Deseret Book recently conducted a scholarship competition for aspiring, new LDS artists. The money was raised from prominent LDS artists auctioning off custom pieces of artwork. These artists included Annie Henrie, Del Parson, J. Kirk Richards, James Christensen, and Liz Lemon Swindle. From thirty applicants, they chose four winners and three honorable mentions. Each of the four winners received $3,000 towards their education in their chosen art medium. These are definitely some artists to watch for in the upcoming months!
If you are interested in sponsoring one of these artists, buying any of their artwork, or participating in the competition next year, contact Dallan Wright at Deseret Book: dwright@deseretbook.com.
Mary Sauer
Painter Mary Sauer’s work has been exhibited throughout the United States including over a dozen shows in New York City alone. She has served as an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University teaching advanced life drawing and currently teaches painting at the University of Utah. She also is working towards her master's at the University of Utah. She was recently commissioned by the Church History Museum to complete a portrait for the portrait hall in the Conference Center of Lyman Johnson. The LDS Church also recently purchased her painting, "The Young Carpenter" to be hung in a temple.
The Young Carpenter Mary Sauer - young LDS artist
John Darley
John began sketching and doodling at a young age. He was greatly influenced by the artwork of Jeff Hein, a prominent painter. John feels as though art is something to be taken seriously, even sacredly. It can uplift and enlighten, support and inspire. He says that as he stands at his easel every day, he tries to build up and strengthen society through the art he creates.
John Darley - young LDS artist John Darley - young LDS artist
Courtney Vander Veur
Courtney has loved art from a very young age. She received a bachelor of fine arts in drawing and painting from the University of Utah. She currently studies with Jeff Hein at the Hein Academy. She hopes that her artwork can bring its viewers closer to God, especially with her Creation series.
Courtney Vandeur Veur - young LDS artist Courtney Vandeur Veur - Top LDS Artist
Rebecca Jones
Rebecca earned bachelor’s in illustration and fine art from Brigham Young University. She loves to create beautiful, interesting, and uplifting images that contribute to a positive visual culture. She currently is exploring the medium of relief prints, including cards and fine art illustrations. Each block must be carved with attentive care, and every stroke is permanent. She then inks the block and rolls a print by hand, so each print actually comes out different.