What is it? Here you can enter an e-mail address to verify if it exists of if there are problems with it. A series of checks will be performed on the e-mail address but no actual e-mail is sent. How does it work? Just enter the e-mail address and wait for the test results to appear.
How to Zentangle
Affiliate links may be included in this post. Thank you for supporting Craftwhack! As simple as it is, I realize a lot of people out there want to learn exactly how to Zentangle®. It can look and seem intimidating to start when you see some of the intricate works of tangle art floating around out there. The secret of Zentangle? It’s really easy!
Physique main levée: Méca gaz
Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide".
Eye Movement Desensitization and Preprocessing (E.M.D.R.)
"Leggo My Ego" by Jennifer Barbieri, LCSW With snot dripping from the end of his nose and a body physically drained from crying and shaking, he takes a deep breath and asks when he can get more. No, it isn't a drug scene; it's the end of an E.M.D.R. session. Eye Movement Desensitization and Preprocessing (E.M.D.R.) is a trauma processing method developed by Francine Shapiro in 1989, after she discovered that painful traumatic memories can be reduced by using bilateral stimulation while a patient recalls the trauma. Although it is not yet understood exactly why or how E.M.D.R works, its effectiveness emerges consistently from controlled studies. Brain scan research suggests the amygdala and hippocampus are stimulated by the E.M.D.R. process.
10 YouTube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Though it has some competition, YouTube remains the premier video site on the web. With a staggering amount of videos uploaded every day, some people even make a living from the service. 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube Here are 10 great alternatives to YouTube, although the "better than" is obviously open to debate... Read More No matter if you’re a casual YouTube user or go looking for the craziest channels you can find, there are all sorts of ways to tweak YouTube to make it just right for you.
Generate and decode QR-codes online
Purpose & How To This app is for decoding and generating QR codes online, you do not need any browser plugins. Successfully tested with Firefox 3.6, IE7, Opera 10.53. Generate your QR code by simply writing some text in the textfield above and clicking "Generate". Make it even more awesome by clicking the other button!
Step-by-steps & patterns
Examples of this and alternative method here I draw string a lot so it's all over the blog. See also here and here. ("Well" is an official Zentangle pattern - this is just my spin on it) See an example of Morning Glories here See samples of bloom here
The Wim Hof Method *Revealed* - How to Consciously Control Your Immune System
We previously published an article about Wim Hof, holder of 20 Guinness World Records for withstanding extreme temperatures. He has climbed Everest and Kilimanjaro in only shorts and shoes, stayed comfortably in ice baths for hours, and run a full marathon in the highest desert (50 degrees celsius, 122 Fahrenheit) with no water & food. Wim is able to accomplish these feats with ease through the use of ‘The Wim Hof Method‘ — a breathing technique that allows you to control the autonomous systems of the body. However the most earthshaking effect of the Wim Hof Method is the ability to consciously control the immune system to fight off diseases.
Children need microbes — not antibiotics — to develop immunity, scientists say
By Brandie WeikleSpecial to the Star Thu., Oct. 20, 2016 Yes, it’s important to wash your hands.
5 Ways to Sync Music to Your iPhone Without iTunes
Advertisement You don’t need to wrestle with iTunes in order to get music onto your iPhone. There are several alternative methods and workarounds, from full-on media transfer replacements to cloud-based workarounds and direct media playback.
Introducing Oracle Application Express
This section describes Oracle Application Express, its architecture, and the environment for using the product. It also introduces you to concepts and terms used in this guide when discussing Application Express. This section contains the following topics: About Oracle Application Express