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​The Growing Concern Of Substance Abuse In The Senior Population

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Get Treatment for Senior Substance Abuse. May 29, 2024by Jaclyn Overview of Senior Substance Abuse 2012, according to the US Census Bureau, there were over 43.1 million adults over the age of 65, an age which is predicted to double over the next few decades. In 2018, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by SAMHSA showed that around 2% of all seniors in the country reported having a substance use disorder over the past year. With approximately 17% of all adults of the same age currently abusing alcohol, prescription medications, or illicit drugs, a new epidemic of senior substance abuse is on the rise, which may have serious consequences, not only for themselves and their families but also for the US medical system.

Transform Your Life Today Talk to Our Recovery Specialist Call Now: (877) 855-3470 Factors Contributing to Increased Substance Use in Florida’s Seniors Several common factors can contribute to senior substance abuse. Identifying Substance Abuse in the Elderly Prescription mismanagement Social withdrawal.