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Safer Internet day 9/2 - lektionsförslag På tisdag den 9 februari är det Safer Internet Day. Denna dag uppmärksammas på många olika ställen över hela världen. Temat för i år är ”Play your part for a better internet”. I Sverige har Statens Mediaråd valt att fokusera på att stötta och hjälpa föräldrar att lära sig mer om hur vi kan hantera frågor som uppkommer när våra barn och ungdomar befinner sig på Internet. Via sidan Nohate.se kan både föräldrar och lärare få tips och råd kring hur man kan tänka och vad man behöver göra för att stötta barnen/ungdomarna i deras digitala vardag. Om du vill uppmärksamma Safer Internet Day i din undervisning har British Council tagit fram ett, i mitt tycke, bra och användbart material. Som en introduktion till din lektion kan du använda nedanstående film från UK Safer Internet Center: Om du och dina elever vill stötta Safer Internet Day kan ni delta via Twitter eller Facebook i en så kallad Thunderclap. I play my part for a better internet by supporting Safer Internet Day! Sara
Editable PowerPoint Newspapers Views 925,852 Filed under Educational , Editor's pick, english, newspaper, resource, school We have just updated our popular editable PowerPoint newspapers. With these you can create your own news headlines, articles and insert your own pictures. Following a couple of requests, we have updated these so that you can now add in your own newspaper name. These spoof newspaper templates could have many uses, including college and school projects and fun cards to send news to your friends and family. The template is also available in portrait (vertical) format and our latest template in the series, the Magazine PowerPoint. If you liked this PowerPoint Template we would appreciate you liking it on FaceBook or Tweeting it. 13 October 2014 Template number 00253 Filed under Educational , Editor's pick , english , newspaper , resource , school You can browse all of our PowerPoint templates or select them by category or colour or by tag.
5 of My Favorite English Games for ESL Students I saved the best for last. My students requested this game more often than any other game we ever played. It's based on the old drinking game "Ring of Fire," modified for the classroom. Materials needed:A standard deck of playing cards, a whiteboard, 20-30 small slips of blank paper, and a bowl. The setup:Almost none! The activity:Before you start the game, hand every student two small slips of paper. The students will take turns pulling a card. Here are the actions I assign to cards and the penalties involved: K: Ask anyone. Q: Ask a girl. J: Ask a boy. 10: Ask your teacher! 9: Bunny ears! 8: Words. 7: Pick again. 6: Touch your nose! 5: Answer one question. 4: Ask the person on your left. 3: Ask the person on your right. 2: Answer two questions. A: Free card. Note: This is just an example of a setup I use for intermediate university level classes.
Arbeta språkutvecklande med hjälp av Storybird När vi hade planeringsdag på skolan gick programmet i språkets tecken. En kollega startade upp sitt försteläraruppdrag med inriktning ”språkutvecklande arbetssätt”, vi såg på skolverkets film ”Språk – och kunskapsutvecklande arbete” som en upptakt till fortsatta diskussioner kring hur vi arbetar på vår skola. Vi diskuterade bl.a. hur elevernas språkliga förmågor ser ut hos eleverna, vilka förväntningar vi har på eleverna och hur vi kan undvika att missta oss på elevernas språkförmåga då de t.ex. trots allt har ett rikt vardagsspråk. Vi funderade även över hur vi, i våra olika verksamheter såsom fritids, förskoleklass och skola arbetar språkutvecklande med våra elever och gav praktiska exempel utifrån de olika verksamheterna. Efter filmen, de efterföljande diskussionerna och en kaffepaus var det min tur att på ett mer praktiskt sätt visa hur du kan arbeta språkutvecklande med hjälp av Storybird. Storybird är ett verktyg som lockar ”elever” i alla åldrar. Storybird i förskoleklass
PBS Election Central Helps Students Understand US Election Process PBS Election Central is a collection of educational resources related to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. The collection includes interactive maps, virtual field trips, and videos. Within the PBS Election Central collection there are resources appropriate for elementary school, middle school, and high students. The central feature of PBS Election Central is an interactive map of candidates on the campaign trail. The interactive PBS Election Central map is appropriate for middle school and high school students. on incorporating comic strips into your curriculum... school hasn't started yet in our house, but the kids have been hankering for some structure and creativity. so after googling "comic strip templates" and printing up a bunch from this site, (click to link) i spent some time explaining story structure i plunking down the ever present jar-o-markers and turned them loose. and four hours later, i had to force them to stop for a snack before they immediately went back to drawing - FOR ANOTHER TWO HOURS! and since they woke up clamouring for more - i bit the bullet and designed them some very specific templates. feel free to click and take for your kids. okay, take a crack at it - print a bunch of them up and cross your fingers that your kids will like them as much as mine have... because if they do - enjoy your nap-billpaying-manicuring-reading-yogaing-whatever-you-do sort of break. so sad. no one ever warned me about the getting back to life after the massive road trip. who knew?!
