Learn Create a 3D T-Rex Game Grades 2+ | Blocks Dance Party Minecraft Hour of Code Escape Estate Grades 2+ | Blocks, Python Code a 3D Space Invaders Game Minecraft Timecraft Rodocodo: Code Hour Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks NASA's Space Jam Make a Flappy game Long Live Wakanda Grades 6+ | Blocks Hello World CodeMonkey Jr.: Pre-coding for Preschoolers Pre-reader | Blocks My Google Logo Grades 2-8 | Blocks Coding Town Grades 2-5 | JavaScript Mario's Secret Adventure: Build Your Own 3D Mario Game CodeCombat: Goblins 'n' Glory Grades 6-8 | JavaScript, Python Code Farm: Plant a Garden Blocks Jumper: Game Creation Make Shapes with Code Pre-reader - Grade 5 | JavaScript, Language independent (can be taught in multiple languages) AI for Oceans Grades 3+ | AI and Machine Learning The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code Bot is sus?! Grades 2-8 | JavaScript | Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari Code Club World: Make cool stuff with free coding games and activities Grades 2-5 | Blocks Dragon Blast Design your Hero
Revisionstation business studies resources for teachers - Home Money Matters to Me - Homepage Las Vegas Money Saving Tips Las Vegas Shows Show tickets are always cheaper online and it makes sense to buy your show tickets on-line before you get to Las Vegas and take advantage of all online discount offers. Unless you're dying to see the big-name entertainer who is in town, you can see some great shows for $35-40 per person rather than paying $200-$250/person to see Cher bid farewell...again. If you purchase your Las Vegas show ticket online, always select "Will Call" as a delivery option. With Will Call, your tickets are held at the box office for you to pickup before the show. Hotel Deals Use discount PROMO CODES and Book directly from the hotels to get the best deals and added freebies.. Las Vegas hotels are much cheaper mid week but sometimes you can get deals on weekend just keep trying their websites. Take advantage of all discounts offered. Plan to check-in on a weekday and not a weekend Check the Las Vegas Convention Calendar to make sure there are no major events in town when you plan to be there. Amenities
IGCSE Business Studies Revision Notes Levels of Software Testing There are different levels during the process of Testing. In this chapter a brief description is provided about these levels. Levels of testing include the different methodologies that can be used while conducting Software Testing. Following are the main levels of Software Testing: Functional Testing.Non-Functional Testing. This is a type of black box testing that is based on the specifications of the software that is to be tested. There are five steps that are involved when testing an application for functionality. An effective testing practice will see the above steps applied to the testing policies of every organization and hence it will make sure that the organization maintains the strictest of standards when it comes to software quality. Unit Testing This type of testing is performed by the developers before the setup is handed over to the testing team to formally execute the test cases. Limitations of Unit Testing Testing cannot catch each and every bug in an application. System Testing
IGCSE Business Studies Please click the sub chapters below to see the web links... 1.1 - Objectives The BBC GCSE Bitesize website has some fantastic revision notes on business objectives: Or if you prefer, watch the video: There is also an online multiple choice quiz from the BBC GCSE Bitesize: Follow this link for some very cool interactive quizzes and games on business objectives: Teachers can also register free of charge on the TES website for some fantastic resources, such as this one created by Tutor2u: Here's a great interactive Blockbusters game on business objectives: 1.5 - Business Location
Free Courses – Tuts+ Courses Reactive programming is a way of coding with asynchronous data streams that makes a lot of problems easier to solve. RxJS is a popular library for reactive...Once in a while, it's important for us as developers to go back to what made us excited about computers in the first place. For Derek Jensen, that is gaming....React is a flexible framework that makes it easy to build single-page web applications. One of its tools is a set of lifecycle methods which you can add to...The PixelSquid plugin for Photoshop is an exciting new technology that provides the benefits of 3D elements without having to understand a 3D program or the...How your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element...jQuery UI is an extension of jQuery that makes it easy to create clean user interface elements for your websites.
IGCSE Business Studies - | IGCSE Business Studies Learn Web Design: 50+ of the Best Online Educational Resources to Learn to Build Web Sites Tutorials & Guides Free or Low Cost Keep your hard-earned dollars in your pocket Text-Based Good for those who like to learn via reading and see text code examples Shay Howe's Guides to HTML & CSS Shay Howe bundles HTML and CSS into one learning block that is beginner-friendly and well organized. Those who have the basics can continue with his advanced guide, which expands the concepts previously learned and specifically aims to help designers broaden and shore up their HTML, CSS and jQuery skills. HTML 101 at Berkeley Knight Digital Media Center While this resource is provided by a very credible source, its intended audience is not hardcore developers but career journalists and communication professionals. Web Development for Beginners from WebPlatform Web Development for Beginners is a survey of the essential skills necessary for a web developer to be able to execute code efficiently and effectively, even with little to no skill. The HTML & CSS Book from Wiley Books Online Courses Codecademy
i-study.co.uk <A HREF=" Widgets</A> A Practical Guide to HTML & CSS - Learn How to Build Websites Before beginning our journey to learn HTML and CSS it is important to understand the differences between the two languages, their syntax, and some common terminology. As an overview, HTML is a hyper text markup language created to give content structure and meaning. CSS, also known as cascading style sheets, is a presentation language created to give content style and appearance. To put this into laymen terms, HTML determines the structure and meaning of content on a web page while CSS determines the style and appearance of this content. Taking this concept a bit further, the HTML p element is used to display a paragraph of text on a web page. Common HTML Terms When getting started with HTML you are likely to hear new, and often strange, terms. Elements Elements are designators that define objects within a page, including structure and content. Tags Elements are often made of multiple sets of tags, identified as opening and closing tags. <a>... Attributes HTML Document Structure & Syntax <!
The World Factbook People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. For threats outside the U.S., contact CIA or go to a U.S. Embassy or Consulate and ask for the information to be passed to a U.S. official. Please know, CIA does not engage in law enforcement. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. If you feel it is safe, consider providing these details with your submission: Your full name Biographic details, such as a photograph of yourself, and a copy of the biographic page of your passport How you got the information you want to share with CIA How to contact you, including your home address and phone number