untitled Designing personalized paths for students is no easy feat. There are certain challenges that teachers encounter along the way, including finding the right technology to support personalized paths. But let’s rewind a little bit to see what we are dealing with here. First, personalized paths are part of a larger strategy for personalized learning (PL). Learning paths have been identified as a key component of PL, along with competency-based progression and flexible learning environments. According to the RAND corporation cited above, “personal learning paths allow for flexibility in the specific paths students take through content to enact their educational plan, while still holding them to high expectations.” Canale de Educatie TED-Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing About Youtuber TED-Ed's commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED's mission of spreading great ideas. Within TED-Ed's growing library of TED-Ed animations, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed website. Frequency 3 videos / week Since Mar 2012 Channel youtube.com/user/TEDEducatio..+ Follow View Latest Videos ⋅ Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers Contacts
Creating Engaging, Interactive e-Learning – Even With Your Hands ”The most positive result is that the Northern Ireland Civil Service and NIO now see e-Learning as a viable training option, whereas before, it was only considered to be a last resort.” With all of the new technology available today, it’s easier than ever to create e-Learning that is exciting, engaging, effective, and easy to use. We can easily incorporate games, quizzes, interactive animations, glowing hot-spots, callouts, and dynamic highlights on the features on each screen. We can also use audio and video narration, or use 3-D avatars as virtual trainers or for role-play action, to make the training come alive.
Academic Software “Kopernio” Receives Funding from Innovate UK to Accelerate One-Click Journal Article Access for Academics and Researchers Worldwide "Kopernio is a life saver. It takes away the hassle of locating pdf files of academic papers and downloads them with a click of a button, regardless of whether you have signed in to your university network or not.” Erkko Autio, Professor in Technology Venturing and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London, UK (PRWEB) February 05, 2018 We are proud to announce that Kopernio ( has received funding and additional support from Innovate UK, the UK Government’s innovation agency, to accelerate the development of Kopernio’s one-click journal article access technology to simplify more than 2.4bn research article downloads per year.
Invatare centrata pe elev Student-centered learning is a hot topic among educators around the world. No matter if their students have just joined the education system or they are enrolled in Higher Education, more and more teachers and various other stakeholders turn to the student-centered approach to education. Why is that? While there are many reasons to adopt student-centered learning, the bottom line is that it is better aligned with the 21st Century needs.
untitled I don’t know what I think until I write it down.” ― Joan Didion It is peculiar irony in life that the fastest and best way to learn something is to give it to others as soon as you learn it — not to hog it yourself. Knowledge wants to be free. How to Teach Online: Teaching Online using WiZiQ Easy-to-use for any number of attendees without the hassle of downloading software. WizIQ works using Flash technology with a familiar browser-like tabbed interface and standard keyboard shortcuts. This means that if you can view a web page, you can present or attend a live class. Live audio and video chat equal the best results for students and teachers. WizIQ's online tutoring software allows live video streams for up to 6 people via VoIP, seamless audio chat for multiple people simultaneously, full screen video, and the ability to control audio/video for all attendees.
Instructional Design Tools for Canvas Our Model How it works: We license intellectual property from the tool creator (usually an educational institution) We SaaS-enable the solution We add implementation, training, support, and maintenance services We package as a SaaS subscription We market and sell the solution We share revenue with the creator via a royalty We collaborate with developer on bug fixes, new features, and solution road map
Top 7 apps for Education We people are funny creatures. We fight for our liberty of choice like a gorilla beating its chest, yet when we have too many options to choose from we hold still and try to blend in with the surrounding environment like a chameleon and avoid making any decision. You’d think this behavior makes no sense, but the paradox of choice is real. When we have to choose between A and B we complain that there isn’t an option C as well. But when we have options from A to Z we freak out and either pick something random or simply walk away. As a teacher, you have to make decisions all day every day, from the moment you get out of bed in the morning to the moment you put your pajamas back on.
untitled Communication is an important skill for every modern student to master. Advances in digital media, changing career landscapes, and greater competition in colleges and workplaces makes improving student communication skills a must. Cramming tips the night before a big interview won’t do the job if students are trying to make an impression in the collaborative workplaces of the future. When it comes to acquiring indispensable communication skills, there’s no time like the present. As their teacher, you can follow these 8 strategies to enhance student’s speaking and writing abilities, no matter their age. These 8 tips can help you immensely with improving student communication skills. Performance and ADDIE Models Clark Quinn has an informative post where he discusses the need for Performance Analysis, Learner Experience Design, and ADDIE. I think I have it somewhat summed up in this chart I created for my web site (note that clicking the chart will bring up a larger image that has clickable links): Performance Design Concept Map Click chart for a larger image & a clickable map that will take you to the various parts Performance
OpenStax launches personalized learning tool for college courses David Ruth 713-348-6327david@rice.edu Jade Boyd 713-348-6778jadeboyd@rice.edu OpenStax Tutor Beta available this fall for intro courses in biology, physics, sociology HOUSTON — (July 10, 2017) — Rice University-based nonprofit OpenStax, which is already changing the economics of higher education by providing free textbooks to more than 1 million college students per year, today launched a low-cost, personalized learning system called OpenStax Tutor Beta that studies how students learn to offer them individualized homework and tutoring. Nonprofit publisher OpenStax has launched a personalized learning platform, OpenStax Tutor, for college physics, biology and sociology courses across the United States.
untitled Children are growing up with technology infused into many aspects of their life, including the classroom. Teaching methods are evolving to incorporate 21st century skills, and blended learning is a great example of this. Blended learning has been defined by Innosight Institute as “a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace.” Although blended learning comes in many forms, the use of a learning management system (LMS) creates a dynamic ecosystem to complement existing teaching practices. As discussed previously, the flipped classroom is one way to get started with blended learning, but using the tools in an LMS allows you to take it a step further. If you are ready to take the leap towards implementing blended learning with your LMS then here are some ways to amplify your efforts.
The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Five years from now, over one-third of skills (35%) that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. By 2020, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will have brought us advanced robotics and autonomous transport, artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced materials, biotechnology and genomics. These developments will transform the way we live, and the way we work. Some jobs will disappear, others will grow and jobs that don’t even exist today will become commonplace.