Related: +80 apps para docentes con Android
Movenote Improve your presentation skills and record your presentations on video! When writing is no longer enough, Movenote provides the fastest way to add a voice and a face to your presentation. Add your content from wherever you want and record yourself explaining and presenting! Movenote works seamlessly with Gmail and Google Drive. You can register with your Google account. Features:- Upload documents (Google Docs, MS Office, Pdf or pictures) from your device or from a cloud storage (Drive, Dropbox, Box etc)- Or take pictures with your smartphone camera, even while recording your presentation video- Record video with your Android smartphone and synchronize the material to the video- Share the link to your presentation by Gmail, sms or with social applications (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+)- Follow viewer statistics to know who watched your presentation- Recorded presentations will be stored in your presentation library Movenote funciona perfectamente con Gmail y Google Drive.
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Movenote Imagine: Created Reality - Fotografiska - Verkligheten jag porträtterar finns, men i en annan skala. Det har blivit mitt livsuppdrag att skapa dessa världar, att alla dessa idéer som vill komma ut från mig, faktiskt får bli till. Jag brinner för att inspirera andra att våga leva ut sina fantasier och att skapa något som inspirerar till att utmana ingångna tankebanor, att väcka frågor, säger Erik Johansson. Frågor som här gäller både fotografiets tillblivelse och syfte. Var dras gränsen mellan de olika elementen i verkets komposition och hur korresponderar de? - Jag vill vara för fotografin vad bob hund är för musikscenen. Johansson driver en helt egen form av iscensatt fotografi där han i stor utsträckning arbetar med att bygga modeller.
Evernote Evernote te ayuda a centrarte en lo que más importa y a acceder a tu información cuando la necesites. Introduce notas escritas a máquina o escanea notas escritas a mano. Añade tareas pendientes, fotos, imágenes, páginas web o audio... y podrás encontrarlo todo al instante. Organiza tus notas como quieras y compártelas con quien quieras. "Utiliza Evernote como el lugar en el que guardas todo … No te preguntes nunca más en qué dispositivo lo guardaste— está en Evernote" – The New York Times ORGANÍZATEEvernote te proporciona las herramientas que necesitas para mantener tu trabajo organizado sin ningún esfuerzo.• Escribe, recopila y captura ideas como notas, libretas, notas de voz, listas de verificación y listas de tareas fáciles de buscar. WIDGET DE PANTALLA DE INICIOAccede a Evernote más fácil y rápidamente utilizando el widget de la pantalla de inicio: También disponible desde Evernote: Los precios pueden variar dependiendo de la ubicación.
WRITING TOOLS Character Pyramid Tool (PDF) Visualize your character’s FLAWS & associated behaviors (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Character Target Tool (PDF) Organize and group your character’s POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES by category: moral, achievement, interactive or identity (for a greater understanding of this tool, please reference The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Attributes) Character Profile Questionnaire (PDF) Not your average character questionnaire! Reverse Backstory Tool (PDF) Work backwards to find your character’s wound, needs & lie (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Weak Verb Converter Tool (PDF) Transform all those generic, boring verbs into power verbs Scene Revision/Critique Tool Level 1 & Level 2 (PDF) A ‘light’ and ‘in-depth’ revision checklist for creating compelling characters and scenes
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60 Awesome Search Engines for Serious Writers June 20th, 2010 Finding the information you need as a writer shouldn’t be a chore. Luckily, there are plenty of search engines out there that are designed to help you at any stage of the process, from coming up with great ideas to finding a publisher to get your work into print. Professional Find other writers, publishers and ways to market your work through these searchable databases and search engines. Writing These helpful tools will help you along in the writing process. WriteSearch: This search engine focuses exclusively on sites devoted to reading and writing to deliver its results.The Burry Man Writers Center: Find a wealth of writing resources on this searchable site.Writing.com: This fully-featured site makes it possible to find information both fun and serious about the craft of writing.Purdue OWL: Need a little instruction on your writing? Research Try out these tools to get your writing research done in a snap. Reference Need to look up a quote or a fact? Niche Writers Books Blogging
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