The Ultimate Guide To Cloning In Photoshop - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Photoshop’s wide array of cloning tools is the cause of many of the absolute best and worst works created with the application. In a skilled and experienced hand, these tools lead to phenomenal results. In the hands of a careless artist, Photoshop cloning can be disastrous to the credibility of the result. The Clone Stamp Tool The Clone Stamp tool is the oldest and most widely known of the cloning tools. Use the “Option” key (“Alt”) to set the source. To clone out the name on the tombstone above, you would select a source that shares the texture of the area you want to replace. To begin, simply click on the preferred source area while holding down the “Option” key (“Alt” on a PC). To be able to use this tool effectively, let’s look at the relevant settings. Basic Settings: Brush Below, you’ll find the default settings when the clone stamp is selected. The clone stamp’s basic settings. The first setting you’ll want to familiarize yourself with is for the brush. The Healing Brush
60 Advanced Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | Dennis Plucinik's Web Design Blog These are advanced techniques that require more than just technical knowledge of Photoshop, they require talent, Photoshop training, knowledge of design, layout, balance, color theory, etc. I hope you find these techniques inspiring and helpful. UPDATE: If you like these tutorials, you might love this:60+ (more) Advanced Photoshop & GIMP Tutorials UPDATE: (8/28/13) I just updated any broken links and replaced unreachable tutorials with new ones. I also just realized today is the 6 year anniversary of creating this post! Text-effects: Movie techniques: Vector effects: Photo Retouching: Photo Manipulation: Web Buttons / Interface Elements: Digital Coloring: Digital Painting: I'm generally not not a huge fan of producing an effect in Photoshop that looks like it was produced in Photoshop. Helpful Links This is one of the few sites I have found that actually is design well itself and also has a nice amount of quality Adobe Photoshop tutorials.
Curvy Cross Processing in Photoshop CS3 | Layers Magazine This tutorial describes one of my favorite techniques for ‘spicing’ up a photograph. This method is adapted from the color darkroom of old. In those days, innovative photographers often processed film in a chemical solution intended for another type of film. Begin with a processed image that has high contrast. Repeat this process by adding yet another curves adjustment layer, this layer will be used to create the cross processed look. The basic rule of thumb is to raise the red and green in the highlights, and to drop the red and green in the shadows. Drop the blue in the highlights and raise the blue in the shadows. Note as you work through the previous steps that much of the adjusting is based on your own personal preference. At the conclusion of these steps, the result will resemble a twisted helix Once you have completed your desired adjustments to each channel, click ok to immediately change the blending mode to color. You have now created a fine cross processed digital image.
100 Best Photoshop Tutorials of All Time that Yield Professional Results Photoshop tutorials are one of the most popular subjects on the web, as the digital art community continues to grow and new designers bring their unique skills. However, quality Photoshop tutorials that teach you a useful effect, have a quality finished result and are well explained are harder to find, and with the large number of tutorial sites available, it can be hard to sort the quality from the mundane. In this massive roundup, we’ve collected the top 100 best Photoshop tutorials that have ever been created, that yield professional results, teach you a useful effect, are well explained, and will have you designing like a pro in no time. These tutorials are collected from niche tutorial sites around the web, and range in age from creation in 2008 to a few tutorials that were created just last week. If you liked this post, check out our other design tutorial roundups: Design a Traditional Liquefied Car Create Dynamic Distortion Effects Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop
Photoshop Tips & Tricks In 1990, I had the great pleasure of introducing Russell Brown and a new software package from Adobe to several hundred attendees of my Great Graphics Tips session at Macworld. Photoshop Tips & Tricks has been part of DT&G ever since. High dynamic range, HDR WOW Trey Ratcliff's writings and tutorials in high dynamic range photography has spawned a huge following in this dramatic technique for taking pictures. When you see it, you won't be able to resist the camera to Photoshop results Design Projects: Easier? The idea is simple. High Dynamic Range Photography High Dynamic Range Imaging is a technique that lets you to portray a much greater range of tonal detail than a given camera could capture in a single photo. Russian Paintings In a world now congested with super, expert Photoshop photo manipulators, this artist defies the digital world with exquisite paintings in the tradition of the Dutch Masters. Photoshop Elements 8 for Mac Record an action in Photoshop Photoshop for Fingerprinting
How to Remove a person from a photo by using cs 5 Content Aware May 29 2010 With the launch of the new Adobe Suite of programs comes the long awaited Adobe Photoshop CS5. Packed with new features to speed up your workflow it truly is the most advanced edition of Photoshop to date. One of the new features we will be looking at today is called Content Aware. This feature allows you to quickly fill in a selection with surrounding content making it look like a part of the original image. Before we begin, download the image that we will be working with. Using the content aware tool on different images produces different results. We are extracting the person on the left from this photo. Notice in the image below how far I am drawing the path from the subject. Once you complete the path around the subject, turn it into a selection. A dialog box will pop-up, make sure the feathering is set to 0px. Now we have an active selection around our subject. A dialog box will pop-up, make sure the Content Aware option is selected.
25 Outstanding Photoshop Lighting Effect Tutorials | Vandelay De Photoshop allows designers to create amazing things with their creativity. Lighting effects can be done in Photoshop a number of different ways, and the results can be quite impressive. In this post we’ll feature 25 tutorials from various designers that teach how to create amazing lighting effects. Looking for hosting? Monster Size Selection of Awesome Photoshop Tutorials During the last years I’ve been compiling resources for Photoshoppers. Since I’m the Editor of Photoshop Roadmap, I have to check for new tutorials every day and so I have a good knowledge about Photoshop resources being produced continuously. That’s why I decided to gather all the compilations of Photoshop Resources I created for this blog. Take a look at these more than 800 Photoshop tutorials, plugins and brushes. 100 Wonderful Photo Effects Photoshop Tutorials 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes Dreamy, Magical and Lighting Effects Photoshop Tutorials 15 Artistic Watercolor Effects Photoshop Tutorials 15 Fantastic and Absolutely Free Photoshop Plugins Complex and Sophisticated Lettering Designs Photoshop Tutorials 30 Fascinating Video Game Inspired Photoshop Tutorials and Brushes 35 Creative Portrait Effects Photoshop Tutorials 30 Awesome Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials 25 Inspiring Movie, Music and Art Posters Photoshop Tutorials 40+ Special Effects Photoshop Actions