Pixar Renderman
RenderMan 20 Now Available! Highlights of version 20 include a game-changing noise reduction technology that accelerate render times from 2x to 10x. RenderMan 20 also expands the creative choices available to artists and studios through numerous advances in usability including a physical camera, a Visualizer for navigating and inspecting large scenes interactively, expanded shader libraries and presets, and new volume rendering features. Read all about RenderMan 20 ▶ Non-Commercial RenderMan
Holiday Emoji
MWC BlocklyLevelsYou solved this level with 1 line of JavaScript:You solved this level with %1 lines of JavaScript:Are you ready for level %1?You completed the entire project. Check out more projects and resounces?Save and link to blocks.Run the program you wrote.Run ProgramStop the program and reset the level.ResetHelpOKCancelHere is a basic error message.LogicLoopsMathTextListsColourVariablesFunctionsThere was a problem with the request.Share your blocks with this link:\n\n%1Sorry, '%1' doesn't correspond with any saved program.Could not load your saved file. Perhaps it was created with a different version of Blockly?listtext
Internet Arcade : Free Software : Download & Streaming
by Namco / Cosmodog favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews ) by Sega Developed by SEGA Enterprises Ltd.
TeachersFirst's Coding in the Classroom
In this Kahn Academy interactive online course, participants learn the basics of the JavaScript language to draw images and animations and beyond. Select from the Contents menu on the left, or scroll down the page. Lessons are taught using short videos. Many videos have an interactive transcript and an error checker to assist you if you make a mistake. Use the provided links to videos hosted on YouTube.
Coder Corner » Archivio Blog » PEEL - public release 1.0
PEEL - public release 1.0 I am very happy to announce the first public release of PEEL - the Physics Engine Evaluation Lab. I briefly mentioned it on this blog already, here.
This is How Information Fluency Skills Help You In the Classroom
Tired of receiving work from your students with incorrect information from questionable sources and unreliable websites? Tired of seeing kids hit the first link on their Google search as the extent of their research, or using Wikipedia as their only source for information? Have no fear, because Information Fluency skills are the answer. You can teach students to use a framework that guides them through vetting information and determining its accuracy before using it in their projects.
Getting started with GameGuru
How to use The Game Creators' new tool aimed at hobbyists and smaller commercially-minded studios This series of quick tutorials will take you through designing a game with new development tool GameGuru. The tech is designed to be accessible, with no code required to build your own game. You can read more about it in our interview with The Game Creators here.
5 Websites to Teach Coding - Really Good Teachers™ Blog and Forum
Technology Takeover Today’s technology is growing by leaps and bounds from one year to the next. The more the world relies on technology, the more students will need to learn proficiency and skills that make them valuable assets out in the workforce. According to Code.org, “computing jobs are the number one source of new wages in the United States. [There are] 500,000 current openings…and they’re projected to grow at twice the rate of all other jobs…” Why is teaching coding important?
Download & Streaming : The Internet Archive Software Collection
Kodi (formerly XBMC) is a free and open-source media player software application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms, with a software 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most streaming media, such as videos, music, podcasts, and videos from the Internet, as well as all common digital media files from local and network storage... The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison, and entertainment in the realm of the Video Game Arcade.
TeachersFirst's Coding in the Classroom
In this Kahn Academy interactive online course, participants learn the basics of the JavaScript language to draw images and animations and beyond. Select from the Contents menu on the left, or scroll down the page. Lessons are taught using short videos. Many videos have an interactive transcript and an error checker to assist you if you make a mistake.
Unite is your opportunity to learn how to get the most out of the Unity engine, to meet up with Unity engineers and fellow professionals and to get the full lowdown on our development roadmap. Empowering the community with more knowledge At Unite, you’ll learn from our engineers on how to mine Unity tools for more power and flexibility in your work. Get a sneak peek at upcoming product features and new services. See what your fellow developers and artists from around the world are creating with Unity.
11 Amazing Tools and Games That Teach Kids to Code - The Tech Edvocate
Parents and educators across the country understand the importance of teaching kids how to code. Not only can it help them learn valuable skills that they can use into their technology-driver future, but it also helps them learn to approach problems differently. But determining the best method for teaching a child to code isn’t always obvious.