National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com Skip to this page's content Current Issue October 2015 Table of Contents » Memory Game Test your memory skills. Subscriptions Print and Digital Delivery Create Your Own Game – 7 Sites that let you create games online By: Abbas+ July 8, 2008 Create your own games online with few clicks. For those of you who always wondered how do people create those games where Bush is punching Kerry or Bush Dancing? here are 7 online resources which will let you create your own games instantly. All of these sites offer flash based games creation. Few of these sites offer template based game creation and few offer a clean slate for creating games were you can design/create/import objects and create the game from the scratch and publish it. Creating your own games wouldn’t have been so easy it if wasn’t for these sites. Sploder.com Spolder offers an option of creating two games and it offers complete inventory of objects that can be used for creating a game.
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Meemi.com | all noise around you PIPO - Juegos Educativos Infantiles The Scrolling Game Development Kit Homepage De Sudoku - Sudoku Online Gratis 51 Herramientas Social Media Estaba preparando un post sobre una (1) herramienta de Social Media y decidi que es mas facil y util para vosotros tenerlas concentradas en un solo post. Entonces aqui va este post de 51 herramientas que te ayudaran a trabajar en Social Media. Las dividire por entornos para que os sea mucho mas facil y de ayuda. Usarlas con cuidado, que os dara poder en cualquier presentacion o delante de cualquier cliente. Otro dia escribire un post sobre como usarlas, entenderlas y aplicarlas adecuadamente. Aqui van: Facebook 1.- Faceboostic: herramienta de diagnostico publicitario de aplicaciones en Facebook. 2.- Facebook Lexicon: te da los resultados por palabras claves en conversaciones en Facebook. Facebook y Twitter 3.- TweetDeck y Seesmic: Software de gestion de cuentas de Twitter y Facebook. 4.- Tinker: sigue las conversaciones en Twitter y Facebook Twitter 5.- Twitter Search: motor de busqueda de Twitter en tiempo real para busqueda de conversaciones. Blogs Conversaciones Buzz y Brand Trafico Multimedia
El huevo de chocolate Free Kid-Friendly Avatar Creators This seemed to be the most popular site that was sent to me. It is hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the New York Zoos and Aquarium. Students can choose their gender, their skin tone, and add eyes, hands, feet and 'backsides' that are all animal parts. This site allows you to create a personalized avatar for free. that looks like a superhero. Reasonably Clever Lego Avatar You can use this site to create a Lego avatar. The Simpsons Movie Avatar Creator I'm not sure if my district blocks this site, but it's an obvious winner with kids! alpoy.com This site allows a user to upload a photo from their computer and add lines, shapes, color and text to it. You can then get a link to the image and an embed code. This site, though written in another language (Portuguese?) You could also use Dumpr.net to create an image for an avatar. Most of the other avatar sites I found were connected to social networks that I knew would be blocked by my district's filtering system.
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