Sketchy Wireframes
Introduction When it comes to user interface documentation, wireframes have long been the tool of choice. However, using traditional diagramming tools like Visio, OmniGraffle, and InDesign, most wireframes today look the same as their ancestors did from a decade ago – assembled with rigid, computer-drawn boxes, lines and text. While these artifacts have served us well, they can also be slow to produce, burdened with unnecessary detail and give a false impression of “completion.” To compensate for the drawbacks of traditional wireframes, many practitioners put aside the computer in favor of simple pencil sketches or whiteboard drawings. This speeds up the ideation process, but doesn’t always produce presentable or maintainable documentation.
“How much does a website cost?” and other pricing questions
If there’s one thing nobody seems to want to talk about, it’s pricing. Most designers don’t publish their rates, and good luck getting a company to tell you how much they paid for their site. The results of this situation is that it can be pretty hard to know how much to spent on design. Spend too much, and you’ll be accused of wasting money like those $300,000 logos you read about. Spent too little, and you risk ending up with a crappy “designed by my 14 year old nephew” website. So I asked 40 of Folyo’s designers to answer a couple questions about their pricing strategies, and I hope the results will help you get a better picture of design prices.
Web Site Accessibility Tutorials, Webpage Accessibility Books, Articles, CSS and Accessibility - Web Site Resources, Website Tips - WebsiteTips
This section includes annotated links to helpful Web accessibility articles and tutorials, Web sites or sections devoted to Web accessibility, and recommended books on Web accessibility. Tutorials include CSS and accessibility, creating accessible PDF files, accessible DHTML and multimedia, Web accessibility for visual impairments, Web sites devoted to Web accessibility, and more. You'll also find articles on why Web site accessibility matters, along with helpful Web accessibility books that go into a great deal of detail about how to create and implement Web sites with accessibility in mind. For U.S.
8 Usability Mistakes Made By Web Designers
In the world of web design, we can look around and see so many shining examples of what makes this industry great. Though we are certainly not an industry without our faults and flaws. In fact, with that same discerning eye one can look around and see examples of our less than stellar industry moments. In fact, one can even point to common examples of balls being dropped in various areas.
10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing UX Design
Advertisement Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist. We aren’t going to discuss the implementation details (e.g. where the search box should be placed) as it has already been done in a number of articles; instead we focus on the main principles, heuristics and approaches for effective web design — approaches which, used properly, can lead to more sophisticated design decisions and simplify the process of perceiving presented information.
A Showcase of CSS3 Creativity and Experimentation - Tangled in Design
There is a tremendous amount of experimentation with CSS3 around the Web at the moment, with exploration into new properties and some extremely creative thought processes producing a wealth of impressive outcomes. It’s exciting, eye-opening, mind-broadening and sometimes even a little intimidating to see the complexity of what some people have been producing with a little mark-up and some CSS3. First of all, let’s quash any ideas of CSS3 being an illustration tool.
Free textures for your next web project
Nothing like a field of beautiful flowers. Download Download These lovely water-colorful dots will make your designs pop. Download
The Principles of Design
The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Columns > Design in Theory and Practice By Joshua David McClurg-Genevese Published on June 13, 2005 Starting with the Basics
Close Photoshop and Grab a Pencil: The Lost Art of Thumbnail Sketches
Before Wireframing, Thumbnail These days wireframing is a very popular practice. Though some shun it as unnecessary, plenty of designers and UI/UX professionals see a very basic, minimal rendering as a key first step that allows you to focus on basic layout principles independent of superfluous styling. There’s definitely something to be said for critically considering how your page will be structured on a basic level.
Shading with CSS text-shadows
Last Thursday in New Orleans I attended a glass gilding workshop with John Downer and Leonard Otillio, part of TypeCon 2011. It was excellent, and I cannot recommend the experience highly enough. As a web designer, it felt great to use physical materials. And to be around John and Leonard, such careful stewards of their craft, was an education I could abstract; it’s easy to see opportunities for similar craftsmanship in the subtle and practical details of web typesetting. During the workshop I picked up a few sign painting terms that were new to me, and relevant to web designers as browser support for CSS text-shadows becomes more widespread. Check out these various shading techniques on the demo page I made to accompany this post.
Smashing UX Design — Usability, Psychology and Information Architecture
Category: UX Design This category features quality articles on usability, information architecture, interaction design and other user experience (UX) related topics – for digital (Web, mobile, applications, software) and physical products. Through these articles, experts and professionals share with you their valuable ideas, practical tips, useful guidelines, recommended best practices and great case studies. Curated by Chui Chui Tan. . Popular tags in this category: Freebies, Web Design, Techniques, Inspiration, Business
Free 1900s fonts (Page 2)
Filter Options 3 more styles ... FHA Mod Tuscan Roman Open NCV, FHA Spur Tuscan Roman NCV, FHA Spur Tuscan Roman Open NCV
40+ Beautiful and Fresh Free Fonts for Download
Whether you are reading a printed newspaper, magazine, web article or just surfing the Internet, an important element that draws your attention at first is the font. A well-chosen font is fundamental as it has to be distinctive and attractive, to catch the reader’s eye and make him want to read the given information. A well-selected font is an important key to the success of the project you work on, especially if you want your content to be read. Surely, designers know that there is countless number of free fonts available, so finding the ideal font for you can be very difficult, unless, you already know what you are looking for. The variety of fonts can make you go crazy and makes it difficult to decide whether you are looking for a classic font or something that is original and fun.
How to Create a Tasty Web 2.0 Text Logo
The best part of using Adobe Illustrator especially when creating logo design is that all your works are saved in vector files. Which means you can adjust the size of your logo without sacrificing the quality of your design. Today, you will learn how to create a logo design with adobe illustrator. This tutorial may help you to create a logotype for various kind of food products and concepts: candies, juice, cereals and so on. The sort of type treatment used in this tutorial is ideal to bring to the consumer an incredible need to eat and drink! Final Preview