Vitamins, Nutrients and Supplements for Optimal Health. 8 Natural Recipes for Amazing Skin...from a Plastic Surgeon. Turn back the clock with these natural anti-aging masks and recipes from ‘The Doctors’ plastic surgeon and beauty guru Andrew Ordon, MD. By Lauren Gelman Loading It may seem ironic for a board-certified plastic surgeon to be doling out advice on how to defy your age naturally, but Andrew Ordon, MD, a cohost of the syndicated talk show The Doctors, encourages against an operating-table mentality.
In his new book Better in 7: The Ultimate 7-Day Guide to a Better You, Ordon describes more natural, less-invasive approaches to skincare and beauty. We loved his DIY recipes for everything from eliminating dark circles under eyes to shiny hair to smooth, dewy skin. The best part: You can whip them up with ingredients you already have around your kitchen. Buy Better in 7 It may seem ironic for a board-certified plastic surgeon to be doling out advice on how to defy your age naturally, but Andrew… Avocado-Honey Moisturizer A moisturizer is an anti-aging must. A moisturizer is an anti-aging must.
Homemade Natural Beauty Products - 7 Ingredients and 20+ recipes. Smooth Finish DIY Organic Foundation With Sunscreen. Do you realize how important health is from the inside out AND the outside in? Scratch Mommy Skincare has got you covered! Check out my 100% organic body butters, lotions, lip lotions, sunscreens, bug solutions, and more HERE. Thanks for visiting! 3.25.14 UPDATE: Due to reader and customer demand, I have posted pictures of this foundation being applied. Be sure to look at the end of this post for the link!!! I know that you are probably on a journey to rid your home of toxic products. Awesome. I have played around with this product for quite some time now.
I was never happy with the end product. Finally, I believe that I have created the most perfect, healthy, non-toxic, organic, effective smooth finish face foundation. …AND, it contains sunscreen!!! Dark & Medium Colors Since you are likely a lot like me in your green-living ways, you have probably dabbled in skincare products yourself: lotion, salve, deodorant, etc. I hadn’t looked at the ingredients until recently. Ingredients: Tools: Homemade Healing & Antibacterial Cream: Like Homemade Neosporin® | Live Simply. I’m a disaster in the kitchen. I know, right, not exactly what you want to hear from the mouth of a food blogger.
I can cook up a mean batch of brownies, a to-die-for meatloaf, or the best collard greens the south has ever tasted. But, the moment fire, heat, and pots are involved, I’m a pure mess. Burns, bruises, and cuts have been well-earned on my petite hands and arms. They are battle-wounds from creating delicious dishes day in and out.
Battle wounds I proudly wear and probably a good hint I need to invest in a better pair of oven gloves. Boo-boo’s are my specialty served with a side of meatballs. I take a laid-back approach in life when it comes to ouchies. Last year, after burning my wrists one too many times pulling out delicious crusty bread (so worth it), I noticed the scars looked pretty bad. Medical treatments like neosporin®, filled with synthetic toxins just don’t fly. This homemade neosporin® (all thanks to my blow dryer) is my go-to salve. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Resources: Simple Homemade Moisturizer | Live Simply.
I love simplicity. What’s the opposite of simplicity? Complicated. Who’s got time for complicated? Certainly not this mom. I take this simple philosophy when it comes to my kitchen. I’ve been busy applying my goal of getting back to simplicity in all areas of life. Don’t worry. I only share the recipes that leave me feeling civilized, clean, and odor-free. Gone are the days of believing beauty products need to be complicated, store-bought, and loaded with multiple ingredients. So, in the name of simplicity, I bring you a new tried-and-true beauty recipe, a homemade moisturizer. Simplifying simplicity. And smelling good while doing it. Simple Homemade Moisturizer I warned you. If you’re making this moisturizer in the colder months, when coconut oil tends to be very solid (hard as a rock), you can whip these ingredients together with your hand mixer creating for a smooth, creamy product.
I use this moisturizer in the morning and the evening on my face. Simplicity in a jar. My kind of jar. Homemade mascara: All natural and eye friendly. Why homemade mascara? For some time now my entire makeup routine has been a dab of lip balm and a quick brush of mascara. But I still wondered if these two little “makeup essentials” were really good for me. Being the hippie-lovin’-green-livin’ type gal that I am, I was pretty sure the answer was “no.” And that’s why I’m here to share my all natural homemade mascara recipe with you. What is in mascara anyway? Mascara dates back to ancient Eygpt. Cosmetics are very loosely regulated by the FDA. I’ve been using an organic “all natural” mascara for the past couple of years. But even this (more expensive) organic brand was full of ingredients that I didn’t quite feel safe about.
Why I love my homemade mascara My first attempt at homemade mascara wasn’t very impressive. This homemade mascara does a great job darkening, separating, and conditioning the lashes. The recipe is really easy. DIY all natural homemade mascara What you’ll need: Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What do you think? 7 Important Natural Skincare Ingredients (That You Probably Don't Have, But Might Want) This is my interprative version of rosewater.
Recently, the beautiful and spunky LulaLola caught me off-guard on Twitter. After a very lively chat about pimples and ordering clay from Mountain Rose Herbs she said: “Thanks for the help! Okay, if you were placing your first order, what would your top 5 purchases be?” What? I am. If you’re even remotely interested in creating your own skincare and haircare products, you might want to add a few things to your cupboards. You don’t have to buy them all. Before we get down to the nitty gritty, just let me say again that you don’t need any of these products to start dabbling in your own skincare and haircare recipes. Dried Herbs (and Flowers): I tried to narrow it down to just one, but it’s impossible. Chamomile A sampling of my dried herb collection.Lavender BudsRosebudsPeppermintCalendulaRosemaryLemon BalmJasmine Where can you buy them? Where can you buy it? Clays. Where can you buy them?
Where can you find it? Where can you buy them? All Roads Lead to the Pits : Homemade Deodorant. Where am I going to put this? Have you ever noticed how the universe sometimes really wants you to go down a certain path? Everywhere you turn, there are reminders of a track you almost chose, still have the opportunity to choose, but are resistant for reasons even you can’t understand?
Maybe it’s fate. Maybe it’s destiny. Maybe it’s your overactive imagination. But, either way, there’s something that just keeps nudging you – sometimes ever-so gently, sometimes with a loud bullhorn in your ear – down a certain road. Today, all roads led to my armpits. A while back, in 7 Important Natural Skincare Ingredients, I wrote that I would have to blog about homemade deodorant soon (see: I would actually have to TRY homemade deodorant soon). And then today came – today, when I was going to write a lighting rod post about products to help green your medicine cabinet (complete with a medicine cabinet makeover), I took some pictures of my medicine cabinet “before.” What is wrong with this picture? Um, no.