en fri PDF här! (högerklicka och välj "spara som...”) Lärare, skolor, skolbibliotek, etc, är välkomna att kontakta Apart Förlag för förmånligt pris på klassuppsättningar, förslag på workshops, gästföreläsningar, etc. Artikelnr: Lärarhandledning Ladda hem lärarhandledningen gratis här! OBS! 10 anledningar till varför eleverna ska läsa The Walking Dead: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Zing! - School Edition What Does My Free Zing Account Include? Personalized Learning Package Upgrade Only $10 a year Assign specific books to individual students, small groups of students, or an entire class Send personalized messages to individual students or an entire class Add your own eLearning teaching points to any Zing text Access a full suite of real-time data and reporting Assigning Books Promo Step into the Future with Zing! Digital libraries curated by reading level, genre, content area topic, theme, and/or reading and writing skills and strategies for grades K through 8.