Symbols of Power: Adinkras and the Nature of Reality Physicists have long sought to describe the universe in terms of equations. Now, James Gates explains how research on a class of geometric symbols known as adinkras could lead to fresh insights into the theory of supersymmetry — and perhaps even the very nature of reality. Complex ideas, complex shapes Adinkras — geometric objects that encode mathematical relationships between supersymmetric particles — are named after symbols that represent wise sayings in West African culture. This adinkra is called nea onnim no sua a, ohu," which translates as "he who does not know can become knowledgeable through learning." In the land of theoretical physics, equations have always been king. "The modern era of equation prediction began with Maxwell in 1861, continued through the development of Einstein's equations of general relativity in 1916, and reached its first peak in the 1920s with the Schrödinger and Dirac equations. Yet equations are not the only story. If you knew SUSY like we know SUSY… 5.
Find OER | Open Professionals Education Network CC licensed (BY) Flickr photo shared by David Amsler modified by Paul Stacey Reusing existing Open Educational Resources (OER) can save significant time and effort. The OPEN partners recommend TAACCCT grantees invest up-front time finding OER to reuse rather than starting development of new educational resources right away. A significant benefit of OER is that they provide source material to build your development efforts around. No need to invest development effort in creating something that already exists. OER come in a wide variety of types. The page below will help you find openly licensed media elements to use within your courses. OER also exist as distinctly education content such as full courses, workshops, textbooks, tests and assessments. The page below will help you find openly licensed education content you can use in whole or in part. It is unlikely that you will find OER that perfectly fit your needs. Open Educational Resources are distributed across the Internet. 1. 2. 3.
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Top 51 Free Tools for Making Infographics Telling your story in visual form through the use of infographics has been one of the hottest trends in recent times. Given the tremendous information available online, people are now more interested to get information through colorful and interesting graphics, instead of words and numbers. Creating infographics, however, requires tremendous analytical and creative skills plus the ability to convert these data and information into interesting visuals. The good news is, there are available resources online that you can use to help you create infographics. In this post, we will list down all available resources and tools that you can use to simplify the process of creating infographics. If you want to view some excellent examples of a well-designed infographics, then checkout our previous post on the following topics: These are online applications that you can use to generate charts, graphs and tables. 06-Creately Create interesting charts and diagrams quickly and collaboratively.
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