Kami - Annotate and Collaborate on PDFs
Disclosure: Kami is an advertiser on FreeTech4Teachers.com Kami is a neat service that makes it easy to annotate and comment on PDFs. The folks at Kami describe their service as a digital pen and paper. That is an accurate description of what the core of the service provides. The core function of Kami provides you with a place to draw, highlight, and type on a PDF.
Modern Lessons
Welcome to the new online learning platform for the Global Education Database! It’s a free, simple, and quick way to learn new skills, find new education resources, and figure out how to do just about anything a modern teacher or student needs. Take as many courses as you like – they’re free and all you need to do is sign up to get started.
Rethinking SAMR, TPACK and using technology well
I used to think of using the SAMR and TPACK tech integration models as “climb as high as you can” models. Now I see them differently. (Flickr / inkknife_2000) I used to think of the SAMR and TPACK — two technology integration models — kind of like a mountain. The higher you climbed the mountain, the better the mountain climber you were.
Cesar Camino (España) - CuVitt
Potential contribution to the company Finding out in this graphic where the strengths of this user, with which he/she will add more value to the company using his/her most outstanding talents and his/her main expectations. These are the points where this person can offer his/her very best
KQED Public Media for Northern CA
Bring science to life at the touch of a fingertip. Download the latest iBooks Textbooks from KQED! Explore STEM topics and careers through real-world examples. Designed to engage learners through a blend of high-quality media, interactive elements and informative text, the books and accompanying iTunes U courses offer rich learning experiences both in and out of the classroom. Examine the science of energy, from what it is to where it comes from.
Character Scrapbook Teaching Guide
The Character Scrapbook and this teacher's guide will work with any fiction or nonfiction book, and can be used by students individually or as a whole class. However you choose to use this activity, it's a great way to engage students and help them form a deeper understanding of a book's characters. Also see the book-specific Because of Winn-Dixie Character Scrapbook, part of the Because of Winn-Dixie Flashlight Readers activity. Part I: Class Discussion of Character Descriptions Step 1: Write the following literary terms on the whiteboard or chart paper: character, plot, setting, and theme. Define each of these terms for the class.
education - OpenLearn - Open University - H817_1
Welcome to the free OpenLearn course on open education. This course runs over seven weeks and is focused around the subject of openness in education. The course is an adapted extract from the Open University Masters-level course H817 Openness and innovation in elearning55 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip56)] (of which this is one of four blocks) and open, informal learners. This is the ‘stand alone’ version of the course, so you will be studying it independently of other students. This means others may not be studying at the same time, so the interaction found through blogs and forums may not be relevant, and is not monitored by the course team.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
This site will provide you with information on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. TEKS Review and Revision The State Board of Education (SBOE) has legislative authority to adopt the TEKS for each subject of the required curriculum. SBOE members nominate educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers to serve on TEKS review committees. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Review by Subject area web page provides information regarding the SBOE’s process and current and previous reviews. Subscribe to updates from TEA.
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2014 Update: Apps We Use in Kindergarten
RED Links- New Apps to the list Underlined Apps- What I consider MUST HAVE apps for Kindergarten! Storytelling/Creating: Lego Movie Maker, Aurasma, Venn Diagram, Write About This, Tell About This, Balloon Stickies, Audioboo, 30hands, Magnetic ABC, Hello Crayon, Pic Stitch, Pic Collage, PicPlayPost, Chatterpix Kids, Toontastic, Felt Board, Little Bird Tales, Educreations, Sock Puppets, StoryBuddy 2, Explain Everything, Doodlecast Pro, Book Creator, Strip Designer, Toontastic Jr, Draw and Tell HD, My Story, Puppet Pals, Kid in Story, Skitch, Popplet Creativity/Play: My PlayHome, Toca Tea Party, Robot Lab, Where’s My Water, Toca Kitchen, Sticker World, Little Things
How to Download YouTube Videos
Stripping down your favorite YouTube videos into separate audio and video files is easy. You just need to pick the right tools. A quick Google search will lead you to countless free sites that will convert a YouTube video to an MP3 or your choice of audio file. There are countless Chrome and Firefox extensions that will do the job for you. But don’t be surprised if those tools quickly disappear.
The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You
If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That’s because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms. The Best of the Best You can view the live stream of #edchat here and see what people are saying at the hashtag #chickenweb2tools here. We scoured hundreds of responses and have come up with the following list. The following tools have not been verified and are simply based on the number of times each was mentioned on Twitter during this hashtag discussion.
Sons of Technology - Google's Secret Menu
Did you know that Google Docs presents you with the bare minimum of options? If you want to make if fit your needs, just look for these Add-ons: Highlighter Tool - categorize all your highlights and share with one clickRevision History Analytics - See who really is doing all the workWord Cloud Generator - Self Explanatory
What is Tomnod? What am I looking at? You are looking at a picture of earth, taken from space. DigitalGlobe satellites photograph our planet and collect billions of pixels every day.