Oregano - One of The Most Beneficial Spices For Our Health Karen Foster, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Oregano is widely considered as nature’s antibiotic. It is an indispensable spice in Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American and Italian cuisine, oregano is the must-have ingredient in tomato sauces and pairs well with capers and olives. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and healthier lives. Oregano is an important culinary and medicinal herb that has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years – with a number of health benefits. It is one of the top five spices in the world with one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scores meaning it will more effectively neutralize free radicals. Oregano typically grows 50 cm tall and has purple leaves around 2 to 3 centimeters in length. The chemicals that give the herb its unique and pleasant smell are thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, ocimene, and caryophyllene Oregano is a rich source of: How to Select and Store
Fennel It is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses and, along with the similar-tasting anise, is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe. Florence fennel or finocchio is a selection with a swollen, bulb-like stem base that is used as a vegetable. Fennel is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the mouse moth and the anise swallowtail. Etymology and names[edit] The word "fennel" developed from the Middle English fenel or fenyl. Cultural references[edit] Fennel, from Koehler's Medicinal-plants (1887) As Old English finule, fennel is one of the nine plants invoked in the pagan Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm, recorded in the 10th century.[2] The Greek name for fennel is marathon (μάραθον) or marathos (μάραθος),[3] and the place of the famous battle of Marathon (whence Marathon, the subsequent sports event), literally means a plain with fennels.[4] The word is first attested in Mycenaean Linear B form as ma-ra-tu-wo.[5] ...
This Is The Cannabis Oil Recipe Rick Simpson Used To Heal His Cancer And Recommends To Others - Waking Times Media In 2003, Rick Simpson healed himself of skin cancer using cannabis oil. This is the recipe he perfected and recommends to others seeking to heal holistically. Amanda Froehlich, True ActivistWaking Times Media Someday, everyone will know the name ‘Rick Simpson’. Getting desperate, Rick decided to do something drastic – at least in the eyes of the mainstream. Rick remembered that thirty years prior, the University of Virginia discovered that cannabinoid in cannabis THC could kill cancer in mice. He figured that if the oil didn’t help within four days, he would give up the practice. Simpson’s success inspired others to give cannabis oil a try as an alternative treatment for cancer. In fact, even the U.S. Because of such, the public’s perception of the herb as a medicine has changed drastically in recent years. Which means, if you or someone you know is suffering from cancer, it might be the time you try out Rick Simpson’s personal cannabis oil recipe. Homemade Medicinal Cannabis Oil
Outdoor Concrete Pots - The Wood Grain Cottage Well, we’ve had a few days without the wind. I’m not sure how I’ve survived! I mean, we can actually walk outside without being blown away. I might have had one or two good hair days… And now that I’ve said that, I’m sure it will have to make its appearance. Let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything… I’ve been so anxious to start adding flowers and pots and outdoor pretties, that I couldn’t help myself from making a new pair of outdoor concrete pots. They’re unique and I love the way they look with flowers! Here’s how I made them… I started with basic black plastic pots, you know, the kind that your plants come in when you buy them… Then I started mixing my ingredients… Portland Cement, Perlite and Sphagnum Peat Moss. I’ve found that adding equal amounts of the concrete, peat moss and perlite works ok, but if you add another part of concrete to the mix, the concrete looks better when it’s dry… I added just enough water to make the mixture wet and “cottage cheese” like… P.S. P.S.S.
The Ultimate Guide to Aloe Vera and its Many, Often Unknown, Uses Aloe Harvesting and Production Before aloe gel and juice can hit store shelves, it has to be properly harvested and undergo a highly-sanitized production process. Aloe farms can be found throughout the world. Africa, Australia, Asia, Central America, South America and the Caribbean are all popular locations for growing aloe for commercial use. Cultivation To grow strong aloe plants, farms need good irrigation systems, fertilization and the proper climate. Did you know? Harvesting While cutting and gathering aloe leaves may seem like a simple task, there’s a science behind it. How aloe is cut: The leaf is pulled away from the stalk and cut at the white base of the plant. Upon harvesting, the leaves are gathered and delivered to a highly-regulated and sanitized processing facility. Did you know? Processing Processing must be done carefully to prevent the outer rind from being punctured which can cause contamination. The first step in processing is washing the leaves using various machines.
