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Les animaux ont aussi leur histoire. Abandonné à la « petite histoire », pendant longtemps les historiens ne se sont guère intéressés à l’animal.
Depuis quelques années, cette situation a heureusement changé et c’est pourquoi, cet été, en compagnie de Mathilde Wagman,* le médiéviste Michel Pastoureau a rendu aux animaux leur dignité historique et en nous contant les boires et déboires de huit des plus fameux d’entre eux.* Le coq, plus vieil emblème de la France Attribut de certains dieux dans l'Antiquité, tantôt admiré pour son courage, sa virilité, tantôt méprisé pour ses colères ou sa luxure, il est aussi l'un des plus vieux emblèmes de la France.
Découverte - choix du thème. Europeana. Les grands maîtres de la peinture. Time Explorer: une frise chronologique pour explorer l'art et la culture mondiale au fil des siècles. Les élèves des Gobelins-Ecole de l’image… face à Chauveau. 35 000 chefs d’œuvre de la peinture en téléchargement gratuit. Art and Design KS1/KS2: Schools Art and Design - BBC Teach.
#MetKids—How to Make a Clay Pot: Coil and Pinch. #MetKids—How to Make a Tesserae Mosaic. #MetKids—Draw and Ink Comic Panels. #MetKids—Weave on a Mini Loom. #MetKids—Trace and Cut Paper Silhouettes. #MetKids—Pose Like a Sculpture. #MetKids is a digital feature made for, with, and by kids!
About #MetKids #MetKids Contributor: Olena Inspired by Marsyas by Balthasar Permoser, Statue of Gudea, and Female Dancer. Music: Kevin MacLeod, "Backed Vibes" (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3. Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Art and Design KS1 / KS2: Printmaking with different materials - BBC Teach. 8 Inspiring Printmaking Ideas for Your Classroom This Year. One of the best things about being a teacher is that you get to learn right alongside your students.
And even though we’re all busy, it’s important to take the time to stop and reflect. Today I’d love to share some of the amazing things I recently learned from my AOE students. I just finished up teaching AOE’s Studio: Printmaking course, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it. I worked with fourteen fabulous art educators from around the globe.
Matisse-Inspired Backdrop. I really don’t know what happened.
I was in the middle of writing copy for my newsletter when my eyes settled on a Matisse book. I have a large format one that’s meant for coffee tables so it’s quite a distraction. The next minute I was drawing large organic shapes and cutting them out wondering what I should do with them. And then of course, I was on my hands and knees painting the reverse side of my painted backdrop that I use for some of my videos. Sorry newsletter.
Contemporary art. Modern art. Contemporary art. Surrealism. Impressionism. Baroque. Romanticism. Cubism. Art Nouveau. Expressionism. International movement in art and architecture, which flourished between c. 1905 and c. 1920, especially in Germany.
It also extended to literature, music, dance and theatre.
Folk art. Term used broadly to describe those arts that exist outside the received canons of taste established by or on behalf of the leaders of a given society.
Implicit in such a definition is the existence of a society that is sufficiently complex to permit more than one level of cultural activity to thrive. The art of the élite may be dominant, but it is usually a minority aesthetic. In countries or regions that have at some time formed part of larger political entities, the élite culture may have dwindled while the folk culture has developed as a symbol of nationalism. Folk art exists in clearly defined geographical regions among peoples with shared characteristics such as language or religion. Tradition usually provides some component, not only in terms of content, subject-matter or use but also in structure, craft techniques, tools and materials.
Art Deco. Street art. Romanesque art. Classicism. Term referring to a web of ideas, attitudes and traditions derived from but not wholly dependent on a respect for and a close study of the literary and/or artistic activities of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The aim of classicism, in all media, has been to construct an ideal vision and version of human experience that should inspire and instruct by its nobility, authority, rationality and truth (of which beauty may be considered a visible manifestation), and to provide convincing models for imitation. The process started within the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations themselves, but the term classicism refers to the activity of generations succeeding the Greeks and Romans, who admired and sometimes imitated or reused antique works—plays, statues, temples, vases and the rest.
Pop art. International movement in painting, sculpture and printmaking.
The term originated in the mid-1950s at the ICA, London, in the discussions held by the Independent Group concerning the artefacts of popular culture.
Futurism. Abstract expressionism. Term applied to a movement in American painting that flourished in the 1940s and 1950s, sometimes referred to as the New York School or, very narrowly, as action planning, although it was first coined in relation to the work of Vasily Kandinsky in 1929.
Geometric abstraction. Rococo. Conceptual art. Neoclassicism. Term coined in the 1880s to denote the last stage of the classical tradition in architecture, sculpture, painting and the decorative arts.
Neo-classicism was the successor to Rococo in the second half of the 18th century and was itself superseded by various historicist styles in the first half of the 19th century. It formed an integral part of the enlightenment in its radical questioning of received notions of human endeavour. It was also deeply involved with the emergence of new historical attitudes towards the past—non-Classical as well as Classical—that were stimulated by an unprecedented range of archaeological discoveries, extending from southern Italy and the eastern Mediterranean to Egypt and the Near East, during the second half of the 18th century.
