Research Media & Cybernetics DVD Training 12: Blender for 3D Printing - Blender Store By Dolf (Macouno) Veenvliet. Blender already supports 3D printing modeling and file-formats since 2002. With the latest Blender version (2.67) this now is even more accessible and powerful with the new 3D Printing Toolbox and real-time Mesh Analysis features. This Training DVD is for everyone who is into 3D printing, beginners and professionals alike. Whether you own your own 3D printer, or use online services such as ShapeWays, this 3+ hours training DVD will help you joining this exciting new Maker era! Dolf Veenvliet is a Dutch artist who has been exploring 3D printing for sculpture design for many years. This DVD has been produced by Blender Foundation. (Click on the image for an example chapter) Introducing Blender Available Options:Training:
Bricolons.org : La communauté française dédié au bricolage et au Do It Yourself (DIY). NortHACKton Against my better judgement I took apart some old LiPo batteries so that I could use the single cells for some mesh networking. After a bit of careful solder-suckering I’ve now got three individual 3.7V cells with tabs poking out. Steve sent himself a text, fiddled with some AT commands and then received it on his ublox C027 Internet of Things gadget. While Mark prayed for it to work, Jim made Steve’s lightbulb come on by phoning the embedded board – which duly flashed it’s little LED (not shown in the picture due to poor camera shutter timing). Mat cut out some wood… But was then puzzled it didn’t quite fit together, until Steve pointed out he’d put a key piece on upside down. Jim turned some more things on – like his Lego-encased Raspberry Pi Mat learnt that flashing a light on the end of a pole and waggling it about doesn’t work very well. And most importantly Steve won a Twix! Then we all went home. Next meeting: Monday 17 March 2014, 7pm. See you there.
How to make a Physical Gmail Notifier at j4mie dot org Or: how to turn this.. into this.. I was given a lovely glowing cube by the generous people at Linden Labs as a freebie at a job fair yesterday, and I decided that it was far too attractive to simply sit there on a shelf, pulsating forlornly until its batteries went flat. How about making it useful, while maintaining its visual appeal? The following guide is deliberately fairly high-level, because the exact details will vary depending on your operating system and particular hardware setup. I did this with my Mac, but hopefully there'll be enough information here for you make it work on your system, perhaps with a little Googling. If you don't happen to have a glowing cube lying around, you can modify this to work with almost any output device you could think of, from a simple LED, or a buzzer, to something far more clever like moving a servo (Gmail Notifier Robot, anyone?) The basic system has three components: Hardware Connected up to the Boarduino for testing: Software <?
MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory. MakerBeam.eu - a miniature T-slot The cheapest dual trace scope in the galaxy This submini USB scope is based on a Atmel Tiny45 cpu and cost less than 5€ with a homemade pcb It has 2 analog inputs and can supply 5V ont the 4 pins header on the right. One of the inputs can be scaled down with the trim pot. It has been designed to plug into a project breadboard so there is no need for a power supply.On this picture it is used to test a high precision light sensor. It does connect to a PC with usb in HID mode, without the need to install any specific driver. Here is the schematic, so simple ! Thank you to[Milka2009] who made a nice video Bill of material eagle files: usbscope-tiny.zip Here is the C source for the firmware including usb lib and HID descriptorsfirmwarev3.zip, and for those who do not want to mess with compilers, the .HEX file ready to flash main.hex. And last for today, the Windows display software UsbADC.zip. Thanks for reading.
cat works How to Make a Disco Ball With CDs Edit Article Edited by Flickety, Krystle, Sondra C, Rabbit8888 and 43 others You can still dance to old CDs even if you don't like the music on them any more. Ad Steps 1Find your unwanted CDs. 8Done. Tips You can color the pieces with permanent marker to give the ball a multi-colored effect.Some CDs are silver on both sides; keep the shiny side out when gluing such CD pieces.Get a toy motor (for example, one from building block sets) to turn your disco ball. Warnings The CD pieces may be sharp.When using a hot glue gun, keep a bowl of ice water handy for dipping in your finger in immediately if burned, to ward off the pain. uk.arxiv.org e-Print archive mirror Drone quadricoptère Parrot AR.Drone - Carène externe Jaune Google+ Twitter Facebook Youtube Contactez-nous au Le Spécialiste Européen de la Robotique de Service Panier : 0 Livraison en 48h Panier (vide) Aucun produit 0,00€ Expédition 0,00€ Taxes 0,00€ Total Les prix sont TTC Panier Commander Ex: Mindstorm, Kit Gadgeteer, Capteur… Bienvenue Identifiez-vous Langues : Catégories Electronique et robotique Robots programmables pour l'éducation Robots grand public Robots pour la recherche Fin de vie Fabricants Produits phares Chassis 6x6 Wild Thumper avec...Châssis robotique 6x6 Wild Thumper pour vos robots d'extérieur... Pourquoi commander ? Tous nos services Accueil > Robots programmables pour l'éducation>Drônes personnels>AR.Drone 2.0>AR.Drone 2.0 - Carène externe Jaune Agrandir AR.Drone 2.0 - Carène externe Jaune La nouvelle génération arrive ! Avis client 0 En stock En cours de réapprovisionnement Un produit Parrot dont 0,30€ d'éco-participation Ajouter au panier Par rapport à sa version précédente, l'AR.Drone 2.0 apporte les fonctionnalités suivantes:
Installer le firmware DD-WRT sur une fonera 2100 sous linux La fonera est le routeur utilisé par la communauté FON. Le routeur est livré avec un firmware réalisé par FON et basé sur OpenWRT. On peut reflasher un firmware alternatif sur le routeur, comme DD-WRT. Cet article a pour but de vous aider à le faire sur une fonera (version 2100 dans notre cas). On va voir comment le faire et cela sans ouvrir la Fonera (donc sans utiliser un cable série branché sur le port JTAG de la fonera). Pour réaliser cette mise-à-jour, on va se connecter directement sur la fonera. Il faut ensuite un serveur tftp. Il faut aussi un serveur HTTP (apache fera très bien l’affaire). sudo apt-get install apache2 Nous avons maintenant besoin de la dernière version du firmware de notre routeur que nous copierons à la racine du serveur TFTP (/var/lib/tftpboot dans le cas du serveur tftpd-hpa sous Debian). Il faut ensuite télécharger les logiciels suivants : - out.hex - openwrt-ar531x-2.4-vmlinux-CAMICIA.lzma Il faut se conecter sur la fonera en ssh ssh root@ cd /tmp
MakerBot Industries Steps to Success Every now and then we’re reminded 3D printing is not science fiction, but a real technology used every day to make amazing things in homes, studios, schools, and businesses. At MakerBot we’re proud to be leading this Next Industrial Revolution with the MakerBot 3D Ecosystem, which makes desktop 3D printing and 3D scanning affordable and reliable for everyone, and includes a variety of products and services to help unleash your creativity. One of the newest members of our family is MakerBot Desktop, a complete, free 3D printing solution for discovering, managing, and sharing your 3D prints. As we learned in last week’s post on connectivity, MakerBot Desktop was built to access the powerful software capabilities of the new Fifth Generation line of MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printers. 1. – Did you design your own model? – Want to browse through free designs? – Looking for high-quality, original prints? 2. You may also want to change some settings before printing. 3.
Site présentant des tutoriaux des plus insolite aux plus util. Au delà de l'insolite, ils nous apprennent de nombreuses ficelles bien utils. by thomasau Aug 11