Cheap Patio idea - Sunset Mobile An outdoor "area rug" of stained concrete pavers replaced a tired lawn in the back of our 1930s bungalow in Santa Monica. And it solved a major, if temporary, problem. Because the back entrance of our house leads to a home office, lots of foot traffic had trampled the lawn. And our dog, Stella, regularly tracked grass and mud into the house. We needed a level, durable patio that would blend with the surrounding garden. Concrete pavers seemed to be the answer ― they are readily available and inexpensive (less than $1 each) at home improvement stores ― but their color range is limited to gray and ruddy brown. Then my experience as a scenery artist led me to the idea of turning the raw 12-inch-square pavers into a colorful mosaic. After removing the lawn and about 3 inches of soil beneath it (the 2-inch-deep pavers needed to sit flush against an adjacent driveway), we framed the patio with 2-by-4s and put down a 1-inch-thick layer of washed sand. Next: Project tips Project tips Make a plan.
Clean your Body's Drains: How to Detoxify your Lymphatic System Guest post by Linda-Anne Kahn Did you know that we are exposed to 82,000 different toxins, chemically-based products and processed foods in our environment weekly? Detoxification is the body’s natural, ongoing process of eliminating harmful toxins from the body so that it can function at its best. Toxins are man-made chemicals found in the air, water, food, household cleaners and cosmetic products as well as waste products produced by normal cellular activity. When toxins enter the body through the skin, nasal passage or mouth, the body prevents “pollution” by surrounding the toxins with fat and water and stores them in different areas of the body. Our bodies were not meant to work this hard to maintain optimal functioning. The Lymphatic System: Forgotten Hero The lymphatic system is the most forgotten and least understood system in the body. Keep Your Body’s Drains Clean The lymphatic system is like the garbage system of the body. Digestion: Where It All Begins Dr.
Natural Additives for Depleted Soil | Garden Weasel I want to give you the “dirt” on your soil so that if you think the stuff your plants are growing in might need some help, you have an idea what to do. Because no matter what, having good dirt is the number one thing you can provide your plants for optimal opportunity to flourish. And, because some of you asked! Signs of Problems You probably intuitively know if you’ve got soil problems, but if you’re not sure, here are some things to notice: Plants, foliage or lawn don’t look healthy Weeds grow in abundance Cannot dig very deep (8-12”) without hitting hard layers Plant roots do not grow deep Lack of earthworms Dirt is blue-green, gray, yellow or streaking (sign of drainage problems) It is always a good idea to test your soil before adding anything to it. Defining Dirt and Soil Technically speaking, there is a difference between dirt and soil. to differentiate, but since we do need to enter the world of science to better understand how to tend our gardens, indulge me.
Easy 3 Day Lymph System Cleanse Photo credit: bigstock.com The body’s lymph system is probably one of the most under-studied, least understood, and most ignored system in the body. When you are feeling fine, your lymph system just gets pushed to the wayside. Perhaps if people only understood how the lymph system works and how important it is to almost every other function and system in the body, we might not take it for granted. Think of your lymph system as the body’s drain. Common signs of a sluggish lymph system are: BloatingConstantly cold hands and feetSuper dry skin, so dry it itchesSoreness or stiffness in the morningMental fogFatigueSwelling of the small joints Ayurvedic medicine believes that almost every condition or health problem can be linked back to the lymph system, which is why it’s important to take care of it. 1. Iodine plays a huge role in our body. 2. 3. Most problems with the lymph system are found in the digestive system. Continue to Page 2 Day One Continue to Page 3 Day 2 Day 3 Live healthy friends!