The Secret to Student Success? Teach Them How to Learn.
Sometimes the details former students recall from class is nothing short of amazing. A few years ago I had a student named Abby in my history class, who had always been in self-contained special education classrooms. Her teacher wanted her in my class for socialization purposes, and she did well. A year later, Abby began stopping by my class to deliver notes from the office a few times a week and I was always delighted to see her. One day I had been planning to discuss metacognition—a learning strategy I teach to my middle-school students.
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77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better
If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today. Your quest for knowledge doesn’t have to be as Earth-changing as Einstein’s, but it can be an important part of your life, leading to a new job, better pay, a new hobby, or simply knowledge for knowledge’s sake — whatever is important to you as an end goal.
Free crochet patterns
Foundation Chain: Multiples of 8 + 2 Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term): Chain stitch – ch Double crochet / Single crochet – dc / sc Half treble / Half double crochet – / h.dc
Publications — LRN
Allaire-Duquette, G., Belanger, M., Grabner, R. H., Koschutnig, K., & Masson, S. (2019). Individual differences in science competence among students are associated with ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97(9), 1163-1178. doi:10.1002/jnr.24435
The lesson you never got taught in school: How to learn!
A paper published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest evaluated ten techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting and came to some surprising conclusions. The report is quite a heavy document so I’ve summarised the techniques below based on the conclusions of the report regarding effectiveness of each technique. Be aware that everyone thinks they have their own style of learning (they don't, according to the latest research), and the evidence suggests that just because a technique works or does not work for other people does not necessarily mean it will or won’t work well for you. If you want to know how to revise or learn most effectively you will still want to experiment on yourself a little with each technique before writing any of them off. Elaborative Interrogation (Rating = moderate) A method involving creating explanations for why stated facts are true.
Data, Information, Knowledge
Many bloggers have discussed the difference of “data”, “information”, and “knowledge”. Here is my attempt. (1) To become knowledge, information must be linked into a context. See the red arrow (1) that moves the assertion shown in blue as a dashed line between two little squares into a red one. This is where “managing” mere information can become knowledge management. (2) If a simple assertion is extracted from its context it morphs to information again.
Simple Ways to Integrate Four Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
When educators understand the science behind teaching practices they can more readily incorporate them into their daily instruction, says Cult of Pedagogy’s Jennifer Gonzalez. In her podcast and accompanying post, Gonzalez highlights the four key teaching strategies researcher that Pooja Agarwal and K–12 teacher Patrice Bain feature in their new book, Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning. They explain the science behind the suggestions, many of which are familiar, as well as best practices and applications for each one.
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While You Were Sleeping Everybody knows that rest is good for the body, and over the years, researchers have found evidence that sleep is good for learning and memory, too. The first reports of sleep’s positive effect on memory date back to 1924, when researchers taught people nonsense syllables and tested them hours later.
Learning is optimized when we fail 15% of the time
Summary: Learning is optimized in computer models when there is an error rate of 15%. Researchers say the 85% accuracy rule may also apply to humans for optimal perceptual learning. Source: University of Arizona To learn new things, we must sometimes fail. But what’s the right amount of failure?