Haptic Technology in the Moog Simodont Dental Trainer
At any given moment, in training centers around the world, a Moog simulation solution is always at work providing an unsurpassed level of performance, fidelity and reliability. The dental trainer provides high-end dental simulation and training. It is a complete, proven training system for dental schools committed to helping students progress faster and professors track progress and plan student work efficiently. Moog Simodont® Dental Trainer is equipped with courseware, pioneered by(ACTA) Academic Center for Dentistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Features
Apps in Education: 10 Best Apps 4 Teachers
Most of what we do is for the students. The focus of this and many other blogs and websites is about learning, and rightly so, but there are also apps that will make our jobs easier too. I am talking about that catergory of apps that are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. Those apps that will assist us in the everyday little jobs that need to be done, often on the run and often while 10 other things are also happening in the room.
NEO Plans
Plans for schools and universities * Pricing is in US dollars. Premium plans can be purchased in blocks of 100 students. You can choose to pay monthly or yearly. We accept major credit cards, Paypal, and purchase orders/wire transfers for yearly payments. You can change your plan or cancel it at any time, and the change will go into effect on the next billing cycle.
Free PowerPoint Template: Conversation Interaction
Here’s a free PowerPoint template I built for a recent workshop. I used it to show how to create interactive conversations in PowerPoint using hyperlinks. In this example it’s a simple back and forth conversation. This free template could be used as a way to share manager/employee information or perhaps as an FAQ interaction. In either case it’s free for you to use as you wish.
Netiquette: Ground Rules for Online Discussions – TILT – Colorado State University
By Peter Connor As more and more classes include online discussion components, it becomes more and more important for instructors to understand the rules of etiquette that, when followed, help make the individual postings easy to follow, keep the conversation thread focused, and the overall discussion on-track. Unregulated, an online discussion can quickly disintegrate into a tangled web of extraneous verbiage, rude language, and inconsiderate behavior guaranteed to derail the conversation. The basic premise is that the etiquette expected of your students in online discussions is the same as that which you expect in a classroom. There is a problem, though: the absence of visual and auditory clues.
Respondus 4.0: Exam Authoring Tool
Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard, ANGEL, Brightspace by D2L, Pearson eCollege, Canvas, Moodle, and other learning systems. Exams can be created offline using a familiar Windows environment, or moved from one LMS to another. Whether you are a veteran of online testing or relatively new to it, Respondus will save you hours on each project. Authoring Features Distinct user environments (called "personalities") for ANGEL, Blackboard Learn, Brightspace, Pearson LearningStudio, Canvas, Moodle, and IMS QTI (see system requirements) Create exams and assessments offline using a Windows interface Supports up to 15 question types, including calculated and algorithmic formats Import questions from MS Word (including embedded images), rich-text, QTI, and tab/comma delimited formats Access to thousands of Respondus-compatible publisher test banks – FREE to instructors who adopt a participating textbook
29 iPad Resources, Tutorials, and Guides Every Teacher Should Know about
iPad is gaining momentum in the educational sphere and might , in the near future, be integrated as a leading learning method. iPad is part of the gesture-based technology that is widely embraced by teens and which has pushed some school districts especially here in Canada and also in the States to start using the BYOD approach, for the costs of iPad and their apps is still relatively high. As a teacher who has not yet tried mobile technology in his teaching, you might be wondering where and how to start. What resources to use ? Well, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has some answers for you.
Rock and Roll Scavenger Hunt
Each item on this Rock and Roll scavenger hunt list is worth 1 point unless otherwise noted. #6 may be hard for some teams to accomplish if the birthday honoree is not readily available for all teams. If possible move the birthday honoree from team to team throughout the evening by the use of cell phones or some other means of communication. With any of these Rock and Roll scavenger hunt activities, please stay in a group and always maintain a vigilant level of safety.