Related: Storytelling
27 Best Copywriting Formulas: How to Tell a Captivating Story Online You’ve heard it said that storytelling is an essential element to drawing the reader into your content and driving more engagement. So how can you add this element to the blogposts you write? Can you fit a captivating story into a social media update, even one that’s 140 characters long? Here’s the great news: There’s a formula for that. Here are 27 of the best ones I’ve heard. 27 Copywriting Formulas That Grab Readers’ Attention Why might you trot out a copywriting formula each time you need compelling copy? I think one of my favorite perspectives on it, from someone who knows copywriting better than anyone, comes from Copyblogger’s Demian Farnworth. This is what it means to be an efficient writer: keeping your tools handy. Finding a great formula that works for you—whether it’s a storytelling formula, a headline formula, or any other—can be a big-time productivity boost. Take a few of these for a spin and see how they might improve your social media posts and content. 1. Example: 2. 3. 4.
The Secret Behind How The New York Times Creates Viral Articles This guest post is written by Robby Smith. Robby is on the Science of People Team and is working toward his certification as a Certified Body Language Trainer and Coach. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. Have you ever wondered what makes a story so compelling? At the Science of People, we were curious and wanted to know the true ingredient of a powerful story. One of the Largest The New York Times is a media giant. And digitally, they have it dialed in. (statistic numbers from Statista) Most Emailed Ok, NYT is huge—how can we learn from them? The Most Popular list includes: Most EmailedMost Shared on FacebookMost Searched on the webMost Tweeted You can also view which top articles have been trending over the ‘Last 24 hours’, ‘Last 7 days’, and the ‘Last 30 days’. So Vanessa asked me back in October of 2015 if I could archive NYT’s ‘Most Emailed’ on a spreadsheet and see which articles are trending every week. Promise The promise of each headline is what the article promises the reader.
Moonlite - A Bedtime Story Projector For Your Mobile Phone by Natalie Rebot Kickstarter Collections Projects We Love Saved Trending Nearly Funded Just Launched Everything Categories On Our Radar The Science of Storytelling You’ve heard that storytelling is important in business, and in life. That it’s a powerful tool that has lasting impact. But why is that? And how can you become better at it? Below, we’ll explain the effect of storytelling on our brain, and then give you five tips on how to become a better storyteller. Have you ever been in an audience when someone is telling a story on stage? It’s not magic. If we were to put you in an MRI machine and tell you facts (like this one!) But in a study at Princeton University, scientists found that, when you listen to a well-told story, the parts of your brain that respond are those that would if you were inside the story. Even more impressive: this effect also happens to the person telling the story. One explanation for this is mirror neurons. When someone is telling a story and our brains respond as if we are inside the story ourselves, we feel a powerful connection to the storyteller. So, what’s the best way to elicit that connection when you tell stories?
Social Media Storytelling Formulas: 11 Quick-Fire Ways to Create Your Stories Legendary marketer, Seth Godin, describes marketing as “the art of telling a story that resonates with your audience and then spreads.” If you look at some of the biggest brands around, you might notice that they are often amazing storytellers. Apple tells stories of people challenging the normsNike tells stories of people doing the impossibleAirbnb tells stories of travelers living in homes around the world and belonging anywhere. But how do you tell compelling stories? While researching on the topic of storytelling, I discovered several tested-and-proven storytelling formulas — formulas used by companies like Pixar, Apple, and more. These formulas can be applied to your company’s overall marketing, content you produce, social media updates, copy on your website, and more. Ready to jump in? 11 storytelling formulas to supercharge your social media marketing 1. Setup — Set the scene and introduce the character(s) Confrontation or “Rising action” — Present a problem and build up the tension 2.
Best Story Wins · Collaborative Fund A truth that applies to many fields, which can frustrate some as much as it energizes others, is that the person who tells the most compelling story wins. Not who has the best idea, or the right answer. Just whoever tells a story that catches people’s attention and gets them to nod their heads. C. R. It would be fair to say that whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own he often gets things wrong, sometimes seriously … [It is not] a contribution to knowledge. Two things are notable here. One is that the book’s author doesn’t seem to disagree with the assessment. Another is that the author, Yuval Noah Harari, has sold over 27 million books, making him one of the bestselling contemporary authors in any field, and his book Sapiens – which Hallpike was reviewing – the most successful anthropology book of all time. Harari recently said about writing Sapiens: I thought, ‘This is so banal!’ What Sapiens does have is excellent writing.