Related: retorik - konsten att tala • audio/video • Culture, Diversity - Social WorkShe's 19, She's Saudi, She's Keeping A Diary: Corna Flix, Karate, Lab Science And Love : Goats and Soda Majd kept a journal about a time in her life when she was torn between getting married or going to school. Courtesy of Madj hide caption toggle caption Courtesy of Madj Majd kept a journal about a time in her life when she was torn between getting married or going to school. Courtesy of Madj
Should Prostitution Be a Crime? The abolitionists moved into the fight against global labor trafficking in the 1990s, focusing on sex trafficking, though most estimates suggest that the majority of trafficking victims are forced into domestic, agricultural or construction work. The abolitionists wanted to erase the traditional legal distinction between forced and consensual prostitution by cracking down on all of it as trafficking. In 1998, they tried to persuade President Bill Clinton — and Hillary Clinton, who was the honorary chairwoman of the Clinton administration’s council on women — to adopt their broad definition in an international crime treaty and a federal trafficking bill. It was a striking effort to expand and stiffen criminal punishment, a strategy Elizabeth Bernstein, a Barnard anthropologist who studies sex work and trafficking, termed “carceral feminism.” Abolitionists “have relied upon strategies of incarceration as their chief tool of ‘justice,’ ” she wrote in 2007.
1969: Millions march in US Vietnam Moratorium 1969: Millions march in US Vietnam Moratorium Americans have taken part in peace initiatives across the United States to protest against the continuing war in Vietnam. The Peace Moratorium is believed to have been the largest demonstration in US history with an estimated two million people involved. Lutheran Minister Preaches A Gospel Of Love To Junkies, Drag Queens And Outsiders Lutheran Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber says that all are welcome at her Denver church, The House for All Sinners and Saints. Courtney Perry hide caption itoggle caption Courtney Perry Lutheran Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber says that all are welcome at her Denver church, The House for All Sinners and Saints. Courtney Perry Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber admits that she does not look — or act — like a typical church leader.
How People Learn to Become Resilient Norman Garmezy, a developmental psychologist and clinician at the University of Minnesota, met thousands of children in his four decades of research. But one boy in particular stuck with him. He was nine years old, with an alcoholic mother and an absent father. Each day, he would arrive at school with the exact same sandwich: two slices of bread with nothing in between. At home, there was no other food available, and no one to make any. Even so, Garmezy would later recall, the boy wanted to make sure that “no one would feel pity for him and no one would know the ineptitude of his mother.” The Time Obama Was Decidedly Against 'Dumb Wars' While the debate over Syria and whether to pursue military action is still ongoing, this 2007 clip highlighting a 2002 speech by then-Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama during the lead-up to the Iraq war is starting to get some attention online. The video, posted by BarackObama.com almost exactly six years ago, shows 13 seconds of the original speech given on October 2, 2002, in Chicago, followed by a re-creation of select portions as recited by Obama supporters. While the link in the YouTube page’s description no longer works, you can view a cached version of the page as it appeared on May 1, 2008, by clicking here.
Segregation For more than 200 years before the Civil War, slavery existed in the United States. But after the war things began to get worse for blacks. The south thought they needed to do something. The Southern legislatures, former confederates, passed laws known as the black codes, after the war, which severely limited the rights of blacks and segregated them from whites. Now before there was no need to separate whites and blacks because 95% of blacks were slaves.
Third Coast International Audio Festival Here's your chance to take part in an international audio mega-project, whether you've been making radio for decades, or have always longed to utter "Testing 1, 2" into a microphone. The ShortDocs Challenge is for everyone! UPDATE: the ShortDocs are in, over 150 *studly* specimens! We're uploading new ones to the site daily, take a listen here. The 2015 ShortDocs Challenge: STUDS RULES As always, ShortDocs comes with a set of rules inspired by a creative partner. White Debt The word for debt in German also means guilt. A friend who used to live in Munich mentioned this to me recently. I took note because I’m newly in debt, quite a lot of it, from buying a house. So far, my debt is surprisingly comfortable, and that’s one quality of debt that I’ve been pondering lately — how easy it can be.