Related: Matemáticas
lhmaths This page contains a selection of my resources for use in Mathematics classrooms. Enjoy! Starter Activities All of the following are short activities designed for use either with students whiteboards or traffic light cards (multi-choice questions). Number: As a % of Decimal big or small 1 Decimal big or small 2 Decimal scales FDP Equivalents 1 FDP Equivalents 2 FDP Equivalents FDP Fraction big or small Fraction Equivalents Fraction shapes Percentages without a calculator Percentages without a calculator1 Place value & mul, div by 10 Powers & Roots 1 Powers & Roots 2 Ratio – simplifying Reading Scales Rounding to units Squares Standard Form 10QQ – mult & div by 10, 100, 1000 10QQ – multiplying decimals 10QQ – powers & roots 10QQ – powers & roots1 10QQ – types of number 10QQ – types of number2 Algebra: Algebra T or F Brackets Brackets2 Equations of lines V&H Equations Equations2 Equ’s gradients and intercept Equs of Lines – naming Expressions 2 Expressions Factorising Inequalities – drawing Shape: 1. 3.
Revista Uno. Didáctica de las matemáticas. MathedUp! - FOR YOUR MATHS TEACHING AND LEARNING NEEDS East Midlands Maths Network Integer Worksheets Integers are positive and negative whole numbers. Teach students about comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing basic integers. Select the common core icon below each worksheet to see connections to the Common Core Standards. Compare positive and negative numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. 5th through 7th Grades Write the positive and negative numbers in order, from least to greatest. Place the negative and positive integers on the number lines and answer the questions. For each sentence, fill in the blank line to demonstrate your knowledge of integers. Add the positive and negative numbers together. Learn to add integers using a number line with positive and negative numbers. Practice adding negative and positive integers on a number line. Find out how to subtract using a number line with negative and positive integers. Practice subtracting negative and positive integers on a number line. 6th through 8th Grades Basic Algebra Worksheets Number Lines
Suffolkmaths Inquiry maths The 20 Websites You Need to Learn Math Step by Step Advertisement Learning math online for free can seem too good to be true. But it’s not. There are plenty of resources and plenty of sites that can teach you the necessary skills. Banish Your Number Phobia With a Bit of Everyday Math Banish Your Number Phobia With a Bit of Everyday Math We are all mathematicians. Even then we ask: what is the role of math in everyday life? Your age doesn’t matter. What seems daunting is finding the right sites for each level of math. The well known Khan Academy is a gold bookmark, but there are other sites out there worthy of your attention. Starting with Arithmetic Arthmetic shouldn’t be overlooked, as there is always a new and more efficient way at looking at numbers. The best site to learn arithmetic should be one that includes easy to follow instructions, shows more images rather than text, and lets the user practice with numbers. MathABC is the best site to practice arithmetic. No matter what age or level you’re at, you should give MathABC a try!
Animations for A level Last week I presented on A level resources at Stuart Price's 'Maths in the Sticks' event. I spoke briefly about how we can use animations to support our explanations of mathematical concepts. Many teachers already make use of programmes such as Geogebra, Autograph and Desmos, but here I'm talking specifically about animated gifs that teachers can simply paste into a PowerPoint. Gifs run on a loop so students can watch them for a while, providing 'thinking time' in the lesson and allowing new ideas to click into place. I use gifs alongside physical demonstrations where possible, for example when I teach Volume of Revolution I show animations and use paper props too (see Gems 45). So where can you get animated maths gifs? Here are some examples of gifs suitable for A level. If you're looking for animations for Key Stage 3 and GCSE have a look through my blog posts tagged 'animations'.
NRICH Teachers Primary Pupils Secondary Students Events and PD "It gave me some good ideas to use in the classroom and ... a link that I can get all of the activities from." Book NRICH Bespoke PDBook Forthcoming EventsBook our Hands-on Roadshow Your Solutions GCSE Maths Foundation Level - Index Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Digits Digits - Value By Place Sum Of Two Or More Numbers Product Of Two Or More Numbers Even Numbers Odd Numbers Square Numbers Prime Numbers Multiple Of A Number - Intro Multiples Of A Number - More Multiple Of Two Numbers Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Of Two Numbers Factor Of A Number - Intro Factors Of A Number - More Factor Pairs Of A Number Find All Factors Of A Number Common Factor Of Two Numbers - Intro Common Factors Of Two Numbers - More Highest Common Factor (HCF) Of Two Numbers Percentage Of A Quantity WITH Calculator eg 6% Of £150 Percentage Of A Quantity WITHOUT Calculator eg 25% Of 28 Introductory Video About Ratio Share in Ratio a:beg Share £100 in Ratio 2:3 Share in Ratio a:b:ceg Share £300 in Ratio 1:4:5 External Link Opens In New Window Topic Worksheets For GCSE Foundation Maths With Answers And Commentary In Podcasts Acute Angles 0 < acute < 90 Right Angle = 90 Obtuse Angles 90 < obtuse < 180 Reflex Angles 180 < reflex < 360 Angles Around A Point = 360
undergroundmathematics - A level