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DIY: Fabrique tes cartes de voeux pour 2014. Cette année je m'y suis prise un peu tard pour les cartes de vœux maison, du coup il a fallu improviser avec les moyens du bord...
Et je suis assez contente du résultat! Je vous montre? Pour réaliser vos cartes de voeux 2014 au point de croix, il vous faut: Chhhhhht, un ange passe. Chhhhhht, un ange passe Pour moi, ce sont des personnages fantastiques comme les fées et les lutins.
Et je me laisse séduire par l'imagination des créatrices quand je trouve leurs angelots sur Internet ou dans les magasins. Allez je commence par le plus économique : l'ange de chez craftyjournal . Jamais je n'avais vu que ce trombone, que l'on connait tou(te)s, avait l'air d'un ange. J'ai fait des essais mais mes perles étaient, soit trop petites et ça ressemblait à des microcéphales, soit trop grosses et dans ce cas, elles ne passaient pas bien au milieu des "ailes" du trombone.
Susie aime le bricolage avec 3 fois rien. Enfin, les anges-bâtonnets, trouvés ici. Pour terminer, je vous communique le lien envoyé par Vylsie (Merci Vylsie) pour fabriquer un ange avec un napperon de dentelle. Bonjour la patience et la minutie! Commentaires sur Chhhhhht, un ange passe. A Christmas Showcase: Creative Homemade Arts And Crafts [PICS] Nothing takes you back to the past like Christmas does – the cakes, the dinners, the reunions, the Christmas trees and the presents.
And nothing makes Christmas more traditional than homemade decorations, crafts and gifts done by hand with your family and relatives. What makes it special is that what you are making cannot be bought from the store shelves. Well, at least that’s the concept of it. Here is a list of some pretty amazing crafts and creations we’ve found; some of them can be bought (let’s face it, not all of us are gifted in arts and crafts) or can serve as inspiration for your own custom-made creations.
There are three sections: card designs, snowflake designs and some kickass gingerbread creations you don’t want to miss. Spray paint a can and decorate with a belt like Santa great to use as a christmas card holder or as pictured. DIY #1 Un carnet brod. KIDS CRAFT FELT & PINECONE OWL ORNAMENTS These cute little owls come with three different personalities and with this pattern you can mix and match to make your own little characters. #kidscraft #holidayornaments #diyornament. Bring angels to your table with this simple DIY project #angel #craft. I know this was pinned as a Christmas card, but what about something like this to put in a picture frame to go over current photos just for Christmas season. How To: Antler Christmas Card (+ Template) We made some Christmas cards today and thought of this lovely little Reinder antler idea.
This card is quite easy to make. A trick to cutting it out really well is to make sure that your Stanley knife is really sharp, replace the blade if it’s blunt. It is also much safer to work with a sharper knife. When you are working around the image, move the paper as you go and follow one line, don’t start from different points or it will look scrappy. Materials 1 piece of white or off-white card stock. Pas besoin de savoir tricoter pour faire des tuques! :D. Lighted Burlap Garland. Funny side story: I had a hard time titling this post.
In my head, “lit” burlap garland flowed off the tongue much better than Lighted Burlap Garland. However, I know that lighted can also be used. I even asked my teacher friend, Sarah at Becoming Martha, who was no help! LOL Had to use the power of the Internet to find my answer! 15 Best DIY Ideas to Winterize Your Home for Christmas. By Hellen | While every one of us has just started with preparations for Thanksgiving Day, you should be aware of the fact that winter – the coziest season of all, will be here before you know it.
With the upcoming winter upon us, we’re starting to feel excited about the lovely holiday season, called Christmas. Everyone loves it, because it’s finally time for you to spend a lot of time with your loved ones in a comfy atmosphere. Beautiful moment and heart warming memories are guaranteed! And what can be better than that?! We know that you will probably have some Thanksgiving decor in November, but right after Thanksgiving, you’ll have to decorate your home for Christmas. Cozy Red and White Window Decor via stylisheve.com.
DIY Christmas Sign. Hi friends!
Today I’m sharing a fun project and easy tutorial that will show you how to embellish fabric and make it super cute in just ten minutes. Grab your Tulip Holiday Sparkle and Shine Transfer Sheets, get your creativity rolling, and let’s make together this adorable Fabric Christmas Sign. Cartes de Noël Teckel mignon par LittleMars. Describe Happy: Origami Pine Tree Tutorial. Want to extend a happy hello and thanks for coming over from Craftgawker!!
Let me show you how you can take a few square pieces of paper and turn them into your very own forest like this! You can also make cute little trees for small figures like this iguana! He looks right at home, doesn't he? Here's how you do it... Step one. Step two. Step three. Step four. Step five. Step six. Step seven. Step eight. Step nine. Step ten. Step eleven. {last minute christmas decorations} 3D paper star wreath tutorial.
I had a bunch of this pretty Christmas paper left over from last year (it's Making Memories' Mistletoe line), so I decided to use it up before I didn't love it anymore.
I've been meaning to make a star wreath for ages, and after seeing a friend's 3D stars lining the wall on her staircase (super cute idea, by the way), I decided to try them out. Easy and darling! Here's how to make a 3-D paper star wreath for yourself. 3-D Paper Star Wreath Tutorial Supplies: *Patterned papers *Scoring tool (scoring board, bone folder, or stylus) *Hot glue gun *Wreath form (I cut my own out of chipboard, but you could use a wooden one from the craft store) *Buttons, brads, and ribbon 1. 2. 3. 4.
How to Make a Magazine Christmas Tree - Seven Clown Circus. 10 DIY Mason Jar Christmas Gift Craft Ideas & Tutorials. DIY Friday: Ombre Pinecone Tutorial. A few years ago I found two very beautiful pinecones around my neighborhood.
I took them home and placed them on my bookcase not knowing that it would spark a love for collecting pinecone from the different places that I have visited within the U.S. I have taken home a foot long pinecone from a campsite at Idyllwild and some tiny pinecones from my trip to Oregon. After collecting a basket full, I started thinking of ways to dress them up. One day I had some paint laying around and decided to add a pop of color to a pinecone by painting just the tips of the pinecone. And the rest was history! Materials: - A pinecone- Acrylic paint in three or four different shade of the same color- Angled paint brush- An old toothbrush.
CONSTRUCTION PAPER WREATH TUTORIAL. I was shocked to see my blogger stats the last few days skyrocket with over 70,000 hits to THIS post alone (about paper wreaths of all things). I figured that if that many people are interested in such a thing, I might as well provide guidance on how to make them. Maybe it will help to ease the stream of e-mailed inquiries I've been getting. You need: 1.) one 9''x18'' sheet of green construction paper 2.) scrap paper of any color you'd like for bows, berries, etc. First, take the green paper and fold it in half... ...hot-dog style, like this. Mickey Paper Wreath. DiY Tutoriels – Tout est DiY. How to Make a Christmas tree out of recycled paper. Di.