Debora Wouters
l'll know it when I see it ~ Graphic Designer ~ Teacher
Citrinitas - Visual Communications, Internet Design & Arts Blog. Stack independent magazine subscription. Graphic Design. It's Nice That. Inventions and Ideas from Science Fiction Books and Movies at Technovelgy.com. 7.3 Billion People, One Building. After a year and a half of writing Wait But Why posts, I’ve noticed a theme: humans seem to come up a lot.
Sometimes we talk about where humans came from or where we might be going or how we’re all related; other times we look at how we interact and communicate and form relationships.
Designer Creates Clever Brand Logos By Combining Two Different Objects Into One. Google AutoDraw Turns Your Rough Scribbles Into Beautiful Icons For Free. Google’s latest A.I. experiment is a web-based drawing tool called AutoDraw that converts your rough scribbles and doodles into beautiful, symmetrical icons/clipart that you can download for free.
It works on your phone, computer or tablet and uses artificial intelligence to guess and suggest a more polished icon or symbol to replace your drawing. The program uses the same technology found in Quick, Draw! – an online game developed by Google that uses neural network artificial intelligence to guess what a user has drawn (it’s like playing Pictionary against a computer).
Text Invaders - Sapir Shragai. Type Tasting. Artist & Designer. Elif Ayiter.
History of Visual Communication. 15 Clever Examples of Interactive Print Ads. You would think print advertising is void of innovation today, but that's actually not the case.
In fact, many brands are finding new ways to merge the digital and physical world through magazine and newspaper ads. Download Now: Free Ad Campaign Planning Kit What Is Print Advertising? Print advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media to reach potential customers. Print ads were once the standard format for creative advertising. To give you a sense of how businesses today are incorporating print ads into their digital strategy, we've collected 17 print ads that'll make you rethink the word "traditional.
" Click here to download more examples of exceptional advertising campaigns. 17 Interactive Print Advertisements That Are Still Innovative Today 1.
Compelling Visual Presentations. Áron Jancsó on Behance. Behance-Vector-Graffiti. Dadaïsme (ca.1916-ca. 1922)
Design for the set of the film 'Spellbound', 1945 - Salvador Dali. ImagineNations by Wendy Gold Vintage Globes, Maps, and Custom Handmade Worlds of Art. What You See Is What You Hear. Les presses du réel. The 40 best free web fonts. It's time-consuming to cut through the ocean of free fonts online, especially web fonts, to find the real gems that punch above their price tag.
With this in mind, we've rounded up the greatest free web fonts from around the internet to get you started. There are various methods to source and license web fonts, including subscription-based models such as Typekit and Fontspring, which boast libraries of quality typefaces that are becoming increasingly popular with professional designers.
Typewriter – ASCII Artist. A Visual History of Typewriter Art from 1893 to Today. Graphics Atlas: Welcome. Brokken Zijp Foundation of modern and contemporary Art. Des millions de photos historiques libres de droits disponibles sur Flickr. Kalev Leetaru a décidé d’uploader sur Flickr une partie de notre patrimoine commun .Il s’est en effet attelé à une tâche titanesque, numériser et taguer 12 millions d’images historiques libres de droits.
Les photos sont disponibles sur le compte Internet Archive Book Image.
Galerie de Internet Archive Book Images. Studeer- en taalvriendelijk studiemateriaal. @logolearn. L'histoire par l'image. Design Tips, Education, Resources & Designer Advice.
Werkmap FUTUR CC
Web of Deb. WERKMAP/inspiratie. GRAPHIC DESIGN. PHOTOSHOP. TYPOGRAPHY. FLUXUS. Suheir Hammad: Poems of war, peace, women, power. Craig & Karl illustrate animal-packed Sticker Art books for NHM. Combining a few of our favourite things – walruses, stickers, and dynamic illustrations styles – a series of new books illustrated by transatlantic duo Craig & Karl ticks a lot of boxes.
The Sticker Art paperbacks series is published in collaboration with the Natural History Museum, and comprises Ocean, Jungle, Woodland and Savannah. Ostensibly aimed at younger children (we’d wager their appeal to be far wider), the books feature eight different animals each, and encourage readers to create their own sticker-by-number animal portraits using Craig & Karl’s illustrations as a guideline. The bold, blocky style typical of Craig & Karl’s work is perfectly suited to the task, and will surely delight yummy mummies and cool dads as well as their creative offspring. As well as the portraits and stickers, each animal in the book is accompanied with some fun and informative facts. The Sticker Art series is published by Francis Lincoln Children’s Books, with each in the series priced at £4.99 each. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine.
New website Logobook archives logos going back to the 50s. Created by a group of Swiss designers, who are now located around the world, Logobook aims to serve as both a resource and an inspiration to design fans.
Currently in beta phase, its creators are adding to it all the time. “At the moment Logobook.com is mostly a reference tool for designers and businesses to not only find inspiration but also to build awareness of what has been done before, and by whom,” says Seymour Auf Der Maur, the site’s editor.
Avant-garde and modernist magazines - Monoskop. Inside back cover of Blok 6-7, Warsaw, 1924.
Back cover of MA 8:1, Vienna, 1922. Back cover of Noi II/1:6-9, Rome, 1924. Introduction[edit]
Visible Language. Gallica. Rebuilding a Legacy: The Gastrotypographical- assemblage. Article by Richard Anwyl March 05, 2008.
Lidantiu faram. The Electrotyping Process. Ellenor Alcorn: The Bryant Vase was completed in 1876 by a team of skilled artists working for Tiffany and Company.
Home. Ultra-book de alexx : Ultra-book. April 2007 - Vol 01 No 04 - Facsimile Magazine. Two years ago Sister Mary Corita left Los Angeles' Immaculate Heart Convent, where she had been a nun for thirty years, to become Miss Corita Kent, artist. Cortia's art certainly is not in the kind of style you'd ever envision a nun's, even a former one. But Corita is an unusual person. Her medium is the serigraph, or silk screen print, which bombards the eye with Dayglo colors, pithy quotations from numerous sources (Camus, Peanuts, Beatle John Lennon, Rabbi Abraham Heschel, to name a few), and a generous sprinkling of ad slogans. Corita's art can be found in the permanent collections of thirty-seven museums.
She is responsible in part for advancing the silk screen process as fine art.
Xavier Casalta – Artist. Henning M. Lederer // Visual Communication & Animation. Henning M. Lederer // Visual Communication & Animation // MA Digital Arts. Retroavangarda - blog about art and graphic design. Graphics Atlas: Search Processes. Kunstenaarsboeken (artists' books) uit Nederland en België deel 1: de jaren '70 en '80.