Why (And How) You Should Create A Personal Learning Network What Is A PLN? Through the use of my own Personal Learning Network (PLN) , I came across several great examples that both define what a PLN is, and explain the value of creating one for yourself. According to a wikispace about creating PLNs, “Personal Learning Networks are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. 1) set their own learning goals 2) manage their learning; managing both content and process 3) communicate with others in the process of learning and thereby achieve learning goals Simply put: A PLN is a system for lifelong learning. ” Why Start Your PLN Now? Teachers in our district, especially freshmen teachers, have a ton on their plates this year. Here are some ways that educators are using their PLNs: 10 Easy Ways to Kick Start Your Personal Learning Network Thanks to a fellow blogger/teacher named Kate Klingensmith, here’s a directory of some resources you can use to start developing your own community of connections and resources: Resources
Timeline personnalised to summaryze event Twitter vient de lancer une nouvelle option pour faciliter la curation de contenus depuis la twittosphère. On pouvait jusqu’à présent se créer des listes pour suivre plusieurs comptes Twitter, on pouvait embarquer facilement un tweet sur site ou un blog, on peut désormais se créer une timeline personnalisée que l’on pourra ensuite partager facilement. Une petite révolution qui va simplifier la curation, mais aussi le storytelling à partir de Twitter. La mise en place dans TweetDeck est très simple. Une nouvelle colonne va apparaitre dans TweetDeck. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à la remplir. Une fois que vous avez terminé votre curation et que vous êtes satisfait du résultat, vous pouvez choisir de la partager avec vos amis par mail, par twitter bien sûr ou encore de l’insérer sur un site ou un blog.
mybucketz 0. Induction: activities | OCTEL This first week is an opportunity to get to grips with how the ocTEL course works and gives everyone the chance to think about some big questions in technology, learning and teaching. We will be touching on several of the issues that will come up in more detail later in the course, but dealing with them in the concrete, practical terms of what you need and prefer as participants, andhow this kind of Technology Enhanced Learning is suited to meeting those needs. This course lets you define your own aims and follow your own paths, but we set out core learning outcomes for every week. By the end of this week, you should aim to One aspect of participating in ocTEL is working out how the course can best work for you and how much time you have to participate. You might want to include There will be a weekly webinar at lunchtime on Wednesdays, starting on 10 April. Activity 0.1: My big question (45 mins) Activity 0.2: Initial comments and discussion (30 mins) Activity 0.3: Exploring and experimenting
Chirbit - audio Record & Share Twitter's mobile now let you embed tweets inside tweets In what looks like an effort to clean up how tweets appear in your timeline, Twitter for iOS and Android both actually embed tweets that have been linked in a tweet. To embed a tweet in a tweet, just drop the link of the update’s URL in the tweet you’re composing. When the tweet goes live, instead of an ugly URL link, the linked tweet is displayed in its entirety. Before we unleash a bevy of Inception-related jokes, we’re reached out to Twitter to see if this is a new feature or something they are testing. The social network regularly tests new features with select users. This could be the company’s attempt at redesigning retweets. We have been unable to recreate this behavior via the web interface.
7 Things You Should Know About MOOCs A massively open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to virtually any person—and as many of them—who wants to take the course. Course activities can be scheduled or asynchronous, and a fluid structure is valuable because students can choose their level of participation and many will do so in an à la carte manner. A MOOC throws open the doors of a course and invites anyone to enter, resulting in a new learning dynamic. Although this dynamic will make some students uneasy and will force instructors to rethink at least some of the elements of their courses, the MOOC can potentially alter the relationship between learner and instructor and between academe and the wider community. As MOOCs evolve, expectations and methods of presentation will likely crystallize, becoming more consistent and more predictable.
Dental Assistant - Career Training NETVIBES twitternotes.com The professional network | XING 50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college, including at online colleges, is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool. Make sure you don’t get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom. Communication Twitter offers new and exciting ways to open up the lines of communication in the classroom. Direct Tweet. Class Projects and Discovering Content From learning how to use Twitter to finding useful information for class to practicing a foreign language, Twitter provides creative opportunities for learning. Twitter-specific projects. Twitter Tools Twhirl. Finding People in Academia to Follow Twitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education.