"Inbetweeners" Inbetweeners - Series 1-3 Box <div class="row notices"><div class="large-24 columns"><div class="alert-box alert radius"> This website requires JavaScript to be enabled if you wish to place an order online. Please enable JavaScript or upgrade your browser. <a class="close" href="">×</a></div></div></div> Skip to content Please enter a quantity bbc c4dvd10329 Inbetweeners - Series 1-3 Box (DVD) The selection you have made is not available The selection you have made is out of stock You have selected: Please select: (Only left) Please select... is currently out of stock Available for backorder - ETA: Available for pre-order - release date: Please enter quantity Please choose a variant of the product(s) you are adding to the basket Add this product Add all products Please add at least one product none "The Inbetweeners Series 1-3 boxset follows the often misguided footsteps of four friends, Will, Simon, Neil and Jay, as they try to navigate their way through sixth form, with their hormones running riot. At least
En deckarhistoria med digitala verktyg Mina åttor har läst olika typer av deckare, bland annat Man kan bara bli hängd en gång och Ridån går upp. Den senare blev de mycket fästa vid och gav dessutom ett bra diskussionsunderlag. Vanligtvis skriver eleverna egna deckare, men tiden är knapp så här i slutet av terminen. Istället för att skriva en hel och omfattande deckare, blev alternativet att gestalta sig själv som huvudperson i valfri deckargenre. Välja karaktär: Pusseldeckarens smarta detektiv, en hårdkokt snut, en psykopat eller varför inte en mix av alla? För att skapa en interaktiv deckarhistoria behöver du: En selfie och googlade bilder.Alfafunktionen i Pages. Tiden då?
The 50 most important English proverbs The 50 most important English proverbs What are proverbs? Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs". How can you use proverbs to learn English? It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. You know what they say: when the going gets tough... (Read #5 below to learn the rest of this proverb and what it means.) Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world. Proverbs can also give you good example sentences which you can memorize and use as models for building your own sentences. The most important English Proverbs This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. The meanings of some of these phrases have shifted over the years, so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain. Print this List
BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS Much to learn, you still have. – Joda. Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way. Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid. Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares 2 destroyers – 2 squares each 2 submarines – 1 square each How to play: some more games with irregular verbs from Engames.
Great Free Resources for Teaching Election 2016 The 2016 presidential race has been a roller-coaster ride of suspense and surprises from the beginning — and one replete with valuable “teachable moments” that shouldn’t be missed. Below, we suggest over a dozen instructional strategies and useful, free websites that can help teach students about our nation’s most pressing issues and the way our democracy works, as well as encourage them to voice their opinions about the issues they care about most. Please use our comments section to share additional resources we may have missed. We’ll be updating this page throughout 2016. From now until November, we’ll be offering regular election teaching resources, including lesson plans, Student Opinion questions, contests and an updated version of our four-part election unit. 1. Letters to the Next President 2.0 Overview Want to give your students a voice in this election even if they’re too young to vote? 2. 3. What does Donald J. 4. 5. 6. 7. PenPal Schools | Decision 2016 8. 9. 10. Photo 11. 12. 13.
The Winepress by Josef Essberger | English Club A short story by Josef Essberger "You don't have to be French to enjoy a decent red wine," Charles Jousselin de Gruse used to tell his foreign guests whenever he entertained them in Paris. "But you do have to be French to recognize one," he would add with a laugh. After a lifetime in the French diplomatic corps, the Count de Gruse lived with his wife in an elegant townhouse on Quai Voltaire. He was a likeable man, cultivated of course, with a well-deserved reputation as a generous host and an amusing raconteur. This evening's guests were all European and all equally convinced that immigration was at the root of Europe's problems. The first of the red Bordeaux was being served with the veal, and one of the guests turned to de Gruse. "Come on, Charles, it's simple arithmetic. "Yes, General. Without another word, de Gruse picked up his glass and introduced his bulbous, winey nose. "A truly full-bodied Bordeaux," he said warmly, "a wine among wines." "Really?" "But how? "Well?" Your Comments
City WebQuests: Sydney: history and traditions This webquest will help you investigate Sydney: its history, music and famous landmarks. You will also plan a trip and send a postcard home. Downloadable worksheet and teacher's notes are available at the bottom of the page. Activity 1: Introductory quiz Visit the link below: Look at the page and, in pairs or small groups, find the answers to the following eight questions on the history of Sydney and Australia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Activity 2: Famous landmarks Sydney has two landmarks which are famous around the world: Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. In this activity, your teacher will put you in two groups: A and B. If you are in Group A, visit the website below: Read through the information on the Opera House and write six questions. If you are in Group B, visit the website below: Activity 3: Planning a trip a) We’re going to Australia. 1. 2.