How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch
The more we learn about the breadth and depth of the NSA and GCHQ's programmes of spying on the general public, the more alarming it all becomes. The most recent stories about the deliberate sabotage of security technology are the full stop at the end of a sentence that started on 8 August, when the founder of Lavabit (the privacy oriented email provider used by whistleblower Edward Snowden) abruptly shut down, with its founder, Ladar Levison, obliquely implying that he'd been ordered to secretly subvert his own system to compromise his users' privacy. It doesn't really matter if you trust the "good" spies of America and the UK not to abuse their powers (though even the NSA now admits to routine abuse), you should still be wary of deliberately weakened security. It is laughable to suppose that the back doors that the NSA has secretly inserted into common technologies will only be exploited by the NSA.
Is Apple's HomePod Always Listening to You?
If you've ever had that uncanny moment where you mention a brand out loud and then see an ad for it on social media hours later, you may be a little suspicious any mics in earshot already. It's happened to me at least a half-dozen times, each time a different brand. Maybe it's coincidence! But even if the eavesdropping isn't happening, it certainly could happen. Facebook and Google and Amazon swear up and down they are not doing this, but it wouldn't be impossible.
CRASH, BOOM, POP! Money & Economics Exposed (Graphic Novel) by IDEA Economics
----------------------------------------Wouldn’t it be great to learn about the economy in a way that didn’t suck? Too many of us are living paycheck to paycheck. Income inequality is a worldwide problem. Students are graduating with record debts.
Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online
Photo by Hemera/Thinkstock I vividly remember the Facebook post. It was my friend’s 5-year-old daughter “Kate,” (a pseudonym) standing outside of her house in a bright yellow bikini, the street address clearly visible behind her on the front door. A caption read “Leaving for our annual Labor Day weekend at the beach,” and beneath it were more than 50 likes and comments from friends—including many “friends” that Kate’s mom barely knew. The picture had been uploaded to a Facebook album, and there were 114 shots just of Kate: freshly cleaned and swaddled on the day of her birth … giving her Labradoodle a kiss … playing on a swing set.
Choose better passwords with the help of science August 30, 2017 11.32am BST
For years, computer users have been told they should have complicated passwords, including numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols, and upper- and lowercase letters. Despite those being hard to remember, people were told not to write their passwords down, and forced to make up new ones quite frequently. Users dutifully complied – by capitalizing the first letter of their passwords, adding a “1” or their birth year, or perhaps ending their password with an exclamation point.
Social Security Benefits in Bulgaria
Bulgarian social security covers health insurance, pensions, unemployment benefits, maternity and child benefits and allowances, sickness and death benefits. The social security system in Bulgaria consists of: Mandatory state social security (задължително държавно обществено осигуряване) with four separate funds: Common Diseases and Maternity Fund Pensions Fund Labour Accidents and Professional Diseases Fund Unemployment Fund Mandatory health insurance (задължително здравно осигуряване) Additional obligatory pension insurance (допълнително задължително пенсионно осигуряване)
5 ways to easily increase your internet security - Seattle Political Buzz
In this age of technology nothing is private. In fact, NSA whistleblower William Binney recently stated that literally every email sent in the US is recorded by the FBI. For those living in reality, it has been know that since the 90's under President Clinton, programs such as Echelon monitored nearly every phone call, fax, and email in the United States.
Edward Snowden’s new app turns any Android phone into a surveillance system
NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden is among the backers of a new surveillance app that helps guard against computer hijackings. Haven is an open source app that will run on any Android phone, particularly inexpensive and older devices. It operates like a surveillance system, using the device’s camera, audio recording capability and even accelerometer to detect movement and notify a user. The idea is that, even with the best encryption in the world, a device is vulnerability to physical, in-person tampering — also known as “evil maid” because literally a hotel maid could access it. The app was developed by The Guardian Project, Freedom Of The Press and Snowden to offer eyes and ears to prevent, or at least increase awareness, of whether a device has been tampered with.
USD: Message from Fed Getting Clearer
Disclaimer: The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on our analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions.
How to get a personal VPN and why you need one now — Quartz
Elon Musk is the most wholesome visionary our era has produced. He is a benign idealist; a guy with his eyes on a horizon beyond money. Money? Musk doesn’t care about that.
Is there such a thing as online privacy? 7 essential reads
Over the course of 2017, people in the U.S. and around the world became increasingly concerned about how their digital data are transmitted, stored and analyzed. As news broke that every Yahoo email account had been compromised, as well as the financial information of nearly every adult in the U.S., the true scale of how much data private companies have about people became clearer than ever. This, of course, brings them enormous profits, but comes with significant social and individual risks. Many scholars are researching aspects of this issue, both describing the problem in greater detail and identifying ways people can reclaim power over the data their lives and online activity generate. Here we spotlight seven examples from our 2017 archives.
How to Copyright a Book Excerpt on a Web Page
In most cases, an excerpt of a book cannot be copyrighted separately from the book itself. If you publish the excerpt on a Web page, however, you can publish an accompanying notice of the book's copyright on the page. You can do this whether or not you own the copyright to the book. One caveat to keep in mind is that if you are not the copyright holder, you must ensure that your use of the excerpt is within the fair use doctrine outlined in federal copyright law. Step 1 Create your Web page with the book excerpt in the customary manner, using your text editor or HTML editor to code the document.