Robot Dragonfly - Micro Aerial Vehicle
Watch a short trailer Our prototypes have gone through multiple design cycles. We'll be offering a number of Apps that the users can download from Google Play and App stores to perform pre-defined operations like: Indoor mapping, automated patrolling and more. If you're an entrepreneur, you can literally kickstart your own Next-Gen application market using our Software Development Kit (SDK). If you are a researcher or a hobbist, skip to the next most versatile and compact platform to do your research.
Raspberry Pi Pinout
3v3 Power The 3v3, 3.3 volt, supply pin on the Pi has a max current draw of 50 mA, enough to power a couple of LEDs but not much more. You should use the 5v0 supply instead, and use a regulator if you need 3v3. BCM pin 0 on Rev 1 board and pin 2 on Rev 2 board. WiringPi pin 8. Ladder Board Small Green LED.
We are part of the OpenSense research project which is funded by Nano-Tera. OpenSense aims at investigating community-based sensing using wireless sensor network technology to monitor air pollution. The project receives regular attention in both national and international media. Please refer to our media section for a list of articles. OpenSense Project Overview ¶
CSS for Non-IE browsers
Information Here I hope to demonstrate some of the CSS features that are possible in Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Safari etc. in other words non-IE browsers. This will be based on the fact that these browsers allow the :hover pseudo class to be used on any element, which gives more scope for dynamic content such as drop-down, pull-out and cascading menus. 19th May 2007
World Economic Forum-Rethinking personal data
Report: Unlocking the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage, February 2013 Unlocking the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage, prepared in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, examines the need for new approaches in the policies which enable the managing of personal data in ways that are flexible, adaptive and contextually driven. The report highlights outcomes from a nine month, multistakeholder, global dialogue on how the principles for using personal data may need to be refreshed to ensure they protect the rights of individuals, unlock socio-economic value and are fit for the complexities of a hyperconnected world. A key insight from the report notes that the age of Big Data creates both new opportunities and risks, particularly as they relate to the privacy of individuals.
Tech Reporters Contact Information List
Phone Number: +1 646 480 0356 Register Login Find Tech Reporters For startups looking for press coverage, it is time consuming to collecting the contact information of tech reporters.
Coder for Raspberry Pi
A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi. Coder is a free, open source project that turns a Raspberry Pi into a simple platform that educators and parents can use to teach the basics of building for the web. New coders can craft small projects in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, right from the web browser. Download Coder 1.33GB | Coder v0.9Now supports Raspberry Pi 2! How to Install and Connect.
Robin De Croon's Blog
A few days ago I was granted access to the closed beta of is an open platform for all those who want to imagine, prototype and test new Devices, Installations, Scenarios, Applications for this globally interconnected and immersive world. Designers, developers, tinkerers, students, hobbyists, R&D departments, artists, self quantifiers, dataviz maniacs, whatever your skills are, we tried to make easy to use and yet powerful for you. A site which main focus is to turn all your data into something usable and useful.
Les nouvelles — NortekMED
Nortek Northern European User Seminar 2014 NortekBV, NortekUK and Terra4 are pleased to invite you to attend the European user symposium. This symposium offers two days of user presentations, hands on demonstrations, technical discussions, our newest developments, and networking opportunities, all focused around (online) monitoring and measurement campaigns. The third day's program will be an informal event viewing the Round Texel Race.
5 Best Open Source Tools to Create Scalable Online Social Networking Platforms
While Facebook and Twitter is the core of the Internet’s social networking world, some companies and organizations may have reasons to set up their own social networking applications. For some companies, setting up their own social network is a good option because the public Internet may not be secure enough for certain conversations concerning sensitive proprietary information or customer contact information. Top 5 Open Source Social Networking Software Deploying your own uniquely branded social media tool with open source software could be a good choice especially if you plan to differentiate your product through custom development built on top of the open source tools. There are many open source social networking toolsets available and it can sometimes become quite overwhelming and cumbersome even to find out which one best suits your organization's requirements. Here's a list of 5 good open source social networking software which we think are the very best among the lot.
Narrative Unveils the Clip 2 Wearable Camera
Sweden’s Narrative has today released details of version two of its Clip wearable camera, ahead of CES. Like the previous version, the Clip 2 is designed to be worn as you go about every day life. It takes a photograph every 30 seconds and, once uploaded to Narrative’s servers, these images are assembled into ‘moments’ that capture the most visually interesting parts of your day. One big problem with the original Clip was its reliance on being connected to a computer to adjust settings and upload photos.
wiringpi 1.0.5
A python interface to WiringPi library which allows for easily interfacing with the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. Also supports i2c and SPI WiringPi: An implementation of most of the Arduino Wiring
The CLOUDS Lab: Flagship Projects - Gridbus and Cloudbus
Introduction The SensorWeb project aims at developing Open SensorWeb Architecture (OSWA) and implementing standards compliant platform and middleware for integration of sensor networks with emerging distributed computing platforms such as Grids. It confirms to Web Services standard defined by the W3C (World-Wide Web) and SensorML (Sensor Model Language) standard defined by the OpenGeospatial Consortium. This integration of sensor networks with Grid computing brings out dual benefits: (i) sensor networks can off-load heavy processing activities to the Grid and (ii) Grid-based sensor applications can provide advance services for smart-sensing by deploying scenario-specific operators at runtime. Our Open SensorWeb Architecture consists of four layers: sensor fabric layer, core services, user-level services, and applications. The OSWA-based platform provides a number of sensor and actuation services, such as: