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- historia
Googly Eyes Foundation Ah yes, eyebombing, the street art equivalent of drawing a funny mustache on Mona Lisa. So ubiquitous it’s impossible to credit anyone for inventing it… and yet for some reason it never quite stops being hilarious? Or maybe it’s just me. Update: Did you know there’s a Googly Eyes Foundation? Abraham Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just,all men are not true.But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero;that for every selfish Politician, there is a dedicated leader...Teach him for every enemy there is a friend, Steer him away from envy,if you can,teach him the secret ofquiet laughter. Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest to lick... Teach him, if you can,the wonder of books... In the school teach him it is far honourable to fail than to cheat... Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon... Teach him if you can, how to laugh when he is sad...Teach him there is no shame in tears, Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness... Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right. Let him have the courage to be impatient... let him have the patience to be brave. This is a big order,but see what you can do...
How French Artists In 1899 Envisioned Life In The Year 2000 It’s always thought provoking when you come across artwork that was created years ago, whether it be by a few decades or a few thousand years. Art, in all its many forms, can tell us so much about the thoughts, feelings, history, and ideology which dominated the time period in which it was created. I came across a series of futuristic pictures (at publicdomainreview.org) created by Jean-March Cote and various other artists in 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1910. These pictures were created in a time well before the introduction of high tech machinery, the industrial revolution, or flying contraptions. 100 years has flown by at a rapid pace, and our exponential technological development in all areas seems to have been missing an appropriate level of consciousness to go with it. What would you paint? Having Trouble Losing Excess Weight? Having trouble losing excess weight? Luckily there's a quiz that you can take to find out where you stand on food addiction.
Où vont la Syrie et le Moyen-Orient ? Comprendre la géopolitique du Moyen-Orient c’est comprendre la combinaison de multiples forces. Nous allons voir qu’il faut faut envisager au moins la combinaison de 3 logiques : - les forces intérieures qui s’affrontent à l’intérieur d’un même État, comme la Syrie, l’Irak ou la Libye. - les logiques d’influence des grands acteurs de puissance régionaux (l’Iran, l’Arabie Saoudite, le Qatar, Israël, la Turquie, l’Égypte…) et la façon dont ces acteurs utilisent les logiques communautaires dans les États où ils essaient d’imposer leur influence (Liban, Syrie, Irak) - le jeu des grandes puissances (États-Unis, Russie, Chine, France, UK…) et en particulier la géopolitique du pétrole et du gaz. À cette analyse géopolitique, il faut être capable de marier une analyse de science politique, et de comprendre en particulier ce qui se passe sur le plan des nouveaux courants idéologiques du monde arabe ou bien sur le plan de la légitimité des régimes politiques qui tremblent. D’abord concernant Nabucco.
Une barrière invisible en miroirs Alyson Shotz a créée cette barrière composée de miroirs qui semblent la rendre invisible. Download 67,000 Historic Maps (in High Resolution) from the Wonderful David Rumsey Map Collection Stanford University’s been in the news lately, what with expanding its tuition waiver last year and now facing renewed scrutiny over its ultra-low admissions rate. These stories have perhaps overshadowed other Stanford news of a more academic nature: the arrival of the David Rumsey Map Center, which celebrated its grand opening yesterday and continues the festivities today and tomorrow. While these kinds of university improvements are rarely of much interest to the general public, this one highlights a collection worth giving full attention. You do not need to be a Stanford student or faculty or staff member to access the vast treasures of the Rumsey Map collection, nor do you need to visit the university or its new Center. In the case of “Twelve Perspectives on the Earth in Orbit and Rotation,” the georeferencing function returns an error message stating “this is not a map.” On the site's homepage, they highlight these areas worth exploring: Get to browsing… and georeferencing….
Gynecological Gymnastics from Outer Space (1895) In this section of the site we bring you curated collections of images, books, audio and film, shining a light on curiosities and wonders from a wide range of online archives. With a leaning toward the surprising, the strange, and the beautiful, we hope to provide an ever-growing cabinet of curiosities for the digital age, a kind of hyperlinked Wunderkammer – an archive of materials which truly celebrates the breadth and variety of our shared cultural commons and the minds that have made it. Some of our most popular posts include visions of the future from late 19th century France, a dictionary of Victorian slang and a film showing the very talented “hand-farting” farmer of Michigan. With each post including links back to the original source we encourage you to explore these wonderful online sources for yourself. Check out our Sources page to see where we find the content.
Sun Tzu ou l'art de gagner des batailles (B. Alexander) L’historien américain Bevin Alexander vient de faire paraître Sun Tzu ou l’art de gagner des batailles, un ouvrage consacré à l’emploi – ou à l’absence d’emploi – du célèbre traité chinois de stratégie par les chefs de guerre occidentaux depuis la fin du XVIIIème siècle. Vétéran de la guerre de Corée, spécialiste de l’histoire militaire, Alexander a déjà écrit plusieurs livres consacrés à l’analyse des grands stratèges de l’époque contemporaine… et de leurs erreurs. Il a notamment abordé la guerre de Sécession. La problématique de son dernier ouvrage est la suivante : passer les décisions stratégiques de quelques campagnes clés de la période contemporaine au crible des principes énoncés par Sun Tzu. L’art de la guerre selon Sun Tzu Dans l’ensemble, l’application que fait Alexander de Sun Tzu à ses études de cas demeure assez superficielle. Neuf batailles pour un livre Les erreurs du commandement allié ne sont pas laissées de côté pour autant, particulièrement en Normandie en 1944.