Italian Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was a period of Italian history that began in the 14th century and lasted until the 17th century. It peaked during the 15th and 16th centuries, spreading across Europe and marking the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity. The French word renaissance means "rebirth" and defines the period as one of cultural revival and renewed interest in classical antiquity after the centuries labeled the Dark Ages by Renaissance humanists. The Renaissance author Giorgio Vasari used the term "Rebirth" in his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects but the concept became widespread only in the 19th century, after the works of scholars such as Jules Michelet and Jacob Burckhardt.The Renaissance began in Tuscany, and was centred in the city of Florence.
Florence, one of the several city-states of the peninsula, rose to economic prominence by providing credit for European monarchs and laying down the groundwork for capitalism and banking.
Italian Renaissance. Post-Impressionism. Ukiyo-e. De Stijl. Op art. Public art. Photo editor and photo effects online, edit images with BeFunky. Shape Your Photos. Create your own Piccassohead. Google Arts & Culture. Collections. Graffiti Creator. Street Art – Game. Myoats - Create Something.
L'Histoire de l'art pour les Nullissimes. Les informations collectées par la collection Pour les Nuls / First Editions (un département de Edi8) font l’objet d’un traitement automatisé aux fins de prospection commerciale, de statistiques et d’études marketing afin de vous proposer les offres de lecture les plus adaptées à vos attentes.
A défaut, la collection Pour les Nuls / First Editions ne seront pas en mesure de répondre à votre demande.
Fiche nom de code pompidou. VOCABULAIRE DES ARTS PLASTIQUES. Une oeuvre, une histoire avec la collection Pont des Arts - CanoTech. Arts in the City. Leonard de Vinci au Louvre, l'exposition de tous les records, Vidéo YouTube. Turner, exposition de sublimes peintures et aquarelles au Musée Jacquemart-André - Vidéo YouTube. Visite virtuelle Fondation Monet. 'Christian Dior, Designer of Dreams' at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs. Fondation Bemberg: L'Art en s'amusant. Le portrait. Défi dessin : 1 défi et 15 minutes.
Artists: des oeuvres d'arts classsées par artiste. Far Past8000BCE2000BCE500BCE50010001500170018001850190019201940196019802000Present. Comment j'ai dessiné. Les clés du regard [9] - Vermeer. Faces of Frida. Museo Frida Kahlo, Mexico, Mexico. Jan Van Eyck en 2 minutes. En bref. 20 chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture. Œuvres à la loupe.
D'Art d'Art !
Baam ! De l'art dans les épinards saison 1 - Elisabeth Vigée-Le Brun. Baam ! De l'art dans les épinards - Replay et vidéos en streaming - France tv. Pour France Télévisions, le respect de votre vie privée est une priorité. Paul Gauguin en 3 minutes. 20 portraits peints d'écrivains. Hokusai en 2 minutes. En bref. « La Grande Vague de Kanagawa » : immersion au cœur d’un chef-d’œuvre. Le printemps dans la peinture. Vidéos : oeuvres en mouvement - Musée Delacroix. Confinés ? Fermez les yeux, et écoutez ces sept œuvres d'art par la magie du podcast. Voici une sélection de podcasts qui permettent d'être au musée, face à une peinture, même si c'est tout à fait virtuel. De Vinci à Dali, en passant par Berthe Morisot, la peinture parle. Confinement ou pas. C'est entendu, la peinture est un art visuel, essentiellement.
Mais en ce moment, musées et galeries sont fermés, et c'est là que l'on se rend compte à quel point ces images qui invitent au souvenir, au rêve, au voyage, à l'étrangeté et à la lumière nous manquent.
LEONARD DE VINCI. COURANTS ARTISTIQUES. Claude Monet (1840-1926) - Replace les oeuvres au bon endroit!
Muséonaute. NART l'art en 3 coups de pinceau. ATELIERS DESSIN. Promenades imaginaires. En route pour le XIXe avec les Promenades imaginaires au musée d'Orsay. L'auteure Béatrice Fontanel a choisi ces tableaux au musée pour imaginer les histoires que tu vas entendre. Au musée devant le tableau, ou à la maison les yeux fermés, en route pour un voyage dans le temps...
Les promenades imaginaires autour de Berthe Morisot ont reçu le soutien du Centre national du Livre Augustine enfin danseuse étoile Rêve ou réalité ? Une histoire écrite par Béatrice Fontanel, interprétée par Adélaïde Bon. Collections - Eθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο n. The National Archaeological Museum is the largest museum in Greece and one of the most important in the world. Originally destined to receive all the 19th century excavations, mainly from Attica and other parts of the country, it gradually took the form of a central National Archaeological Museum and was enriched with finds from all parts of the Greek world.
His rich collections, enumerating more than 11,000 exhibits, offer the visitor a panorama of ancient Greek culture from the prehistory to the late antiquity. The museum is housed in the imposing neoclassical building, built at the end of the 19th century in designs by L. Lange and eventually formed by Ernst Ziller. Its exhibition grounds, dozens of halls on each floor, cover an area of 8,000 m². and houses the five major permanent collections: The Collection of Prehistoric Antiquities, which includes works of the great civilizations that developed in the Aegean from the 6th millennium to 1050 BC.
Collections - Eθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο n. Collections. Fovéa Arte (vidéos pédagogiques)
Gallica. #Culturecheznous. Educ’ARTE.