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Peru drugs arrests: What Melissa Reid and Michaella McCollum Connolly were too dumb to realise, by Fleet Street Fox - Fleet Street Fox. Some things are stories because they don’t happen very often.

Peru drugs arrests: What Melissa Reid and Michaella McCollum Connolly were too dumb to realise, by Fleet Street Fox - Fleet Street Fox

TV chefs battering someone in a hotel , for instance. A Newsnight presenter with face fungus , or MPs being made to eat the powdered egg substitute they force pensioners to ingest . Other things are stories because they happen all the time. The adventures of Simon Cowell’s wandering winky fall into this category, along with the Middle East being a mess and Katie Price hurling her children into the spotlight before they’re even born . Then there are stories that are both. Firstly, this happens all the time. In the UK, more than 4,000 women are in jail and most of them are there because of drugs.

Secondly, it doesn’t usually happen quite like this. Drug mules aren’t usually questioned on video that is released to the media, it doesn’t always happen to two very young girls last heard of spending summer in the Mediterranean while posting bikini pictures on Faceache, and you rarely get into prison to talk to them . Tweenage Trollops. “This next song is called ‘I Swapped My Barbie for a Rhinestone Bra’.”

Tweenage Trollops

On my daily travels around the fine town of London, I have noticed a sudden eruption of a people attired in a way which offends my sensibilities; buttocks poking cheekily from denim hot pants, side-boob flashing slashed vests, belly revealing crop tops, wobbly high heels and French tipped manicures at the end of fake tanned limbs, lashings of gloopy lip gloss and eyes weighed heavy with claggy mascara. No, this isn’t a post-hen party walk of shame, it isn’t the gaggle of tuppeny hookers congregating around Soho, these are pre-teen girls. Teenage girls are a law unto themselves and a disaster of fashions, but they have earned this right through decades of rebellion, Beatles and Biba. What we have now is bratitude, Bieber and pre-teens dressed like trollops. Sexualisation of children is a weighty subject and I in no way claim to have the final word on the topic. So who’s buying these wannabe strumpets their clothes?

How does a polyamorous relationship between four people work? - FrontMotion Firefox. 18 August 2013Last updated at 20:09 ET From top left, clockwise: Sarah, Chris, Charlie and Tom Imagine one house, with four people, but five couples.

How does a polyamorous relationship between four people work? - FrontMotion Firefox

How does it work, asks Jo Fidgen. Charlie is talking excitedly about a first date she went on the night before. Next to her on the sofa is her husband of six years, Tom. The two women are also in a full-blown relationship, while the two men are just good friends. "We're planning to grow old together," says Charlie. Polyamory is the practice of having simultaneous intimate relationships with more than one person at a time, with the knowledge and consent of all partners. "The number of conversations I've had with peers where I've started to explain it and they've got as far as, 'so, you all cheat on each other' and not been able to get past that.

If any of the four want to get involved with someone else, they have to run it by the others - all of whom have a veto. Internet dangers: 'Never, ever get naked in front of a camera' - FrontMotion Firefox. 3D printing failures shared online - FrontMotion Firefox. Here's another DC character that's gonna be coming to Arrow for S2. Rumor of the Day: Ewan McGregor back as Obi-Wan in Star Wars VII. Not long after a rumor broke about how Emperor Palpatine might return in Star Wars Episode VII, we’ve now gotten word that young Obi-Wan Kenobi might also show up.

Rumor of the Day: Ewan McGregor back as Obi-Wan in Star Wars VII

But how? Much like that Palpatine rumor, Latino Review is reporting that Ewan McGregor will be asked back to reprise his role of Obi-Wan in Star Wars VII as a Force Ghost, which would make for quite a few ghosts hanging around the fringes of this flick. This makes enough sense, depending on how much J.J. Abrams plans on tying in the existing actors to the revitalized trilogy Disney is kicking off. But there is one continuity bug: “Old” Obi-Wan has already been introduced in the original trilogy as the dearly departed Alec Guinness, so we’d basically just have to suck it up and accept that he’s magically switched from Guinness to McGregor at some point in the Jedi afterlife. Will it happen? What do you think? (Via Latino Review) Thrones actress shares shocking NSFW thing she had to do at her audition. Blimey! An Epic History of Britain As Shown Through Lego - FrontMotion Firefox.

Sorry to be that guy, but that isn't the "world's first computer".

Blimey! An Epic History of Britain As Shown Through Lego - FrontMotion Firefox

It's Colossus, an early proto-computer; it supported only limited programming and was not Turing complete. It was purpose-built at Bletchley Park by Tommy Flowers to help break the German Lorenz SZ teletype stream cypher, not Enigma. Turing was not directly involved.