Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana - StumbleUpon Hello U-Create readers! I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc. Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design
Quilling - Turning Paper Strips into Intricate Artworks Quilling has been around for hundreds of years, but it’s still as impressive and popular now as it was during the Renaissance. The art of quilling first became popular during the Renaissance, when nuns and monks would use it to roll gold-gilded paper and decorate religious objects, as an alternative to the expensive gold filigree. Later, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it became a favorite pass-time of English ladies who created wonderful decorations for their furniture and candles, through quilling. Basically, the quilling process consists of cutting strips of paper, and rolling them with a special tool. Because it requires so few supplies, quilling is available to anyone with enough patience to give it a try, and with a little bit of practice you’ll be creating some pretty amazing paper artworks, just like iron-maiden-art, whose works I think show the beauty of quilling. Reddit Stumble
James Charles - Pop Cultured Currency Repurposing existing objects for other uses is always cool. Repurposing them for pop culture references though is even better. James Charles has been doing just that with United States currency for the last year or so. :::::: carnovsky :::::: RGB Color est e pluribus unus RGB is a work about the exploration of the “surface’s deepness”. RGB designs create surfaces that mutate and interact with different chromatic stimulus. Carnovsky's RGB is an ongoing project that experiments with the interaction between printed and light colours. The resulting images are unexpected and disorienting. The colors mix up, the lines and shapes entwine becoming oneiric and not completely clear. See the Wallpapers collections available:
Letterform for the Ephemeral on Typography Served The use of people’s body as a display medium in exchange for money has been a fairly common vision in the streets of London for almost two hundred years. One of the only work prospects for non-English speakers involves standing on a busy street while holding printed advertising at the end of a stick or wearing it on boards around their neck, a position known as human billboard). Using the human body as a message display facility is a way of evading a tax on advertising by making it mobile, but also by using the humanity of the subject and its “freedom of speech” as a legal argument. The flexibility of this casual form of communication, combined with the performative potential of togetherness, provided the right components to start thinking of a malleable letterform expressing an ephemeral message. MORE here:
Illustrating with Thread and Pins The images within post are from various art installations and projects by Debbie Smyth. View more of the artist’s work at her blog. Notes about Smyth (from bio published at New British Artists): Debbie Smyth graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Contemporary Textiles in 2008. Artwork © Debbie Smyth Link via Designaside 20 awesome examples of street art If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you. Yarn Bombing / Guerrilla Crochet – A Collection | STREET ART UTOPIA More info. More info. More info. More Yarn Bombing and Guerrilla Crochet: 1) B-Arbeiten 2) Agata Olek 3) Yarnbombing 4) Stickkontakt Leave a reply Related posts 12 beloved Street Art Photos - May 2013 Urban Art Biennial (BAU) - In Cochabamba, Bolivia By Alice for Urban Contest 2012 - In Rome, Italy
Time Travel Through Photoshop - WW II Photography by Sergey Larenkov -... Russian photographer Sergey Larenkov has taken a creative approach to showcase World War II photography. He took old black and white photos of various buildings from around Russia and Germany, from World War II era, and combined them with pictures of the same buildings shot in the present day. What you get is a unique look at how the world was in World War II but with a twist of our own present reality. The approach was simple but very creative, take the two pictures and combine them with photoshop. [via: Sergey Larenkov] Posted on July 30, 2010 Got something to say? Comment Rules: Keep it civil, and please do not use your site URL in either your name or the comment text.
Amazing Latest Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial for June 2011 |... It’s been a while for my last post here in my blog, but today i collect the newest and Amazing for June 2011. You can check them all and try it for your self. This list of tutorial is very easy to do you just need to follow and have some time to practice your photoshop skills. Share it Guys! Here are the Latest Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial for June 2011 This tutorial will show you how to use and layer styles to create an awesome colorful retro text effect. Amazing Latest Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial for June 2011 In this tutorial you will learn how to construct a piece of typography in a cute , in Photoshop. This tutorial will explain how to step by step, and will guide you through the many details involved in creating the final result. This is photoshop tutorial, about “ ”. This is Part 2 of this tutorial. This will explain how to use the layer styles to achieve a , and how to create a nice glossy stroke to add more depth to the final effect.
5 Free Vintage... Update: Vintage Damask Textures: Part II is up now! Check it out if you like the textures below. This is a set of textures I've wanted to do for a long, long time. Unfortunately I don't have access to any cool, old wallpaper around here...so I just had to make my own. Each one of these textures consists of 4-5 different images layered together in Photoshop to get the end result you see here. I usually used one fabric texture, two paper textures, and a grunge texture along with the pattern to get the effect that I wanted. Here are the patterns I used to make the textures: Click on the textures below to download the high-res version or download them all in a zip file at the bottom of the post. If you've used L&T textures in commercial work or earned a profit from them in your designs, please consider making a donation to Lost & Taken.
20 Free Fonts Just Perfect for Retro and Vintage Designs Awww, vintage and retro style designes are simply awesome. By using various design elements such as textures, patterns and brushes to add an aged or used appearance designers can easily pull of timeless look. To compliment retro/vintage appearance it’s also important to use proper typography from the time period you are trying to represent. To help you out, I’ve rounded up 20 perfect retro and vintage fonts to use in your designs. I’m hoping that you found at least one new font to add to your collection. Which ones you like most?
30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography | Web Design Blog | Web... In this article we want to present 30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography you should consider using for your designs or typography works. Make sure you maintain records of where fonts were acquired and keep the original archive file with the legal terms to prove permission of use. In this collection, you’ll find only the best free and high-quality fonts for clean and professional designs. “Typographical design should perform optically what the speaker creates through voice and gesture of his thoughts.” – El Lizzitsky. As E. Lizzitsky said Typography helps to Design, we think that Fonts helps to Typography. 1. Download Font 2. Download Font 3. Download Font 4. Download Font 5. Download Font 6. Download Font 7. Download Font 8. Download Font 9. Download Font 10. Download Font 11. Download Font 12. Download Font 13. Download Font 14. Download Font 15. Download Font 16. Download Font 17. Download Font 18. Download Font 19. Download Font 20. Download Font 21. Download Font 22.Rothenburg Decorative