Il insère les personnages des Simpson dans ses photos du quotidien Le français François Dourlen s’amuse à créer des illusions avec son smartphone. Et quand il s’attaque aux personnages des Simpson on peut dire que c’est très créatif ! Les Photos de François sont un beau petit phénomène sur internet. Ce français passionné de photographie s’amuse à insérer des personnages de la culture populaire dans des panoramas très variés… et le résultat est toujours très amusant et très créatif ! Son compte Instagram regorge de photos de personnages de dessins animés et notamment des Simpson. Et pour les fans, comme nous, ces petits clins d’oeil sont un vrai régal ! Pour retrouver plus de photos de François Dourlen, vous pouvez suivre son Instagram et sa page Facebook. Imaginé parFrançois DourlenSourceinstagram.com
The History of Europe: 5,000 Years Animated in a Timelapse Map If you’re an Open Culture old timer, you know the work of EmperorTigerstar–a Youtuber who specializes (to quote myself) “in documenting the unfolding of world historical events by stitching together hundreds of maps into timelapse films”. We’ve previously featured his “map animations” of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), World War I (1914-1918), and World War II (1939-1945) and also the History of Rome. Follow Open Culture on Facebook and Twitter and share intelligent media with your friends. If you’d like to support Open Culture and our mission, please consider making a donation to our site. Related Content: The Rise & Fall of the Romans: Every Year Shown in a Timelapse Map Animation (753 BC -1479 AD) Animated Map Lets You Watch the Unfolding of Every Day of the U.S. Watch World War I Unfold in a 6 Minute Time-Lapse Film: Every Day From 1914 to 1918 Watch World War II Rage Across Europe in a 7 Minute Time-Lapse Film: Every Day From 1939 to 1945
Have You Been Throwing Away The Healthiest Part Of Your Avocado? Avocados are probably one of the greatest foods of all time, and not just because they taste so darn good! They are also extremely beneficial to your health and remarkably versatile in the kitchen. Offering a very wide array of medicinal properties, they are loaded with healthy fats, lutein, vitamin K, and folate, among many other vitamins and nutrients. But did you realize that you might be getting rid of the most beneficial part of the avocado every time you eat one? No, it’s not the skin… it’s the seed! Other Benefits Of The Avocado Seed According to the Encyclopedia of Common Naturals Used In Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics, tests conducted on rats and mice have shown that avocado seeds have anti-tumor properties, due to a condensed flavonol found only in the seeds. Avocado seeds are also loaded with soluble fibre. Because of their high antioxidant content, avocado seeds have the potential to lower cholesterol and decrease your chance of developing heart disease or having a stroke.
UMP Tea Party, PS Bartleby La crise de l'UMP ne relève pas simplement du feuilleton politique. Il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un de ces rituels guerriers que la droite affectionne au moment de se choisir un champion, seul moyen en effet de départager des hommes que rien, ni le programme ni l'idéologie, ne sépare. Ce n'est même pas une affaire interne à la droite. La gauche l'a bien compris qui s'est abstenue de tout commentaire, c'est un processus de décomposition qui affecte tout le spectre politique. Lorsqu'un processus électoral ne permet ni de clarifier une ligne politique ni de légitimer le vainqueur, alors c'est le système représentatif qui entre en crise. Cet épilogue coïncide avec la fin de trente ans d'hégémonie idéologique du néolibéralisme, de même que la défaite de Giscard d'Estaing, en 1981, fut l'épilogue politique des "trente glorieuses". Cette perte de crédit est liée à deux séries de phénomènes : le premier, c'est l'impuissance relative des Etats face à la crise de 2008. de 2012
This Dad Creates Impressive, Heartwarming Toast Sculptures for His Daughters' Breakfast Some sculptors make art out of bronze, some make art out of marble, and some make art out of a couple slices of toast bread. Adam Perry, the artist behind Instagram sensation 2slicesoftoast, creates a different toast sculpture for his daughters every day. Because of Perry's younger daughter's severe food allergies, toast with sunflower oil spread is one of very few breakfast option. So, to keep her breakfast exciting, he started turning breakfast into a chance to make art. © 2Slicesoftoast / Instagram Perry makes these sculptures in the time it takes the kettle to boil each morning (which makes sense, since Perry's family lives just outside London). Related: THESE FOOD SMASHING GIFS ARE THE MOST SATISFYING ANIMATIONS YOU'LL SEE ALL DAY Oddly enough, when Adam Perry's not making heartwarming toast sculptures for his daughters, he's drumming for the band the Bloodhound Gang.
KIT Fotografiet från den 30 mars 1896 visar en allvarlig man i pälsmössa. Han heter Carl Gustaf Teodor Malmqvist, är trädgårdsdräng och knappt 30 år fyllda. Hemort: Nacka i Stockholms län. En kort mening sammanfattar hans öde: ”För våldtäkt och dråp livstids straffarbete.” 1947 slutar Herr Malmqvist hjärta att slå, men på fotot från ”Stockholmspolisens signalementsfotografier 1869-1920” är han lika levande som någonsin. Vi ska alldeles strax förklara varför arkivet finns – och vilken värld de fotograferade egentligen representerar. ”Till hälften negerras. Vi vet inte. Intressanta personer Angelos och Carls foton är två av drygt 10 000 i samlingen med signalementfotografier. Den vi ska tacka för att bilderna finns är Karin Gustafsson på Stockholms stadsarkiv. – De blev stulna. Fotografierna är mer än ett register över misstänkta brottslingar. De yngsta prostituerade hon hittat var två 12-åringar. – Det finns bland annat prostituerade. – Det är helt underbart. Men hur ska vi förstå dem fullt ut?