Blue Pueblo Ken Elliott Fine Art, Colorado Oils, Pastels, Monotypes, Prints, Posters How to paint miniature portraits This post is about the art materials, equipment and set-up used by an experienced miniature artist. It doesn't literally show you how to paint miniature art but it does walk you through some of the kit and layout that you might need and the options open to you if you want to develop your skills in the execution of miniature art. The artist featured in this post is Jenny Brooks who was demonstrating at the Annual Exhibition of The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers(see REVIEW: Miniature Art Society Annual Exhibition 2011). The Annual exhibition continues until lunchtime on Sunday 23rd October at the Mall Galleries in London. Jenny Brooks Dip.AD ATC RMS HS SWA As you can tell from the signature initials after her name Jenny Brooks has been painting and painting miniatures for quite some time. I also did a little research after discussing art materials and toolkits with Jenny and this is also reflected below. This is an image of Jenny's set-up for her demonstration. Paint
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