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K57 Pill: Uses, Side Effects, And Addiction Treatment

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K57 Pill: Uses, Side Effects, and Addiction Treatment | WhiteSandsTreatment. May 01, 2024by Jaclyn What Is the K57 Pill? The K57 Pill is a small pill that, when it comes from a reputable pharmacy after being prescribed by a doctor for pain management, contains 20mg of oxycodone hydrochloride. It is also a pill that can be counterfeited and might contain dangerous levels of fentanyl if purchased on the street. Transform Your Life Today Talk to Our Recovery Specialist Call Now: (877) 855-3470 Understanding the Effects of K57 Oxycodone is an opioid drug, and along with pain relief, it can cause feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Recognizing the Side Effects of K57 Common K57 side effects you might experience when taking the drug, even when used as prescribed, include: Dizziness or lightheadednessFatigueNauseaConstipationRelaxationEuphoriaRisk of addiction Because the K57 pill effects are pleasant at first, it may be tempting to continue using the medication even after you don’t need to anymore, or to take more than prescribed.

The Risk of Addiction with K57 Pills.