XSL Transformations (XSLT)
Abstract This specification defines the syntax and semantics of XSLT, which is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents. XSLT is designed for use as part of XSL, which is a stylesheet language for XML. In addition to XSLT, XSL includes an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting.
We launched Google PowerMeter as a free energy monitoring tool to raise awareness about the importance of giving people access to their energy information. PowerMeter included key features like visualizations of your energy usage, the ability share information with others, and personalized recommendations to save energy. We partnered with device manufacturers and utilities around the world. Many of our partners now have new options available for accessing energy information. We are pleased that PowerMeter helped demonstrate the importance of access to energy information, and created a model for others.
datejs - A JavaScript Date Library
Last updated 2008-04-14 Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing. The last 'official' release was Alpha-1 on November 19th, 2007. The project has been under active development since that time and many revisions and additions have occurred.
Account Options Videos Enjoy your holiday favorites on the big screen.
The Forms Working Group
The Forms working group is chartered by the W3C to develop the next generation of forms technology for the world wide web. The mission is to address the patterns of intricacy, dynamism, multi-modality, and device independence that have become prevalent in Web Forms Applications around the world. The technical reports of this working group have the root name XForms due to the use of XML to express the vocabulary of the forms technology developed by the working group. The Forms Working Group is comprised of W3C members and invited experts. The Working Group meets weekly by phone. Face to face meetings occur roughly every 3 months and are hosted by member organizations.
Publications by Googlers
Google publishes hundreds of research papers each year. Publishing is important to us; it enables us to collaborate and share ideas with, as well as learn from, the broader scientific community. Submissions are often made stronger by the fact that ideas have been tested through real product implementation by the time of publication. We believe the formal structures of publishing today are changing - in computer science especially, there are multiple ways of disseminating information.
C++ Language Tutorial
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Top 45 Google Logo Designs
Being the number one most visited site in the world, Google is used by us multiple times a day. Whether you are searching for something new, or just looking up a website Google always gets the job done. To spice things up Google has hired a doodle designer that just designs Google logos for special occasions, holidays, and birthdays.
Book excerpt: Converting XML to spreadsheet, and vice versa
Often it is useful for XML data to be presented as a spreadsheet. A typical spreadsheet (for example, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) consists of cells represented in a grid of rows and columns, containing textual data, numeric data, or formulas. An Excel spreadsheet defines some standard functions such as SUM and AVERAGE that you can specify in cells.
The technology behind Google's great results As a Google user, you're familiar with the speed and accuracy of a Google search. How exactly does Google manage to find the right results for every query as quickly as it does? The heart of Google's search technology is PigeonRank™, a system for ranking web pages developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University. Building upon the breakthrough work of B. F.
Instant SQL Formatter
Plugin for Notepad++UltraEditeclipse1.1KShare Instant SQL Formatter (Ver4.0.2 Updated: 09-19-2014) Database Output:
What Is Google App Engine? - Google App Engine
You can run your applications in App Engine using the flexible environment or standard environment. You can also choose to simultaneously use both environments for your application and allow your services to take advantage of each environment's individual benefits. The App Engine environments App Engine is well suited to applications that are designed using a microservice architecture, especially if you decide to utilize both environments. Use the following sections to learn and understand which environment best meets your application's needs. When to choose the standard environment
String is a class built into the Java language defined in the java.lang package. It represents character strings. Strings are ubiquitous in Java. Study the String class and its methods carefully.
sorry! vin.. I'm not a developer..just added this pearl if someone need it.. or just as bookmark. by kvdheeraj Sep 27
Hi Dheeraj, I know about code.google.com Are you pointing at anything specific. What kind of development do you do? by vin Sep 27
Google's official developer site. Featuring APIs, developer tools and technical resources. by kvdheeraj Sep 27