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Videosign specialises in remote business tools, allowing professionals to verify their clients' identities, meet in a virtual face-to-face meeting room, and digitally collaborate on, sign and certify documentation; whilst recording robust and compliant video evidence.

Why do you need an online signing solution? - Videosign. Think of the number of times over the years that you’ve been waiting for an important document in the post, or struggling to find time in your diary for a face-to-face meeting for a simple signature. The most exciting things in our lives, like buying a home or starting a new job, can be made easier, faster and less stressful when the need for pen and ink is removed. Meanwhile, routine administrative tasks like hiring a car or taking out a loan can happen more easily than ever. There are use cases for this approach in healthcare, insurance, banking, funeral arrangement, will writing, marketing, recruitment – the list goes on. Having a contract signed electronically can enable businesses to offer a more secure and compliant way of gaining legally-binding contract agreements remotely, as well as offering better customer service and higher levels of convenience.

Online signing is here and will only become more widespread. About Videosign’s online signing platform. Virtual meeting with Videosign - Videosign. Videosign takes virtual meetings to the next level with a selection of innovative features designed to offer heightened security and improved customer experience. Our virtual meeting and document signing platform offer businesses market-leading security features, along with convenience and functionality to make the signing of contracts as efficient as possible for all parties.

Videosign uses artificial intelligence to verify the identity of an individual using their passport or driving licence to confirm their identity when they sign a contract online. The key advantages of using Videosign are its ability to record highly-reliable evidence that a contract has been signed in the correct way, along with offering a more efficient way of doing business. Videosign works through your web browser – meaning there is no additional software to install and both your virtual meeting and your document signing take place in the same platform. Virtual meeting meets online signing. Our online electronic signature software - Videosign.

Videosign’s online signature software offers users the best security features on the market while also helping businesses to improve their efficiency and offer a better customer experience. Our pioneering e-signature software is an online meeting service that uses artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition software to compare an individual with their passport or driving licence photo to confirm their identity when they sign a contract or legal document online.

Videosign offers users the facility to record video and other evidence like IP addresses and timestamps when remotely witnessing signatures of legal documents. The facial-recognition software is used to verify the identity of signatories before tamper-proof electronic signatures are made, witnessed by everyone in the meeting and backed up with video and metadata evidence. About Videosign Videosign’s ability to verify identities using artificial intelligence facial profiling is a game-changer for a huge number of professions. E Signature for Financial Services | Financial Advice | Videosign. Videosign supports the financial services with a range of digital tools to enable the witnessing of electronic signatures remotely in a safe and secure platform. With many features and benefits, Videosign can be used by professionals working within the financial industry including: Examples of Videosign usage: Wealth Management – Used by some of the best-known names in the industry, Videosign offers wealth managers a secure and accessible meeting space; allowing them to identify their clients, perform database lookups (such as AML checks), meet face-to-face, and digitally sign documents.Banking – Customers in the banking sector are becoming more comfortable using live video platforms.

Typically, 80-90% of consumers use their laptops, phones and tablets for banking, and therefore remote meeting and sign-off is the next logical step. It is no longer necessary to ask customers to visit the bank to sign documents, or for bank personnel to witness such signatures in person. Electronic Signature for Insurance | Videosign. Videosign supports financial services specifically the insurance sector with a range of digital tools to enable the witnessing of electronic signatures remotely in a safe and secure platform. With many features and benefits, Videosign can be used by professionals working within insurance including: Examples of Videosign usage: Policies and Claims – Clients are more comfortable discussing details directly, face-to-face with their trusted adviser in a secure and compliant meeting place. Videosign allows you to maintain that personalised relationship, even when working remotely to discuss, advise on, and agree on insurance documentation quicklyProof of signature – validate digital signatures with embedded digital certificates, video recordings and detailed audits of signing events For more information or to arrange a demo of Videosign, contact us or email

Electronic Witnessing | Witness Electronic Signature | Videosign. eSignature Pricing | Digital Signature Cost | Videosign. Electronic Signature Solution | Digital Signature Software | Secure Electronic Signatures | Videosign.