Delphi Apollo's sacred precinct in Delphi was a panhellenic sanctuary, where every four years, starting in 586 BC [5] athletes from all over the Greek world competed in the Pythian Games, one of the four panhellenic (or stephanitic) games, precursors of the Modern Olympics. The victors at Delphi were presented with a laurel crown (stephanos) which was ceremonially cut from a tree by a boy who re-enacted the slaying of the Python.[5] Delphi was set apart from the other games sites because it hosted the mousikos agon, musical competitions.[3] These Pythian Games rank second among the four stephanitic games chronologically and based on importance.[5] These games, though, were different from the games at Olympia in that they were not of such vast importance to the city of Delphi as the games at Olympia were to the area surrounding Olympia. In the inner hestia ("hearth") of the Temple of Apollo, an eternal flame burned. Delphi among the main Greek sanctuaries. Location[edit] Oracle[edit]
Palin's Travels: Michael Palin's travel website MS Empress MS Empress is a cruise ship operated by Pullmantur Cruises. She was formerly operated by Royal Caribbean International as Nordic Empress and Empress of the Seas. The ship was ordered by Admiral Cruise Lines and was intended to be called the Future Seas and join the other Admiral ships, the Azure Seas and the Emerald Seas. MS Empress in a new coloring. The ship was originally named Nordic Empress and was the final Royal Caribbean ship whose name did not end with "of the Seas". Nordic Empress was the first mainstream cruise ship especially designed for the 3 and 4 day cruise market. In 2000, Royal Caribbean announced that the Nordic Empress would be undertaking a series of cruises in South America. In June of 2001 "Nordic Empress" suffered engine room fire damage. In November 2012, the Empress was the first of the fleet to receive a brand new logo as well as new hull color scheme, it is not known at the moment when the rest of the fleet will receive the new rebranding.[4] References[edit]
Svartsengi Blaue Lagune mit Sýlingafell im Hintergrund und Þorbjörn rechts Das Vulkansystem Svartsengi liegt in Island. Es befindet sich im Südwesten des Landes auf der Halbinsel Reykjanes nördlich des Fischerortes Grindavík. Vulkansystem Svartsengi[Bearbeiten] Das Vulkansystem liegt zwischen den Bergen Þorbjörn und Sýlingafell, auch Svartsengisfell genannt. Ein Hochtemperaturgebiet befindet sich am Fuße des Sýlingafell, weitere Quellen am Hang des Þorbjörn. Geothermalkraftwerk Svartsengi[Bearbeiten] Man nutzt die Energie dieses Vulkans seit 1978 im Svartsengi-Kraftwerk. Bláa Lónið[Bearbeiten] Der Überlauf dieses Kraftwerkes im Lavafeld wurde zunächst von Einheimischen als Bad genutzt. Siehe auch[Bearbeiten] Vulkane in Island Weblinks[Bearbeiten] [1] im Global Volcanism Program der Smithsonian Institution (englisch) Einzelnachweise[Bearbeiten] Hochspringen ↑ vgl. z.B.
Circumnavigating the Peloponnese - a Cruising Guide on the World Cruising and Sailing Wiki From CruisersWiki Introduction The circumnavigation of the Peloponnese can be a challenge to the cruiser because of the many different weather conditions and the length of the cruise. On the other hand it can be very rewarding because of the variety of its ports and anchorages and the opportunities for sightseeing this part of Greece steeped in history. The Peloponnese or Pelopónnisos (Πελοπόννησος) is one of the largest geometrical features of mainland Greece. The history of Pelopónnisos starts from the Paleolithic times but it was during the Bronze Age when a brilliant civilization the Mycenaean civilization was centered there. In classical times the Peloponnese was dominated by Sparta on the south, and Corinth on the north east, but also it was the home to the Pan Hellenic (including all the Greek city-states) Olympic games in Olympia on the north west. in 146 BC the Romans conquered Greece and the Peloponnese became the roman province of Achaea. Climate & Weather Information Radio Nets
TheTravelzine.com Volcanos in the North pole More evidence comes to light that one should have his doubts about all the clamour that has been raised about climate change and its contribution on the melting of the ice caps (see entry on this blog of Apri 9, 2007). According to a report that appeared in that unique scientific journal, "NATURE", researchers from Europe, the U.S.A and Japan recently ascertained some gigantic volcanic activity 4.000 meters down under the ice cap in what is called the Gakkel Ridge. Back in 1999 phenomenal seismic activity in the area had drawn the attention of the scientific community. The scientists say the heat released by the explosions is not contributing to the melting of the Arctic ice. Back in December of last year the melting of the ice over the Amasalic island on the north coast of Greenland was attributed to the thiness of the earth's surface in the area which makes possible periodic rises in the temperature of the area. Labels: climate change, Greenland's coastline, Piri Reis Map
HS Orka The location of the plant draws its name from a former resting place of horseback riders, which is all of the area east of the Grindavík road across the plant. The plant itself is on lava which erupted back in 1226 and it is called Illahraun. South of the powerplant is Þorbjarnarfell and east of it is Svartengisfell and Selháls between it and north of it is Baðsvellir, which is south from the plant. A drilling search for steam in Svartengis area began in in the middle of November 1971, when a 700 meter hole was scheduled to be drilled. Today, the total production capability of the energy plant in Svartsengi is 75 MW in electrical energy and about 150 MW in thermal energy. Hot water used at Reykjanes peninsula is orginal fresh water. The Svartengi plant has been build in phases.
South Africa Accommodation | Largest Accommodation Booking Site in Africa, 19825 establishments! Foreign Affairs Canada Hot Topics Canada stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine in their fight for a free and democratic Ukraine. This landmark agreement constitutes Canada’s first free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region. An interactive global map.
Ammassalik Island Ammassalik Island (Danish: Ammassalik Ø) is an island in the Sermersooq municipality in southeastern Greenland, with an area of 772 km2 (298.1 sq mi).[1] Geography[edit] Tasiilaq on Ammassalik Island The island is separated from the mainland of Greenland by the wide Sermilik Fjord in the west, and by the Ikaasartivaq Strait in the northeast. Settlement[edit] The only settlement on the island is Tasiilaq town, with 1,893 inhabitants as of 2009,[3] the most populous community on the eastern coast, and the seventh-largest town in Greenland. References[edit]