Emprendedores Sociales
The SOCAP14 scholarship application is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to fill out the application. We have received over 400 applications! We apologize for the application form being down for some part of Sunday, June 17.
The Economics of Happiness (2011)
Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There are personal costs too. For the majority of people on the planet life is becoming increasingly stressful. We have less time for friends and family and we face mounting pressures at work.
Un extraño cuento moral de banqueros, financieros y ciudadanos
Artículos relacionados Es una gran lástima que, junto a abrir las puertas a la ética, la justicia social y la paz, el Papa Francisco no haya dado indicios de actualizar también la teología tradicional. La tarea más urgente es poner al día los siete pecados capitales. La actualización debe realizarse en el ámbito del impacto social y […]
Basic Income Gathers Steam Across Europe
Barcelona. In the last few months basic income—an unconditional cash payment to every member of the population—has been getting more and more attention in the media and social networks. Three items are especially interesting. First, Yanis Varoufakis, the able Greek economist, Minister for Finance in the first Syriza government and well known for his trenchant opposition to Troika austerity measures bashing the poor and already vulnerable majority of the population, has become such a media star that every time he gives an opinion on political economy, some theoretical aspect of economics or economic policy, his words are widely disseminated. Hence, his remarks on basic income, which he described as “a necessity” at the Future of Work conference in Zurich on 5 May 2016, are of no small import.
Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Lynn Forester, Lady de Rothschild (born Lynn Forester; July 2, 1954) is the chief executive officer of E.L. Rothschild, a holding company she owns with her third husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild family.[1] The company manages investments in The Economist Group, owner of The Economist magazine, Congressional Quarterly and the Economist Intelligence Unit, Weather Central, LP, the world's largest provider of weather software and data to the broadcast industry, as well as real estate, agricultural and food interests.[2] By virtue of her marriage to a knight, she is known socially as Lady de Rothschild. Life and career[edit] Lynn Forester de Rothschild has stated that her first business success came at the age of 16 when she bought US made blue jeans and brought them to sell in Israel during her vacation there and sold them for up to ten times what they had originally cost her.[citation needed]
What is degrowth actually about? Degrowth is a perspective and an emerging social movement, which in the last few years brought together a multitude of projects and ongoing debates around alternative economies. The main idea of degrowth is an economy and society which aims for the well-being of all and for ecological sustainability. One key conviction is that social and ecological global justice can only be achieved when the destructive economic activities of the global North are reduced. Degrowth criticises the current framework of society, which always calls for “higher, faster, further”, as well as connected phenomena like acceleration, excessive demands, marginalization and the destruction of the global ecosystem.
Personas clave
Dr Madsen Pirie Dr Madsen Pirie is President of the Adam Smith Institute, and was one of three Scots graduates working in the US who founded the Institute in 1977. Before that, Madsen worked for the House of Representatives in Washington DC, and was Distinguished Visiting Professor Philosophy at Hillsdale College in Michigan. At the Institute, Madsen was part of the influential team which pioneered privatization and the extension of market choices and incentives. His work in helping to develop the Citizen's Charter led to his appointment to the Prime Minister's Advisory Panel from 1991-95. A graduate of the universities of Edinburgh, St Andrews and Cambridge, Madsen has authored several books including The Book of the Fallacy, Micropolitics, Privatization, How to Win Every Argument, 101 Great Philosophers, Blueprint for a Revolution, and Freedom 101.
Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics – the doughnut
So what are we going to do about it? This is the only question worth asking. But the answers appear elusive. Faced with a multifaceted crisis – the capture of governments by billionaires and their lobbyists, extreme inequality, the rise of demagogues, above all the collapse of the living world – those to whom we look for leadership appear stunned, voiceless, clueless.
Living Economies Educational Trust
Living Economies is an educational network promoting systems of exchange that foster community wellbeing. We aim to strengthen and help sustain regional economies by promoting interest-free means of exchange - currencies based on and respecting the living systems of our planet - to complement money in local communities. The Trust welcomes enquiries about currency models and resource materials, and provides support for those wishing to explore and implement currency systems appropriate for their communities.