BbPress.org. WP Multi File Uploader. Allows a user to submit multiple files from a form on your WordPress site via AJAX to WordPress default uploads folder and adds an attachment to the Wordpress media gallery.
Includes a shortcode [wp-multi-file-uploader] for use in a form created in the post editor and a function for use in a form in a template file wp_multi_file_uploader();. Plugin Home Page: What this plugin does not do: This plugin does not make sure that the user is allowed to add a file but it does restrict the file type to the WordPress supported file types by default, this has been updated to dynamically get the supported file types for your WordPress install. SP Project & Document Manager. Project & document management plugin, Businesses & Organization utilizing this application can maintain documents, records, files, videos and images.
You can organize, manage client, student & supplier documents and accounts, control individual documents, and select specific distribution of documents all in an easy to manage online process. The plug-in also demonstrates how quickly a business can take hold of their interactions with clients, sales organization, vendors, and all in between. With a straight-forward layout, access to template modifications and easy to manage features; clients can add and modify projects. The plug-in provides assurances that the user has complete control over the flow of information. We also now offer a premium version; please check out our website for more information: WordPress Download Manager. Upload Larger Plugins. Admin Menu Reorder. Mountain Notifications Responsive.
Item Description.
Media File Manager Advanced. Add Multiple Users for WordPress. Disable Google Fonts. WP-Filebase Download Manager. WordFence un Antivirus WordPress Efficace. La sécurité de votre site WordPress est primordiale.
Tant de travail et d'articles sur votre blog et tout d'un coup, une simple attaque et... Patatra! Tout est perdu, infecté, piraté:/ Ces derniers temps, j'ai vu augmenter des problèmes de sécurité sur des sites WordPress, des problèmes de scraping, d'injection de codes malicieux, de bannières publicitaires indésirables, etc... Même si rien n'est jamais sûr et que tout site est, dans l'absolu piratable si l'on s'en donne les moyens, voici un plugin WordPress que j'ai testé et adopté, qui n'a qu'un seul objectif: Sécuriser votre WordPress! 20 Plugins pour Gérer vos Fichiers avec WordPress.
Lorsqu’il est question de gérer des fichiers avec WordPres, nous atteignons vite une des limites de WordPress.
Heureusement, la communauté est là pour pallier à ce problème. Je vais vous présenter une sélection de plugins WordPress qui vous aidera à gérer vos fichiers, gérer les téléchargements, gérer l’insertion de donnée audio, vidéo ou encore pdf. Media Upload Meta Box. Frontend Uploader. Mb.extruder. You can have a direct link, a link with a panel, just a panel or a disabled voice.
It can be set on top or on left of your page; and if you have mor than one extruder (only on left) they are automatically positioned one behind the other. The TOP extruder positionFixed param is set to false, so it scrolls with the page; the LEFT extruders positionFixed param is set to true (the default value), so they kip their position even when page scrolls. You can disable or anable dinamically each voice of your extruder using the $.fn.disableExtruderVoice() or $.fn.enableExtruderVoice() methods.
You can open or close any extrude panel invoking: $.fn.closeMbExtruder() or $.fn.openMbExtruder() methods. Try now: disable second voice of mbExtruder Topenable second voice of mbExtruder Topopen "Our network"close "Our network" change left label take a look at the documentation to see how simple is the configuration! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Components - jQuery.mb.extruder. Wordpress File Upload. Installation First copy wordpress_file_upload directory inside wp-contents/plugins directory of your wordpress site.Activate the plugin from Plugins menu of your Dashboard.In order to use the plugin simply put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] in the contents of any page.If you want more options, go to plugin Settings inside Dashboard, open Shortcode Composer and select the options you want.
The composer generates the shortcode automatically. Copy and paste it to the page of your choice. Downloads You can download the free version of the plugin by pressing the FREE version button below, or you can go for the professional version that offers multiple file uploads, captcha and much more by pressing the PRO version button.
Attributes The easiest way to use the plugin is to put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] in the page. If you want to customize the plugin (define the upload path, use file filter, change title and button text etc.) then you can use attributes.
7731868?WT.ac=item_more_thumb&WT. Add:Stack GalleryTestimonial CarouselApp Mockup galleryFont Awesome animationiHoverDirection-Aware 3D hover gallerysmooth Fluidbox lightbox3D hover Profile CardDepth ModalScrolling NotificationMasonry Gallery to your Visual Composer.
And add more for free in the future update. All the function you see in the preview site are included in this package. Update log Jun 7 2014 – ver 1.2 Add Stack Gallery extensionMake it compatible with Visual Composer which is installed within a theme, it’ll work directly after activating. May 26 2014 – ver 1.1 Add Testimonial Carousel extension, now there are 10 extensions in the packageUpdate Font Awesome to 4.1Make all extensions compatible with WP_DEBUG set to true, fix the warning in the WordPress debug modeFix a bug may cause the editor in the backend is not clickable “Wonderfully designed and to the point. Main Features Note: some of the 3D CSS3 transition feature only available in modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or IE10+.
Credit. TAB SLIDE. Onclick Popup. Check official website for live demo One easy way to send your visitors a welcome message, notice, or advertisement is to add this popup plugin to your site.
WordPress File Upload.