Wikis en Educación De Wikis en Educación Bienvenido/a a WIKI2, el wiki de eduwikis del ITE (Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas) La palabra Wiki significa "Rápido" en Hawaiano,también podemos considerarla como un acrónimo de "What I Know Is...". En esencia, un Wiki (o una wiki) es un sitio web colaborativo. Este Wiki ha sido creado por iniciativa del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas del Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de España, para escribir documentación en español sobre el uso de las wikis en el ámbito educativo (Eduwikis). La Oración Wiki dice así: Por favor, concédeme la serenidad para aceptar las páginas que no pueda editar,El valor para editar las páginas que pueda,Y la sabiduría para ver la diferencia. Consulta la guía de usuario para obtener información sobre la edición de páginas en los wikis creados con wikimedia.165 artículos desde el 9 de julio de 2009 Monográfico de Eduwikis en el Aula 2.0 Índice de categorías Empezando Lista de correo de anuncios de distribución de MediaWiki
About the OCW Consortium The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing open education and its impact on global education. We seek to engender a culture of openness in education to allow everyone, everywhere to access the education they desire, while providing a shared body of knowledge and best practices that can be drawn upon for innovative and effective approaches. The OCW Consortium helps to solve social problems through expansion of access to education. It does this by leveraging its sources of expert opinion, its global network and its position as the principal voice of open education. What is OpenCourseWare? OpenCourseWare is the name given to open educational resources that are presented in course format, often including course planning materials, such as syllabi and course calendars, along with thematic content, such as textbooks, lectures, presentations, notes and simulations. What is Open Education?
FreeCulture.org - Students for Free Culture E-learn 2009 Liberate Education: How to Start a Free School This how-to guide was written for Shareable by organizers (especially Aaron Rosenblum) from EXCOtc, a collective of Experimental Colleges in the Twin Cities of Minnesota that share a visions of a better world, offering free and open classes, and building a community around education for social change. EXCO-TC began eight years ago and is now made up of three collaborating local organizing chapters: Macalester/St. Paul, the U of M, and the Academia Communitaria. The Free Schooling Movement The origin of free schools (or free skools) in the United States can be traced back to 1911 when the first Modern School opened in New York City’s Lower East Side. Inspired by the work of Francesco Ferrer and La Escuela Moderna in Catalonia, Spain, a group of NYC-based anarchists opened their school embracing an alternative learning model for youth and adults based on academic freedom, democratic organization, and socially conscious education. Don’t see your town on the map? People Community Resources
home Docencia en ambientes de apendizaje mediados por TICs (UPB) About Naropa | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, student-centered liberal arts university in Boulder, Colorado. A recognized leader in contemplative education, Naropa's undergraduate and graduate programs emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and contemplative practice. Through rigorous academics, faculty mentoring, contemplative practice, and community engagement, Naropa students develop the abilities to think critically, to communicate effectively, and to know their hearts and minds. Step into a lineage of change agents. Naropa may offer a contemplative liberal arts education, but that doesn't mean we're quiet. Compelling classes. Great teachers. Contemplative education. Service matters.
Morfeo Formación y Certificación en Tecnologías Libres Cursos Gratis On-line Education Education is the means by which we thrive, individually and collectively. In recent times, the growing complexity and interconnectedness of our now global society has challenged the effectiveness of traditional education systems, which were designed for the needs of the industrial era. The old model was built upon the idea that a worker’s job was to apply the basic skills they’d learned in school to specific tasks. To thrive in the 21st century, however, we need to go beyond that—and teach people how to learn, engage, and create. This is the spirit that drives IDEO’s designs for learning. Education/EduCourse/Participants This is the list of course participants. We selected just over 20 people from the list of sign-ups. We also arranged project ideas that seemed to focus on similar areas into groups. This is to help participants identify common interests. We would encourage participants to work together in small groups -- or even to pick a single shared project -- if they like. Feel free to move your idea to another group if you feel you are in the wrong space. I have also added timezone information to make coordination easier [1]. Web 2.0 Mash-up Joss Winn Email: jwinn AT lincoln DOT ac DOT uk Based in: UK (UTC) Blog: Profile: Technology Officer, University of Lincoln, UK. Patrice Gans Email: pgans AT fraserwoods.com Based in: North America? Steven Egan Mafe Mago Courseware 2.0 Alek Tarkowski Email: alek AT creativecommons DOT pl Based in: Poland (UTC +2) Blog: CC PL, Kultura 2.0 blog Profile:. Charity Gamboa, Educator / Writer Yamandú Ploskonka Chris Campbell Michael Rowe
Curso sobre Moodle Curso sobre Moodle Primeros pasos con Moodle Accediendo a los contenidos Resolviendo actividades Configuración general de un espacio en Moodle Elementos básicos de comunicación Elementos de contenidos Elementos de actividades Gestión y administración de un curso Recomendaciones y ejemplos ¿Qué es esto? Esta documentación es la guía central de documentación que he usado en algún que otro curso de formación on-line sobre Moodle. ¿Por qué se libera la misma? Por un compromiso personal adoptado hace algún tiempo que me obliga a desarrollar todo lo que hago bajo licencia Creative Commons , por si a alguien le sirve de algo antes de que se quede anticuada en mis discos duros. Además es una forma de agradecer a Moodle lo mucho que me ha dado. Agradecimientos e inspiración A la comunidad de Moodle A los fantásticos manuales del profesor Enrique Castro , fuentes de inspiración de muchos apartados A los 10 deseos de Joan Queralt Y si se me olvida alguno, lo decís que lo incorporo de inmediato ¿Puedo usarla? next »