Online Giving, One Person at a Time “This cracks the code for how you get regular people, not the superwealthy, to give money,” Mr. Green said. “It works because your birthday is a time when it’s acceptable to ask for something, and your friends want to give you something.” Each friend might give a small donation—$10 or $20 or so—but together, each wish might generate hundreds or thousands of dollars. Causes is just one method for nonprofits to press for more action from their audiences. Some people may not be ready to donate money immediately, but what if you can coerce them to do something else on behalf of your organization? The jury may still be out on which campaigns will work to get this kind of response and which won’t. So far, some of them may not have done anything other than express tepid support. Giving Published: November 10, 2010 Go to Complete List » Go to Complete List » Go to Complete List » Inside NYTimes.com More in Giving (1 of 15 articles) Precious Eyes
Ideo: Good Stories Make Good Brands. Here's 4 Tips and 7 Examples | Co.Design This is the latest piece in our PATTERNS series by IDEO. Read more about the series here. Every product needs a story, as does every brand. The product's origin. The creators' ideals. Consumers are looking to share narratives as a way to express their knowledge, identity, status, and connections. TAKE ACTION: Designing for Life's Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. THE EVIDENCE: Stories from Around the Globe Shoes Make the Man A self-proclaimed sneaker geek, Carl has over 500 pairs in his collection. Bragging Rights on a Global Scale A lot of people travel to Costa Rica to take surf lessons. Lee, a 36-year-old investment banker from Manhattan, works hard to attract opportunities like this. Working in a typically male-dominated industry, she may not always get invited to go bear hunting with the guys in Alaska. Discerning Chickens Cause a Stir In Andhra Pradesh, India, a region where clean water is scarce, one humble local farmer's chickens are better off than most people. Red Cross Shun Knives Tesco