Related: Translation tools
Glossarissimo! – monolingual & multilingual resources & terminology for translators & interpreters Enduring Voices Project, Endangered Languages, Map, Facts, Photos, Videos Explore Talking Dictionaries The Enduring Voices team is pleased to present these Talking Dictionaries, giving listeners around the world a chance to hear some of the most little-known sounds of human speech. Several communities are now offering the online record of their language to be shared by any interested person around the world. While you probably won't walk away from these Talking Dictionaries knowing how to speak a new language, you will encounter fascinating and beautiful sounds--forms of human speech you've never heard before--and through them, get a further glimpse into the rich diversity of culture and experience that humans have created in every part of the globe. Explore the Talking Dictionaries for yourself. Losing Our World's Languages By 2100, more than half of the more than 7,000 languages spoken on Earth—many of them not yet recorded—may disappear, taking with them a wealth of knowledge about history, culture, the natural environment, and the human brain.
Translation in the European Union - Facts and Figures The translation flow is an enormous challenge to the EU. A serious amount of workforce is engaged as permanent or temporary staff, as trainees, freelancers and contractors. It is not possible to present the official figures of the entire translation staff outside and within the EU, as competitions are constantly being organized and especially with corporate contractors there would be no way to collect the number of translators, working part- or full-time on EU translation. The First Official and Working Languages The first Community Regulation determining official languages was passed in 1958: Regulation number 1 determining the languages to be used by the EEC. There are two main entitlements for languages with “official and working” status, as the website of the European Commission describes: Logically, the Regulation is amended every time a new language is added. Current Figures In 2013, the EU increased its official languages with one more, after Croatia joined the Union on 1 July.
Translating official documents February 11, 2010 by Corinne McKay Over the years, I’ve observed that many translators are somewhere between lukewarm and downright scornful of translating individual clients’ official documents: birth certificates, educational transcripts, diplomas, drivers’ licenses, you get the picture. I think that a lot of experienced translators view this as “beginner’s work” or not worth their time, so they take it off their range of services. Official documents are not a huge component of my freelance business, but they do total a few thousand dollars of income every year for me and the work is painless and gratifying. Here are a few reasons I think it’s worth including official documents in your range of services, and a few tips on how to do it successfully. Translating official documents is appealing because: It’s lucrative. And a few tips for setting your official document translations up for success: Like this: Like Loading... Related
Untranslatability Untranslatability is a property of a text, or of any utterance, in one language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in another language when translated. Terms are, however, neither exclusively translatable nor exclusively untranslatable; rather, the degree of difficulty of translation depends on their nature, as well as on the translator's knowledge of the languages in question. Quite often, a text or utterance that is considered to be "untranslatable" is actually a lacuna, or lexical gap. That is, there is no one-to-one equivalence between the word, expression or turn of phrase in the source language and another word, expression or turn of phrase in the target language. A translator can, however, resort to a number of translation procedures to compensate for this. Translation procedures[edit] N.B.: The majority of examples and illustrations given below will involve translating to or from the English language. Adaptation[edit] Borrowing[edit] Calque[edit] Paraphrase[edit]
The history of translation The history of translation By Marouane Zakhir, English translator, University of Soultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco prof.zakhir at gmail com Become a member of TranslationDirectory.com at just 8 EUR/month (paid per year) When we talk about the history of translation, we should think of the theories and figures that have emerged in its different periods. In fact, each era is characterized by specific changes in translation theory. a. For centuries, people believed in the relation between translation and the story of the tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis. With the birth of translation studies and the increase of research in the domain, people started to get away from this story of Babel and look for specific dates and figures that mark the periods of translation history. Another period which marked a turning point in translation development was related to St Jerome (fourth century CE). The period is also characterized by pragmatic and systematic approach to the study of translation. b.
PE - Trad. ES - Guía del Traductor - Mayúsculas y minúsculas Epígrafes (Última actualización: 6.3.2006; véase la indicación insertada bajo el epígrafe "Advertencia" el 9.1.2012) Advertencia Las instrucciones contenidas en este apéndice coinciden en lo esencial con la norma expuesta en el Libro de estilo interinstitucional (LEI) de la OPOCE, aunque desarrollan algunos aspectos de particular interés en nuestro trabajo. Para su redacción se tomó como base una propuesta sobre uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas que circuló en su día en la Comisión (separata sobre uso de mayúsculas, de Miguel Candel). 1. a) Siglas y abreviaturas Se escribirán íntegramente en mayúsculas, sin separarlas con puntos, los términos formados por siglas, es decir, por iniciales de un título o nombre de entidad, organismo, programa, cargo, etc., tanto si dichas iniciales se escriben en mayúscula en el nombre completo como si no: Se recuerda, de paso, que las siglas nunca admiten plural en español: PYMES o PYMEs es, pues, incorrecto. - Abreviaturas de plurales b) Acrónimos c) Medidas 2.
