50 QR code resources for the classroom As mobile learning and technology is more readily integrated within classroom settings, QR codes can be used as an interesting method to capture a student's attention and make lesson material more interactive. Quick response codes, also known as 'QR' codes, are simple, scannable images that are a form of barcode. By scanning a QR code image through a mobile device, information can be accessed including text, links, bookmarks and email addresses. In the classroom, QR codes can be used in a variety of ways -- from conducting treasure hunts to creating modern CVs. Articles and tips 1.) 2.) 40 interesting ways to use QR codes in the classroom. 3.) 5 uses of QR codes in the classroom. 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 46 interesting ways to use QR Codes in the classroom. 8.) 75 Teched Out ways to say good job. 9.) 10.) Resources, software and lesson help 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.) 28.) 29.) 2 projects in math using QR codes. 30.) 31.) 33.) 34.) 35.) 36.)
Sharing Kindergarten: QR Codes in the Classroom Little learners are AMAZING at using technology to LEARN. Sometimes WE as teachers are the ones who limit them. One of my passions is using technology in the classroom to LEARN... not to just use technology. QR stands for Quick Response. They are an easy way to get anyone to an EXACT place you want them to go. Meaning, you can control content while your students can control their learning. This just might be a perfect combination to allow teachers, who want to control learning, to let go and let their students grasp more responsibility for their learning. If you have ever read my blog, you already know I love to use technology in different ways. One of the ways I love to use technology is with a series of activities called "QR Scan & Learn." The best thing about these activities is... You only need a smart device with wifi and a camera function... {iPhones, iPads, iPods, Android, ect...} whatever device that can use a QR Reader and has internet can use these! Watch this video and see what you think!
How to Attach Audio to a QR Code I actually do not have experience with this yet, but it is definitely on my to-do list this year. Here seems to be a pretty simple tutorial on the process at Education QR Codes. You can also use the app Audioboo to assist in QR code creation. I think this will be the method I use. Technochalkie explains a bit how to do it. While searching, I found a really cute idea for practicing sight words with audio QR codes by Technology in Early Childhood. Ways to Use Audio Texts in the Classroom: 1) Create a QR code of a child reading a book. What else??? Back to QR Code Tutorials FlapJack QR Code Resources Try your hand at QR Codes with these freebies. :) Task Cards MATH 4th-5th Task Cards MATH 2nd-3rd Task Cards FRACTIONS 4th-5th Task Cards MEASUREMENT 4th-5th Task Cards MATH Other Tabitha Carro
Teacher's Guide to Using Padlet in Class Educational Technology and Mobile Learnin Ten Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom with Online Tutorials I am so excited to be writing my second blog post of the year on this wonderful blog. During my last post, you may remember that I offered to be your "virtual coach". I had several people who were interested in learning more about how to use QR codes in daily routines as well as how to create these cute little things. I decided to provide you with 10 ways to use QR codes in the classroom as well as step by step tutorials to help you get started. At the end of this post, you will find links to all of the resources discussed.. #1 - One of my favorite ways to use QR codes is to assist students in linking to websites for research purposes. #2 - Another way I have used QR codes in the classroom is by using them for app smashing. #3 - Have you ever thought about using QR codes for behavior management? #4 - In 21st century classrooms, it is important that we start thinking of ways to save students' online work. #5 - Kimberly said she has her kindergarten kids scan CVC words.
YAKiT - Make any photo talk Getting Started with Prezi | Prezi Support QR Codes and Bottle Cap Fun! Technology is awesome because not only does it keeps students engaged, it's also usually pretty environment-friendly! So, I've decided to combine two fun items I've been incorporating in my classroom - QR codes and labeling bottle caps - to help students practice ordering fractions, multi-digit multiplication, and long division - just a few skills we're going over in fourth grade right now. Let's start with ordering fractions: I made 8 bottle cap groups with six fractions in each group using Avery lables (1" circles 5410). And then, lo and behold, did you know you can make QR codes in Avery? On the left-hand tool bar, there is a button for making bar codes and QR codes. Am I making sense? Now on to multi-digit multiplication and long division: I made 6 problems each, using the same Avery labels. Then, through the QR code button on the Avery website, I made QR codes with the answers to put on the inside of the caps. Got a scan app on you right now? Happy QR coding!
30hands: Create & Show What You Know A Guide to Getting Started With Edmodo Whether you’re new to Edmodo or you’ve been a part of community for some time, we want you to make the most your Edmodo experience. For those looking to learn how to use Edmodo over the summer, here is a guide to help you get started! Sign Up for an Intro Webinar If you just created an account, a great way to get started is to attend one of our bi-weekly webinars. Webinars are free and take place every Tuesday and Thursday – sign up here. If you cannot make it to a live session, you can always watch a recorded session. Getting Started If you’re anxious to get started right away, here are three things you should do after your create your free account: 1. Groups make it easy to distribute notes, assignments and quizzes, and provide a way for your students to communicate and collaborate. Ideas for Using Edmodo Once you have your groups set up and you know your way around Edmodo, check out some of the creative ways you can use Edmodo in the classroom: Here are 20 ways to use Edmodo.