Related: Observation Terre
Southern Black Widow Spider Care Sheet [an error occurred while processing this directive] Southern Black Widow Spider (Lactrodectus mactans)by Jon Fouskaris *Please note that ALL true spiders have a certain amount of venom. Back to Caresheets Back to petbugs.com Email me with questions or comments at: jon@petbugs.com Copyright © 2000-2001, Jon Fouskaris - petbugs.com.The contents of this page, may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the author. Perpetual Ocean [hd video] Song Exploder | A podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made. Aquascape of the Month September 2009: "Bonsai Garden" - Aquascaping World Forum September 2009 Aquascape of the Month______________________________________________Bonsai Gardenby Vincent Tan INTRODUCTION[float_left] [/float_left]My name is Vincent Tan. I am 22 years old, and a student of the National University of Singapore. I must admit I am no aquascaping expert, however I am deeply intoxicated by this addictive planted aquarium hobby. It is a learning process every day for me as I venture deeper into this amazing realm. [/float_right]I would like to show my gratitude to Aquascaping World for appreciating the hard work and effort I put into my Bonsai Garden.
lapse: Landsat Satellite Images of Climate Change, via Google Earth Engine TIME and Space | By Jeffrey Kluger Editors note:On Nov. 29, 2016, Google released a major update expanding the data from 2012 to 2016. Read about the update here. Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. That changed when NASA created the Landsat program, a series of satellites that would perpetually orbit our planet, looking not out but down. Over here is Dubai, growing from sparse desert metropolis to modern, sprawling megalopolis. It took the folks at Google to upgrade these choppy visual sequences from crude flip-book quality to true video footage. These Timelapse pictures tell the pretty and not-so-pretty story of a finite planet and how its residents are treating it — razing even as we build, destroying even as we preserve. Chapter 1: Satellite Story | By Jeffrey Kluger It’s a safe bet that few people who have grown up in the Google era have ever heard of Stewart Udall. But in 1966, Udall and his staff had an idea. 1 of 20 1 of 14
Using Max with Other Applications The Max application has two virtual sources — two sets of inputs and outputs that let you send MIDI data to and from other programs that are running on your computer. MIDI Setup Window displays of these virtual sources. The output devices “from Max/MSP 1” and “from Max/ MSP 2” are virtual sources of MIDI for other programs. You can select them MIDI inputs in another application and your application will receive MIDI data from Max. The input devices “to Max/MSP 1” and “to Max/MSP 2” are virtual destinations — sources of MIDI input to Max from other programs. Start the Max application Choose MIDI Setup... from the Edit menu to show the MIDI Setup Window. The following example shows how to select “to Max/MSP 1” as a MIDI output destination in Ableton Live using the MIDI channel strip: The following example shows how to select “to Max/MSP 1” as a MIDI input destination in a Max patch: Max will now receive MIDI data sent from your other application. Start the Max application.
Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information La Terre comme si vous étiez astronaute grâce à un superbe Timelapse Hier sur Begeek.fr, nous vous faisions part de la vidéo du retour sur Terre de la capsule Orion pour vivre le retour dans l’atmosphère de l’engin comme si vous vous trouviez à bord. Bien entendu, à 32 000 km/h, la descente était quelque peu bruyante et agitée. Cette fois l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA), nous promet un voyage beaucoup plus calme et contemplatif avec un Timelapse qui permet de voir la Terre comme la voient les astronautes qui ont la chance de s’y rendre. Internet révolutionne le voyage dans l’espace Orages vus d’un point de vue inédit, illuminations des grandes mégapoles mondiales et aurores boréales, c’est la Terre sous toute sa magnificence qu’a réussi à capturer Alexander Gerst. Ce Timelapse et les nombreux tweets postés par l’astronaute prouvent une chose. 12 500 photos pour voir la terre comme un astronaute Les vidéos Timelapse ont la cote tout comme les applications smartphones qui permettent de les réaliser.
GParted -- A free application for graphically managing disk device partitions Improbable Research The Blue Marble from Apollo 17 This classic photograph of the Earth was taken on December 7, 1972. The original caption is reprinted below: View of the Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon. Astronaut photograph AS17-148-22727 courtesy NASA Johnson Space Center Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth Instrument(s): Apollo - 70mm Camera Download | FMOD FMOD Studio is a game changing Pro Audio content creation pipeline for sound designers and musicians. Use FMOD Studio for the latest in audio technology and workflow. For legacy support see FMOD Ex below. FMOD Studio FMOD Studio is the professional audio content creation tool, for creating interactive sound and music for games and other types of applications. FMOD Studio Programmer’s API and Low Level Programmer API FMOD Studio programmer’s API is the interface for programmers to load FMOD Studio projects and play them back in realtime. Plugins FMOD Studio comes with evaluation versions of professional quality plugins to use in your game. For information about the plugins and their capabilities, read more here FMOD Studio Unity Integration FMOD Studio Unity integration. FMOD Studio for Unreal Engine 4 (4.6 & 4.7) The FMOD Studio for UE4 plugin supports Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Tutorial assets relate to FMOD Studio UE4 YouTube Tutorials.
Data Access for SDSS DR9 - SDSS-III Data Release 9 includes three types of data: images, spectra, and catalog data (parameters measured from images and spectra, such as magnitudes and redshifts). The SDSS web sites offer several different online data access tools, each suited to a particular need. The primary websites are: These are described in more detail on the available tools page. If you are having difficulty connecting to any data server, please check the status page for announcements about planned outages. Data from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey is not available in DR9, but is available in its entirety at the SDSS-II Supernova Survey website. Images The SDSS has taken deep images of more than one-third of the entire night sky. Spectra DR9 includes all spectra from SDSS-I/-II including SEGUE-I/-II, and all BOSS spectra through July 2011 Catalog Data Catalog data summarize quantities measured from the images and spectra such as magnitudes, redshifts, and object classifications.
Baïkonour : une fusée Soyouz lance le satellite d'observation Ressources 3 Lors du lancement du satellite russe Ressources-P №3, une défaillance des moteurs de la fusée Soyouz ont interrompu le lancement qui a donc été reporté. Les origines du problème ne sont pas encore connues, a déclaré l’agence spatiale russe Roskosmos. Le 12 mars à 18 heures 56 minutes GMT depuis le cosmodrome de Baïkonour au Kazakhstan, le lanceur Soyouz devait quitter la Terre pour mettre en orbite le satellite Ressources-P №3 qui pèse près de 6 tonnes. Mais le décompte avant le lancement a été interrompu en raison d’un problème de moteur. On ne connait pas encore la date à laquelle le lancement sera reporté. Comme son nom l’indique c’est le troisième satellite de ce type à rejoindre l’espace. Les informations collectées par les satellites Ressources sont utilisées pour l’agriculture ainsi que pour la surveillance des régions qui connaissent des situations d’urgence (feux de forêt, inondations, etc.). En savoir plus : La fusée Soyouz lance le vaisseau spatial Progrès