FC74: The invention of the printing press and its effects Introduction At the height of the Hussite crisis in the early 1400's, when the authorities ordered 200 manuscripts of heretical writings burned, people on both sides realized quite well the significance of that act. Two hundred handwritten manuscripts would be hard to replace. Not only would it be a time consuming job, but also trained scribes would be hard to find. Like any other invention, the printing press came along and had an impact when the right conditions existed at the right time and place. If one process started the chain reaction of events that led to the invention of the printing press, it was the rise of towns in Western Europe that sparked trade with the outside world all the way to China. For centuries the Chinese had been making rag paper, which was made from a pulp of water and discarded rags that was then pressed into sheets of paper. Block printing, carved on porcelain, had existed for centuries before making its way to Europe. The impact of the printing press
Tratamiento de las discrepancias ortotipográficas inglés-español En este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar las convenciones ortotipográficas para la combinación lingüística inglés-español desde la perspectiva de la lingüística comparada. Como asume Hurtado Albir (2001: 28-31) “se traduce porque las lenguas y las culturas son diferentes […] y para traspasar la barrera de la comunicación debida a esa diferencia lingüística y cultural […]. En efecto, puesto que existen diferencias entre las lenguas, pretendemos profundizar en una sub-competencia lingüística que, desde el punto de vista de la traducción, constituye una de las competencias necesarias para el desarrollo de la competencia traductora. Para ello, y con el fin de resolver las dudas más frecuentes a las que el traductor se enfrenta al traducir un texto del inglés en cuanto a la puntuación, ortografía, tipografía y con el fin de mejorar la presentación del texto en español, aquí articulamos una especie de guía de referencia. 2.1. Tipos de letra 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 20th century - siglo XX 2.1.3. [...] 1.
Translation – a changing profession | Translating Today Training, teamwork, technology Adapting the profession to the changing needs of the 21st Century In this article Mary Carroll addresses what it means to work for a translation company that specialises in translations for the audiovisual media, the social sciences as well as business and marketing texts. The job profile of a translator is changing constantly. The translation world is as diversified and specialised as life in the early 21st century, so it is not surprising that translators become specialists in particular areas in the course of their careers. At the start of my career as a freelance translator from German into English, I gained experience in fields as diverse as telecommunications and engineering, through a wide range of the social sciences, to development aid, education and vocational training, to marketing and film. Our translators invariably work at PCs and use standard office programs as well as translation memory and terminology software.
Guía práctica de cortes de carne Después de leer este articulo tendrás por garantizado que a la hora de elegir el corte, éste ya no va a representar un inconveniente en el futuro, podrás pedir un “muchacho redondo” sin dudar cual es el nombre común en España (por ejemplo) Comer carne es uno de los placeres más preciados y sabrosos, pero cuando hablamos del ganado y de sus cortes en Venezuela (y el mundo) se debe tener en cuenta que no todos los cortes tienen una traducción literal. Incluso en nuestro país, existen diferenciaciones y nomenclaturas distintas en los nombres de los cortes de acuerdo a la región o zonas, es por ello que no queda duda de que esta lista de cortes junto con sus traducciones y mejores usos (entre otras características) será de gran utilidad cada vez que realices un viaje o leas un menú en donde no entiendas ni la mitad de las cosas que dice. Solomo de cuerito: Una pieza que contiene bastante sabor y de consistencia blanda, se podría decir que es de forma rectangular y pesa casi 10 Kg.
Diccionario UB de la calle: desde "becerro" hasta "chigüire" | UB En el amplio universo en donde se encuentra sumergida nuestra jerga local existe todo un imaginario verbal, de adjetivos y referentes de la vida cotidiana, asociadas a los animales. La lista de nombres y calificativos que usan los autóctonos citadinos no es nada corta Esta vez queremos compilar los significados de cada especie que, en boca de los habitantes del Valle de Caracas, su Área Metropolitana y – ¿por qué no? – el país completo, forman parte de nuestra oratoria histórica, post-colonial y “retro-malandra”. Pero no garantizamos auditorías académicas, y es posible que dejemos de lado algunos “acuñamientos”, por pura omisión o quizá desconocimiento. Sin embargo, la lista presente es un intento de muestra generalizada de los términos que más se utilizan. Nótese la forma -peyorativa- en la que muchos de estos conceptos funcionan, pero que también se incorporan al contexto amistoso e, incluso, fraternal, propio de nuestro gentilicio. Becerro/a: insulto de variada connotación.
AsiHablamos.com - El Diccionario Latinoamericano