copyright free audio podcasts Digital scrapbooks for student creativity, self-expression, and imagination - Beeclip EDU The Best Copyright-Free Photo Libraries: - DotGovWatch Exposing the good, the bad, and the buggy - A Blog Monitoring U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Websites Thousands of photos taken by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duty are free of copyright and free to use. Based on my extensive review of government photo libraries, the best collections below. Search Public Domain Photos: #1 — HiveStock.com Awesome, high-resolution photos of landscapes, sunsets, mountains, flowers, animals, science, and much more. Image Quality: Excellent! #2 — Agricultural Research Service Beautiful, high-resolution photos of plants, animals, agriculture, and agricultural research. Image Quality: Excellent! #3 — U.S. Photos of scenery, wildlife, people in the outdoors, and miscellany. Image Quality: Average – Excellent! #4 — Department of Defense Photos of soldiers, vehicles, and operations in Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Image Quality: Good – Excellent! #5 — Yellowstone National Park Photos of everything in the park including scenery, plants, animals, wildfires, geo-thermal activity, park visitors, etc. #6 — Antarctic Photo Library
copyright free copyrightfriendly - home Free Pictures - FreeFoto.com Teacher Tap: Public Domain, Copyright Free, Open Source, and Student Use Images and Media This page provides links to some of the better copyright-free and public domain resources. The advice on this page is not a legal opinion. The ideas are intended for educators and librarians who wish to locate quality, copyright-friendly materials for educational, noncommercial, and nonprofit projects. NOTE: Not all of these resources are copyright free, but most allow student to use and cite the projects in their assignments. Copryight-Free Photo Archives - 27,000 images from NASA, NOAA, and FWS DHD Multimedia Gallery (Selection of images, sounds, etc.) Free Foto Free Images - 2500 stock photos (most free, some members only) Free Stock Photos Imagesafter (Hi-res images, photos, & textures) MorgueFile (Some are free for students to use in projects, but not copyright-free) Issues
resouces tools Four Ways to Use Pinterest in Education It seems as though when one technology tool for the classroom is introduced, another one is waiting to make its debut! We’ve shared several 21st century tools with our readers; however, we have not acquainted you with a recent tool, Pinterest. Pinterest is an electronic bulletin board where users can “pin” images from around the web. These images are then categorized into various boards on the users’ profile. Pins are also shared and searchable, which makes Pinterest a wonderful resource for visual information. So what are these pin boards good for with regards to integrating them into the classroom? Lesson Plans- As briefly mentioned above, Pinterest is a superb visual resource full of pictures, videos, and website links. Pinterest can be a fun and exciting tool inside and outside the classroom. Is there a fifth way in which you would incorporate Pinterest into the classroom?