Millumin Maxuino Max: Cycling 74 Collega e Crea Max ti dà gli strumenti per creare suoni unici, grafica e video stupefacenti, interazioni multimediali affascinanti. Questi strumenti si chiamano ‘objects’ (oggetti): piccoli elementi grafici programmati per svolgere un compito specifico. Alcuni generano suoni, altri effetti video, altri ancora fanno semplici calcoli o prendono decisioni. In Max puoi aggiungere gli oggetti su una “tela virtuale” e connetterli tra loro con dei cavi. Oggetti che Connettono Con il supporto nativo per un’ampia gamma di controller e dispositivi, Max ti consente di mettere in connessione tutto quello che vuoi. Max nella tua Attività Creativa e Professionale La grande quantità di funzioni e l’interfaccia accessibile ha reso Max uno strumento indispensabile in una grande varietà di discipline dove è richiesta interattività e manipolazione di media in tempo reale. Max nelle Scuole e nelle Università I corsi di Nuovi Media Interattivi si giovano della grande dotazione di funzioni disponibile in Max.
Working with Hardware: DMX, Part 3 In this final article in the DMX set, I’m going to walk through the process of creating the DMX system we used to make the video below. We needed to write a very specific hardware–focused Max patch to get this to work. My hope is that some of the ideas and techniques used to create this system will be useful to you in your explorations of your own DMX hardware based projects. Part 1 – the hardware. For this system I used the following gear. LanBox LCX: The Lanbox is my go-to DMX interface, it’s bomb-proof and loaded with functionality.American DJ Revo 4: This is a DMX controlled 256 channel led projector. Part 2 – the software. Max 6 – of course! An install of the helper utilities and externals for the LanBox. If you use different DMX hardware, you’ll have your own system for this. For access to the Kinect data, I used the jit.freenect external developed by Jean-Marc Pelletier. I also decided to use some more of Jean-Marc’s awesome software to manage the video data from the Kinect.
Syphon kinect As kindly pointed by master Memo, I tested my hardware latency. First photo is the projector latency: displaying the same timecode on both computer screen and the projector, in this case an Optoma EP759. On top the proector timecode, bottom the computer timecode: Result is a 16ms latency. 1 frame at 60FPS. Now testing the Kinect unit. Result is an amazing 80ms latency ! Each test was repeated 3 times in order to have consistent results. Since the Kinect is grabbing frames -apparently- at 30FPS, I’ll lock my output to 30FPS as well, and hopefully reduce the latency to 3 frames… I’d be happy if anyone can confirm these tests. Max (Wikipedia) Max is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed and maintained by San Francisco-based software company Cycling '74. During its 20-year history, it has been used by composers, performers, software designers, researchers, and artists for creating recordings, performances, and installations. The Max program itself is modular, with most routines existing in the form of shared libraries. An API allows third-party development of new routines (called "external objects"). As a result, Max has a large user base of programmers not affiliated with Cycling '74 who enhance the software with commercial and non-commercial extensions to the program. Miller Puckette originally wrote Max at IRCAM in the mid-1980s, as the Patcher editor for the Macintosh to provide composers with an authoring system for interactive computer music. In 1989, IRCAM licensed it to Opcode Systems, which sold a commercial version in 1990 called Max (developed and extended by David Zicarelli).
MaxMSP/Jitter CoGe Software Quartz Composer P V P What is ProVideoPlayer™? Order PVP2 Now! Since its original release 8 years ago, PVP has been used by organizations around the world to create video walls, digital signage, dynamic staging and much more. While the software may work on systems that do not meet these requirements, those systems will not be supported. ProVideoPlayer 2 (minimum Mac specifications) Processor: 64-Bit Intel Core 2 Duo processor or better OS: Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) up to 10.10 (Yosemite) RAM: 4 GB RAM NOTE: For heavy or advanced use of video (i.e. multiple outputs, multiple layers, HD content, etc.), a faster system is advised. General Enhancements ProVideoPlayer 2 features an all new UI. Multiple Screens Since its inception, ProVideoPlayer has been used by our customers to create unique, multi-screen presentations using both external graphics modules (such as the Matrox TripleHead2Go) or networking multiple computers over a network and using the powerful network triggering that exists in the software.
SYNAPSE for Kinect PIXnMIX VJ Info mixers Edirol V4, V1, LVS-400 Korg KrossFour Panasonic MX50 (out of production), MX30 (out of production) MX20 Allen + Heath Xone 9:2 - DJ mixer with MIDI output which can control edirol video mixers for AV mixing. players Pioneer DVJ-X1 - Worlds first DVD scratching deck. Pioneer DVD-V7300D - Advanced professional DVD player with computer control interface. Deltron Cinema Disk - Portable MPEG2 hard disk based player. computers Shuttle - Small Form factor PCs with best power to size ratio Dell - Laptops with decent support when they break while you're abroad.. effects units Korg Kaoss Pad Entrancer - AV effects processor. VJs use lots of 80's broadcast and sub-broadcast gear eg chromascope, fairlightCVI - get on ebay or dig around in your local jumble sales and skips, who knows what you'll come up with. MIDI controllers Behringer Evolution/M-Audio Roland/Edirol Korg Doepfer video servers (software/hardware turnkey solutions) Hippotiser Catalyst Martin Showdesigner
Graphics and Animation - Mac OS X Technology Overview Sprite Kit Sprite Kit is a powerful graphics framework for 2D games such as side-scrolling shooters, puzzle games, and platformers. A flexible API lets developers control sprite attributes such as position, size, rotation, gravity, and mass. Sprite Kit’s OpenGL-based renderer efficiently animates 2D scenes. Scene Kit Scene Kit is a high-level Objective-C framework that enables your app to efficiently load, manipulate and render 3D scenes. Core Animation Core Animation lets you build dynamic, animated user experiences using an easy programming model based on compositing independent layers of media. Core Image Core Image is, simply put, “image effects made easy.” Quartz Quartz provides essential graphics services for applications in two integral parts: the Quartz 2D graphics API and the Quartz Extreme windowing environment. OpenGL OpenGL provides the GPU-accelerated foundation for OS X by powering Core Animation, Scene Kit, Sprite Kit and Quartz Extreme.